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Lawyer Search

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WisBar's Lawyer Search provides basic information about attorneys licensed to practice law in Wisconsin. The information provided is reported to the State Bar by its members, who are required by Supreme Court Rule 10.03 to maintain current address information with the State Bar. Optional profile information is added and maintained by individual State Bar members. Members can update select profile information by visiting myStateBar at the top of this site or contacting Customer Service at (800) 728-7788 for assistance.

To find pending public disciplinary cases or to view public disciplinary histories regarding a specific attorney, visit the Wisconsin Court System's database.

Advanced Filters

Need Help?

This advanced search gives you nine filters to use when conducting a search for a Wisconsin-licensed lawyer. Use one of the following filters, or any combination, to narrow your search. The more information you add, the easier it is to get the desired results.

General keyword search

  • Keyword - This keyword search is a broad search, looking for information in a database of more than 24,000 Wisconsin-licensed lawyers. This is where you could enter a lawyer's name (or part of a name), organization, state, country, or street name. When searching by state, use the two-letter abbreviation for quicker results.

    If the lawyer you're looking for has a double or a hyphenated last name, like Mark Smith Anderson or Mark Smith-Anderson, the Advanced Search keyword feature works better then Basic Search.

Filter your search results by

  • City and/or County - Need a lawyer in a particular city or Wisconsin county? Try either or both of these fields.
  • Law School - In a convenient drop-down list, law schools are listed by their official names and are organized alphabetically by state. The list does not include all ABA-accredited law schools; only those schools that have graduated current State Bar of Wisconsin members.
  • Other Languages - Looking for a Spanish-speaking lawyer or a lawyer fluent in American Sign Language? Use this drop-down menu to quickly find who speaks what languages.
  • Member ID - All you have is a lawyer's ID number? Enter this information, and you'll automatically narrow your search to a single lawyer.
  • Member Type - Search all Wisconsin-licensed lawyers, or use the drop-down menu to choose from four license status options: Active, Emeritus, Inactive, or Judicial.
  • Graduation Year - Are you looking for a lawyer that graduated in 1970? If you also know the law school that he or she graduated from, use the Law School field in tandem with Graduation Year.
  • Phone Number - Got a phone number, part of a number, just the exchange? Use it to toss a wider (or narrower) net than the use of City or County. Be sure to use parentheses and hyphens, as in (608) 986-XXXX.


Lawyer Search

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