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  • InsideTrack
    March 12, 2025

Labor & Employment Blog 
Title VII Damage Cases in the Seventh Circuit Since Muldrow
Muldrow v. City of St. Louis relaxed the requirements for demonstrating “harm” in Title VII discrimination cases. Martin C. Kuhn examines Muldrow’s impact on such cases in the Seventh Circuit, including those cases where courts have declined to apply or extend Muldrow.

Justice Hagedorn Opines that There Are No Procedural Bars to Disclosure Under Public Records Laws
Justice Hagedorn opines in a solo concurrence in Wis. Voter Alliance v. Secord that the common-law legal requirements for a writ of mandamus do not affect public records cases.

Public Utilities Blog 
Does Standalone Energy Storage Have a Place in Wisconsin Law?
Energy storage is taking the energy word by storm, so much so that standalone energy storage projects are becoming commonplace. Orrie Walsvik and law student Scout Devoti discuss how standalone projects may fit into Wisconsin’s regulatory scheme.

Rotunda Report 
Civil Legal Aid Funding Campaign Has a New Home
The State Bar has created a one-stop website to help keep members informed and engaged on the campaign to increase state funding for civil legal needs. Visit to learn more.

Ethical Dilemmas 
Ethical Dilemma
Can I Charge a Contingent Fee in a Probate Matter?
When a probate client suggests paying a contingency fee – a small percentage of the gross value of the estate – in lieu of paying your hourly rate, is it OK to say yes?

Newly Supplemented 
Help Your Business Clients with PINNACLE's LLCs and LLPs Handbook – Newly Supplemented
Does your business client need an LLC, LLP, C or S corporation, or partnership? With the information in 'LLCs and LLPs: A Wisconsin Handbook' from State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE, you can help them achieve their dreams for their businesses.

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