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  • InsideTrack
  • April 03, 2013

    April 16 National Health Care Decisions Day Brings Home Advance Planning, Client Guide Gives Lawyers a Tool for Discussions

    The sixth annual National Health Care Decisions Day (NHDD) is April 16. The State Bar Elder Section takes this opportunity to remind lawyers to discuss advance care planning with their families, clients, and communities.
    A Gift to Your Family handbook

    A Gift to Your Family: Planning Ahead for Future Health Needs handbook

    April 3, 2013 – Despite recent gains in public awareness of the need for advance care planning, studies indicate that most Americans have not exercised their right to make decisions about their health care in the event that they cannot speak for themselves, according to National Health Care Decisions Day initiative findings.

    “The Elder Law Section is once again proud to participate in this event along with a broad array of other organizations,” says Ben Adams, Elder Law Section former chair. “We hope that you will participate with us to raise awareness about these important issues across the country.”

    In recognition of NHDD, the State Bar is offering free electronic access to its consumer guide, A Gift to Your Family: Planning Ahead for Future Health Needs, from April 8 to 22. Through April, State Bar members also can purchase print copies of the guide for $1, regularly $4.

    Under Wisconsin law, competent adults have the right to control decisions about their future medical care, including the right to accept or refuse treatment, and the right to be an organ and tissue donor. A Gift to Your Family offers practical insights on a range of issues surrounding end-of-life decisions, such as power of attorney for health care, living wills, and organ and tissue donation. The guide also includes state forms to help people put their wishes in writing.

    Special Offers Available in April

    Free electronic access to A Gift for Your Family is available between April 8 and April 22 at WisBar’s life planning web page.

    State Bar members also can purchase print copies of A Gift for Your Family for $1 each, plus tax and shipping, through April 30. To receive this special offer, call the State Bar at (800) 728-7788 or (608) 257-3838. When ordering online, members must log in to WisBar to receive the discounted price. Members should use code GC0033 to order English copies and GC0126 to order Spanish copies.

    The 24-page A Gift to Your Family, now in its seventh printing, initially was produced in 2000 through a partnership with the Wisconsin Hospital Association, the Wisconsin Medical Society, and Gunderson Lutheran Medical Center. In 2006, the State Bar Communications Committee partnered with the Wisconsin Hispanic Lawyers Association to make the guide available in Spanish. The State Bar has distributed more than 500,000 print planning guides to hospitals, clinics, lawyers, and the public.


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