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  • InsideTrack
  • September 18, 2024

    'Go for It:' Why You Should Run for a State Bar Officer or Board Position

    It is impactful, deeply fulfilling, and rewarding, and boosts professional growth through learning skills and making connections with colleagues, says Melodie Wiseman. Now is the time to run for a position on the State Bar Board of Governors for next year.
    Melodie Wiseman

    Sept. 18, 2024 – Why run for a State Bar of Wisconsin officer or board position?

    It is impactful, deeply fulfilling, and rewarding, and boosts professional growth through learning skills and making connections with colleagues, says Melodie Wiseman.

    Wiseman is chair of the State Bar's Board of Governors, a member of the board’s Strategic Planning Committee and chair of the Executive Committee. She is also a past president of the State Bar Nonresident Lawyers Division and volunteers as a mentor for law students and new lawyers.

    Service Boosts Your Professional Skills

    “It has broadened my knowledge, expanded my professional network, and connected me with like-minded involved leaders in our community,” Wiseman said. “The experience has honed my leadership skills, such as strategic thinking, decision-making, communication and public speaking, and my ability to represent members’ interests.”

    “These skills are invaluable to me in my practice as in-house counsel to a publicly traded company,” she said.

    Rewarding and Deeply Fulfilling

    “Board leadership is incredibly rewarding. It allows me to contribute to the profession in a meaningful way, to shape the direction of the organization, and to represent the interests of my constituents (nonresident lawyers).”

    “There is a tremendous sense of accomplishment that comes from being a part of something bigger than my own practice, and I have cherished that,” she said.

    Impact Your Profession, Leads to More Opportunities

    “Serving on the board gives me an opportunity to mindfully influence our profession. Representing the interests of nonresident lawyers has been incredibly rewarding,” Wiseman said.

    “It has also given me the opportunity to contribute in unexpected ways. When I began serving on the Nonresident Lawyers Division Board, I had no idea that I would, one day, be serving on the State Bar Board of Governors. That work led into my new responsibilities this year as chair – a member at large of the board.”

    Why You Should ‘Go for It’

    If someone is considering running for a board or officer position, Wiseman says “go for it.”

    “It is an opportunity to make a real difference – not merely for your own professional interests or development, but to shape the profession as a whole,” she says.

    “Beyond the growth, it has been a deeply fulfilling experience. You will build lasting relationships, expand your perspectives, build experience as a member of a governing body, and gain perspectives that will enrich your career and personal life.”

    “If you are passionate about giving back, the law, and leading, there is truly no better way to do it,” Wiseman says.

    The Opportunity Is Here: Now Is the Time

    The State Bar of Wisconsin is looking for leaders in service to the State Bar of Wisconsin and the legal profession, specifically, candidates ​​for the positions of president-elect, treasurer, and Judicial Council member for the 2025-26 fiscal year.

    To apply, submit your expression of interest to the Nominations Committee by Oct. 18, 2024, via an email to Kim Jansen at

    Join State Bar Leadership: Nominations Accepted Through Oct. 18 for Officer Candidates and Through March 1 for Board of Directors Petitions

    The officer positions up for election for 2025-26 are president-elect, treasurer, and Judicial Council representative. You can also submit a petition for a district position on the State Bar’s Board of Governors. Those elected take office July 1, 2025.

    If you are interested in nominating yourself (a perfectly acceptable practice) or nominating someone else to run for State Bar office, contact Kim Jansen at

    Important Dates

    • Oct. 18 – Deadline for officer nominations to Nomination Committee

    • March 1 – Deadline for Board of Governors’ petitions

    Find out about other State Bar leadership opportunities through divisions, sections, and committees.

    Learn more about State Bar leadership opportunities on

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