Civil legal aid provides free or low-cost legal assistance that helps people access necessities like health care, housing, employment, and educational services. When individuals have legal representation or receive qualified legal advice, it increases courtroom efficiency, reduces court crowding, and improves public confidence in the U.S. system of fair and impartial justice.
Funding civil legal needs can also bring economic returns for taxpayers. Civil legal aid results in fewer emergency room visits, shelter stays, and police calls for domestic abuse victims; increases child support payments that reduce the need for public benefits; increases job readiness and reduces unemployment claims; and provides safe, stable families and homes for children so they can focus on learning.
The State Bar of Wisconsin’s Board of Governors believes that Wisconsin lawmakers should help cover the “justice gap” by increasing state funding for civil legal aid providers. But lawmakers still need to hear directly from you.
Add your voice to those calling for increased state investment in civil legal aid and contact your legislators today.
State Bar Memos and Statements
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