October 17, 2024: Guardian ad Litem Training Seminar. Offered in person and via Zoom. Requires additional payment. Email WCBA for more information.
November 21, 2024:Monthly Zoom meeting. Speaker TBD
December 19, 2024: Annual Ethics Seminar. Three hours of CLE Ethics credit will be applied for. Requires additional payment. Email WCBA for more information.
January 16, 2025: Monthly Zoom meeting. Speaker TBD.
February 20, 2025: Monthly meeting. Family Law Update, presented by Atty Jolene Schneider. This will be an in-person meeting only. Location TBD.
March 20, 2025: Monthly Zoom meeting. Speaker TBD.
April 18, 2025: Monthly meeting. Criminal Law Update presented by Atty Adam Levin. This will be an in-person meeting only. Location TBD.
For more information, send email to WCBA at winn.co.b.assoc@gmail.com.
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