As in other occupational settings, sexual harassment has been and, as documented by recent news articles and surveys, continues to be, present in the legal profession. To address these issues in Wisconsin, in 2018, then-President Chris Rogers established a task force to make a report and recommendations to State Bar of Wisconsin leadership. The State Bar Board of Governors subsequently adopted the task force's report and recommendations.
State Bar of Wisconsin Statement Against Sexual Harassment
State Bar of Wisconsin Report: Sexual Harassment in the Legal Profession
One of the recommendations was to create an ongoing committee to provide oversight as to the implementation of the other recommendations contained in the report. Since 2020, each President of the State Bar has appointed members to the
Anti-Sexual Harassment in the Legal Profession Oversight Committee.
This webpage was created to 1) provide resources for victims of sexual harassment in the legal profession, as well as for employers seeking to prevent or address sexual harassment in their workplaces; 2) provide information on upcoming State Bar of Wisconsin CLEs and other trainings (or on demand versions of past presentations) which address the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace; and 3) provide a clearinghouse for articles, studies, surveys, tools, etc. from the State Bar and other entities relating to sexual harassment in the legal profession.