Jan. 16, 2013 – When you visit WisBar.org next month, you’ll experience far more than a fresh coat of paint applied to the website.
On Monday, Feb. 4, the State Bar will launch a new WisBar®, the first major redesign and technology overhaul since 2005. The current WisBar, which houses nearly 80,000 pages of resources for State Bar members, runs on outdated technology.
“In Internet years, WisBar is an old house, and a fresh coat of paint can’t solve the cumbersome navigation and technical challenges members experience when using the current site,” says State Bar Executive Director George Brown.
This upgrade is the second of two phases that improves how WisBar looks and functions. The State Bar rolled out a new Marketplace in 2011, a “one-stop shop” for purchasing State Bar products or registering for events.
Fewer Clicks, Better Search
WisBar’s new navigation makes it simpler to find what you need, and the cleaner look gives you less clutter to get through. Visitors to WisBar will find five main categories to quickly move around the site: About Us – forMembers – Marketplace – News & Publications – forPublic.
And, you’ll find current site favorites, like Lawyer Search, Legal Research, and myStateBar, on every page sitewide, which means quick access to Fastcase legal research and PINNACLE® books, seminars, and other downloaded electronic products.
Are you comfortable using Google to search the Internet? Then, you’ll find searching WisBar more intuitive. The enhanced search allows users to search the entire website or narrow searches to specific publications, topics, and date ranges.
Can’t remember where you read the article about the new conceal carry law? With little effort, search across all State Bar news and publications to find it.
A Place for Members Only
New WisBar will feature two distinctive home pages – one for members, one for the public. “Your information needs are significantly different than the public’s,” says Brown.
When you first visit new WisBar, head directly to the new forMembers section and log in. The member home page features daily legal news written for members, while the news on the public page is tailored to the public. It’s impossible to serve both audiences well through one portal, says Brown.
And, as a State Bar member, new WisBar offers you access to unique site features. Explore enhanced lawyer profiles through Lawyer Search, which facilitate lawyer-to-lawyer networking, and thousands of pages of practice resources. Interact with other lawyers through new section, division, and committee group pages or by posting or responding to comments to articles and news stories.
Does your support staff use WisBar regularly to find information and conduct other business for you? With new WisBar, members can register staff online so they have access to much of the members-only content
Five Things to Know About New WisBar
Plan ahead. If you use WisBar on weekends, be aware that WisBar, including Fastcase legal research, will be periodically interrupted starting late afternoon on Friday, Feb. 1, through Sunday, Feb. 3, as the State Bar begins the transition to new WisBar. The new WisBar will be up and running on Feb. 4.
Marketplace will not change. Members will still use the Marketplace to find CLE programs and events, books and publications, online forms, and other State Bar products. And, the new site does not change how members log in to access their PINNACLE Books UnBound subscriptions, forms, seminar materials, and other downloaded electronic products.
Will logging in change? No; you can continue to use your current username and password to log in to WisBar. Don’t have a password? You’ll need one with new WisBar to access member-only content and discounts for State Bar products and events. Visit WisBar FAQs or contact Customer Service at (800) 728-7788 for help.
Log in to access InsideTrack and CaseLaw. Starting Feb. 4, when you receive InsideTrack or CaseLaw Express by email, you’ll be prompted to log in to WisBar for this members-only content, if you haven’t already done so. If you visit WisBar frequently, make it a practice to log in each morning for quick access to these resources.
Call if you need help. If you need help with the new site – logging in, adding your support staff for access to member-only content, or answering any other questions – just contact Customer Service at (800) 728-7788.