Vol. 75, No. 6, June
Insurance Coverage in Construction Claims
Skillful drafting of the complaint can trigger or
avoid insurance coverage in garden-variety construction claims.
by Michael G. Laskis
isconsin attorneys are often asked to
pursue claims based on construction deficiencies against contractors,
subcontractors, and materials suppliers. This article outlines some of
the most common ways in which insurance coverage can be triggered or
avoided when garden-variety construction claims are prosecuted in court
in Wisconsin.1
Determine Whether to Pursue Coverage
When the target of the claim is insolvent or the claim is otherwise
potentially uncollectible, the claimant's attorney should do his or her
best to fashion a demand or complaint that will require the target's
commercial liability insurance carrier to cover the claim. If the target
of the claim is clearly collectible, however, the attorney must
determine if it is wise to trigger insurance coverage. If coverage is
triggered, the insurer can help fund a settlement or pay a judgment. But
consider that once coverage is triggered, the insurance company will be
required to defend the claim at its expense and the insured's staying
power will increase.2 Consider too that if
the insurer initially provides a defense but at the same time seeks a
declaratory judgment establishing that coverage is not available, the
consequent litigation delays and added costs of contesting coverage
issues may more than offset the potential benefit of securing a recovery
from the insurer.3 This most often will be
true if the arguments for coverage are weak and the insurer,
accordingly, is likely to prevail if it seeks declaratory relief. Each
case turns on its own facts and requires a careful analysis by
claimant's counsel.
In many cases, insurance coverage is not controlled by the underlying
facts but rather by the specific claims that counsel elects to pursue on
the client's behalf. Accordingly, in deciding whether a particular claim
should be pursued, it is critical that counsel fully consider whether
the claim likely will be covered by the target defendant's liability
In Wisconsin, as in most states, an insurer generally must defend its
insured contractor, subcontractor, or supplier if the complaint alleges
facts that fairly show that as a result of the insured's action or
inactions 1) "property damage" was triggered by an "occurrence," as such
terms are used in the Commercial General Liability policy form (CGL),
and 2) such property damage is not subject to one of the many "business
risk" exclusions included in the CGL. Most CGL insurance in the United
States is written on standard forms promulgated by the Insurance
Services Office Inc.4
Insurers face several obstacles if they deny coverage in the face of
a complaint that has been well crafted to trigger coverage. Coverage
clauses are interpreted broadly in favor of the insured. If there is a
possibility of recovery on any covered claim, an insurer must provide a
defense to the entire lawsuit, even if other allegations are
not covered by insurance. Exclusions are to be narrowly construed
against insurers and all ambiguities therein are to be resolved against
them.5 If the insurer wrongfully fails to
provide a defense, it is responsible for all resulting damages to the
insured; in some cases, the insured also may be able to recover attorney
fees it incurred in establishing coverage.6
On the other hand, in resolving whether a claim is covered by
insurance, courts will not engage in mind reading. They will not
speculate as to what damages or injuries a plaintiff might have pleaded
had it been more careful or specific.7
Typical Fact Pattern
For example, assume that your client hired a general contractor to
build a swimming pool. The contractor subcontracted with an excavator to
clear and fill the site before the pool was installed, but otherwise
handled the work with its own forces. The contractor purchased concrete
for the pool from a local supplier. Your client separately contracted
with a landscaper to provide a brick patio around the pool. The pool has
cracked and its sidewalls have buckled, resulting in damage to the
surrounding patio.
After speaking with your client, reviewing relevant documents, and
checking with potential expert witnesses, you may not yet be certain
exactly what caused the pool to fail and whether the poor design or
workmanship of the contractor, the excavator, or the concrete supplier
was solely or primarily responsible for the failure. In such case, as
explained below, you are free to select your target defendant or
defendants and frame the allegations of your complaint to trigger or
avoid insurance coverage so long as the basic facts alleged in your
complaint are made in good faith and, even if made on information and
belief, are reasonably grounded in fact after due inquiry on your
Avoiding Coverage
Following the example above, if the contractor is financially sound
and you do not want otherwise to trigger insurance coverage, it would be
best to commence suit only against the general contractor and to allege
only that your client had suffered damage to the pool furnished by the
contractor as a result of its failure to complete the pool in a
workmanlike manner as expressly or impliedly warranted and otherwise
required by your client's agreement with it.
You would do this because, to paraphrase the CGL, the CGL expressly
excludes coverage of property damage to real property on which the
general contractor or its subcontractors were working if the damage
arose out of such work while it was being performed. The CGL's so-called
"business risk" exclusions reflect the common sense notion that
liability insurance is intended to insure against accidents or other
unexpected events that cause bodily injury or property damage to
property other than the contractor's work itself and not to serve as a
performance bond that protects the contractor against its poor
workmanship and other breaches of its contractual obligations.9
Since the allegations of your client's complaint would fall squarely
within the business risk exclusions, the contractor's CGL insurer would
likely and correctly deny coverage if the contractor tendered your
client's claim to it.
Triggering Coverage
Assume that you want to trigger insurance coverage. Under the facts
outlined above, there may be at least three ways to do this.
First, you might expand the complaint to allege damage not only to
the pool but also to the surrounding patio. Because the patio damage
constitutes work on which the insured contractor was not "performing
operations" (the CGL language), the exclusions no longer likely apply -
at least not to the claim for patio damage. Even though CGL coverage
likely extends to only a small portion of your client's total claims,
the CGL insurer would be required to defend all of the claims and would,
in the author's experience, fund all or a substantial part of a
settlement in the usual case.
Michael G.
Laskis, Harvard 1973, is the managing partner of the Madison office of
Foley & Lardner. He represents medical clinics, HMOs, advanced
technology companies, contractors, and engineering firms. He also bills
himself as Wisconsin's super golf lawyer.
In order to establish that your client's losses were covered by an
"occurrence" within the meaning of the CGL, facts permitting, you should
be careful to allege that such losses resulted from an "accident" or
exposure to conditions that were neither expected nor intended from the
standpoint of the insured. In the case of your client's pool, you would
allege that suddenly the pool cracked, the pool walls buckled, and
portions of the patio gave way, cracked, and sank as a result of
settling and use of poorly mixed concrete.10 Also, you would be careful to allege that the
pool cracks and buckled pool walls caused "physical injury" to the patio
and resulted in loss of use of the patio for a time, thereby bringing
the claim squarely within the CGL's description of "property
Second, depending on the facts, you may be able to add allegations
that the property damage first manifested itself after your
client accepted the pool and began using it and was caused, in part, by
the excavation subcontractor's failure to adequately compact the fill
supporting the pool. Because the damage arose after the
contractor completed its work, your client's claim falls within the
"products completed operations hazard" exclusion or "PCOH" of the CGL.
The business risk exclusions of the CGL do not extend to subcontractors
(such as the excavator) in the case of damages falling within the PCOH.
Consequently, coverage would be triggered. Indeed, under these
circumstances, when the damage occurred after work had been completed on
the project, the CGL insurer has essentially undertaken to guarantee the
workmanship of all subcontractors' work.
The Wisconsin courts have expressly acknowledged that the
subcontractor exceptions to the PCOH exclusion are surprisingly far
"We realize that under our holding a general contractor who contracts
out all the work to subcontractors, remaining on the job in a merely
supervisory capacity, can ensure complete coverage for faulty
workmanship. However, it is not our holding that creates this result: it
is the addition of the new language to the policy. We have not made the
policy closer to a performance bond for general contractors, the
insurance industry has."11
Third, assume that the general contractor is out of business and did
not carry insurance. Even if the damage to the pool and patio manifested
itself while the work was still in progress and, therefore, did not fall
within the products completed operations hazard, you could consider
joining the excavation subcontractor or the concrete supplier in the
action in order to trigger insurance coverage. If deficiencies in these
subcontractors' work or materials caused damage to the work or property
of others, in whole or in part, their policies likely will afford
coverage. Triggering coverage in the case of a subcontractor or supplier
often is easier than in the case of the primary contractor because
subcontractor or supplier activities more typically cause damage to the
work or property of others, such as the work or property of the general
contractor, other subcontractors, or the owner.
An owner's direct claim against a subcontractor should carefully
allege physical injury to property outside the work of the subcontractor
or the loss of use of such property. In the case of your client's pool,
you should allege that the excavator's failure to properly compact the
soil beneath the pool resulted in physical injury to the pool structure
itself and to the patio. Using this strategy requires a particularly
careful analysis of the underlying facts. It may not be enough to
trigger coverage under the excavator's policy if the pool or patio would
be damaged in the course of redoing the excavator's work if the
excavator's work did not itself damage the pool or patio. In such a
situation there may not be coverage because the repair or replacement of
the pool or patio would be "directly related to the repair and
replacement of the defective work."12
When insurance coverage is desired, your client also should consider
joining the insurer of the general contractor or subcontractor in the
underlying action, pursuant to Wis. Stat. section 632.24.
Economic Loss Doctrine
A "pure economic loss" occurs when a seller delivers a defective
product and there is no resulting personal injury or injury to property
other than to the product itself.13 If your
client contracted for construction of a swimming pool and the pool
builder supplied a pool that cracked and leaked, and if there was no
resulting damage to property other than to the pool itself, such as the
patio, your client would have suffered a pure economic loss. Such losses
usually are measured by the cost of remedying the defect and, in
commercial cases, often by resulting loss of profits.14 When the damages resulting from a breach of
contract are limited to economic loss, the injured party may recover
only in contract and not in tort, and such recovery may be reasonably
limited by the terms of the contract.15 In
many cases, contract boilerplate language includes provisions limiting a
party's liability for breach to the cost of replacement or repair of the
defective product and expressly excluding recovery of lost profits or
other consequential damages.16
The Wisconsin Court of Appeals has construed the business law
exclusions of the CGL policy to eliminate coverage of economic loss
resulting from a contractor's breach of a construction contract.17 In construction cases, if a claimant desires to
avoid application of the economic loss doctrine and thereby help trigger
insurance coverage, it is important that the claimant's theories of
recovery be framed in tort rather than based on breach of contract and
that the damages for which recovery is sought include damages to
property other than to the work furnished by the contractor.18
Given that there is no privity of contract between an owner and a
subcontractor or between the owner and a supplier to a contractor or
subcontractor, avoiding economic loss doctrine issues ordinarily will be
relatively easy to achieve when an owner brings a claim directly against
a subcontractor or such a supplier.19
Conversely, when your client is seeking to secure application of the
economic loss doctrine and thereby avoid insurance coverage, the
client's claim should be pleaded as a pure breach of contract claim
against the general contractor.
In summary, each case is different and turns on its facts. While the
CGL is a standard form, the form was revised substantially in 1966,
1973, and 1986 and cases that construe earlier versions of the form
should, accordingly, be used cautiously.
Although insurance companies are reluctant to deny coverage in close
cases, in most situations, insurance coverage can be triggered or
avoided through skillful drafting of the complaint. The key is
anticipating and addressing insurance coverage issues before the
complaint is drafted rather than afterward, when it may be too late to
accomplish your client's goals.
1For a more
detailed analysis of the issues addressed in this article, see Owen J.
Shean and Douglas L. Patin, Construction Insurance: Coverages and
Disputes (1994); 9 Lee R. Russ & Thomas F. Segalla, Couch
on Insurance, sec. 129.11 et seq. (3d ed. 1997); and Allen D.
Windt, Insurance Claims and Disputes - Representation of Insurance
Companies and Insureds, secs. 11.10 and 11.10A (4th ed. 2001).
2See Bradley
Corp. v. Zurich Ins. Co., 984 F. Supp. 1193, 1198 (E.D. Wis.
3See Elliott
v. Donahue, 169 Wis. 2d 310, 316-25, 485 N.W.2d 403, 405-09
4See Wisconsin
Label Corp. v. Northbrook Prop. & Cas. Ins. Co., 2000 WI 26,
233 Wis. 2d 314, 607 N.W.2d 276.
5See Mooren v.
Economy Fire & Cas. Co., 230 Wis. 2d 624, 632, 601 N.W.2d 853,
856 (Ct. App. 1999).
Elliott, 169 Wis. 2d at 322-24, 485 N.W.2d at 408-09; but see
Reid v. Benz, 2001 WI 106, 245 Wis. 2d 658, 629 N.W.2d 262; see
also United States Fire Ins. Co. v. Green Bay Packaging Inc., 66 F.
Supp. 2d 987 (E.D. Wis. 1999) (insurer that fails to defend is liable to
insured if there is, in fact, coverage under the policy or coverage is
"fairly debatable").
7See Midway
Motor Lodge v. Hartford Ins. Group, 226 Wis. 2d 23, 36-37, 593
N.W.2d 852, 857-58 (Ct. App. 1999) (coverage not triggered because of
plaintiff's failure to specifically plead loss of use of tangible
8See Jandrt v.
Jerome Foods Inc., 227 Wis. 2d 531, 597 N.W.2d 744 (1999); see
also 5 Charles Alan Wright and Arthur R. Miller, Federal
Practice and Procedure §1224 (2d ed. 1980).
9See Bulen v.
West Bend Mut. Ins. Co., 125 Wis. 2d 259, 264-65, 371 N.W.2d 392,
394 (Ct. App. 1985); Jacob v. Russo Builders, 224 Wis. 2d 436,
445, 592 N.W.2d 271, 275 (Ct. App. 1999). Russo Builders did
not involve a standard policy and the result may have been different had
a standard CGL been purchased.
10See Midway
Motor Lodge, 226 Wis. 2d at 31-33, 593 N.W.2d at 855-56. For a good
discussion of how courts in other jurisdictions have construed the
"occurrence" requirement of the CGL policy, see Clifford J. Shapiro,
Point/Counterpoint: Inadvertent Construction Defects Are an
"Occurrence" Under CGL Policies, 22 Construction Law. 13 (Spring
2002); and Linda B. Foster, Point/Counterpoint: No Coverage Under
the CGL Policy for Standard Construction Defect Claims, 22
Construction Law. 18 (Spring 2002).
11Kalchthaler v. Keller Constr. Co.,
224 Wis. 2d 387, 400, 591 N.W.2d 169, 174 (Ct. App. 1999).
12Jacob, 224 Wis. 2d at 450, 592
N.W.2d at 276.
13See City
of La Crosse v. Schubert, Schroeder & Assocs. Inc., 72 Wis. 2d
38, 44, 240 N.W.2d 124, 127 (1976), overruled on other grounds,
Dannen & Janssen Inc. v. Cedarapids Inc., 216 Wis. 2d 395, 416,
573 N.W.2d 842, 851 (1998).
Grading Inc. v. Miller, Bradford & Risberg Inc., 148 Wis. 2d
910, 915-21, 437 N.W.2d 213, 215-17 (1989).
at 913-14, 437 N.W.2d at 215.
17Jacob, 224 Wis. 2d at 448, 592 N.W.2d at 276 (CGL
coverage exists for tort damage but not for economic loss resulting from
contractual liability); see also Wausau Tile Inc. v. County Concrete
Corp., 226 Wis. 2d 235, 247, 267-68, 593 N.W.2d 445, 451, 459-60
(1999) ("economic loss" is damage to product itself that has not caused
damage to other property and therefore cannot constitute "property
damage" within meaning of CGL); Vogel v. Russo, 2000 WI 85,
¶ 16, 236 Wis. 2d 504, 511, 613 N.W.2d 177, 181 (insurance coverage
dispute does not ordinarily implicate economic loss doctrine although
economic loss doctrine cases can sometimes involve coverage
18See Tony
Spychalla Farms Inc. v. Hopkins Agric. Chem. Co., 151 Wis. 2d 431,
436-37, 444 N.W.2d 743, 746-47 (Ct. App. 1989).
Northridge Co. v. W.R. Grace & Co., 162 Wis. 2d 918, 938 n.15,
471 N.W.2d 179, 187 n.15 (1991) (privity of contract required for cause
of action based on express or implied warranty).
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