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  • InsideTrack
  • October 02, 2013

    Get the Answers You Need About Handling a Federal Appeal from The Attorney’s Guide to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals

    You may know your case inside and out, but do you know everything about handling an appeal in federal court? Odds are your questions will be answered in the State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE® Attorney’s Guide to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, newly revised for 2013.

    Oct. 2, 2013 – You know your case inside and out, but the appellate court doesn’t. How do you determine what will be in the record before that court? For that matter, how do you get things into the record? How long do you have to file your notice of appeal – or to respond? How long can your brief be; what color cover must it have? How are motions filed and decided? What are the deadlines? Are the procedures the same in federal court as they are in state court?

    The answers to these and many more questions are in the Attorney’s Guide to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeal, newly revised in its fifth edition for 2013. Available in both print and electronically through the State Bar’s interactive online library, Books UnBound®, the guide is written by experienced attorneys and court personnel. Own this book and see what Wisconsin lawyers have long appreciated about this book.

    “[t]his guide ... gives attorneys a wealth of detailed useful information. When considering an appeal or appeal-related issue, it is the first reference I look to.”

    – Attorney Nicholas Zales, in a 1997 review in the Wisconsin Lawyer magazine

    This year’s revision addresses the latest issues that have arisen in the Seventh Circuit, by discussing recent court decisions and legislative changes. In the revised guide, attorneys will find answers to new questions regarding e-filing, such as what length of a delay might constitute a “late” e-filing, in addition to new court practices related to e-filing and rules applicable to unrepresented litigants. The revision also addresses the effect of post-trial motions, dismissed counts, and mistrial on the timing to file a notice of appeal, as well as the effect of filing a notice of appeal on the district court’s jurisdiction. The book also sets forth the Seventh Circuit’s recent application of the proper standard for prejudice under Strickland v. Washington, 466 U.S. 668 (1984).

    Do your client, the Seventh Circuit, and yourself a favor. Get the guide and get the answers.

    Order Your Copies Today

    Members of the State Bar of Wisconsin can buy Attorney’s Guide to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in print for $179, plus tax and shipping. Current owners of the print book who subscribe to the bar’s automatic supplementation service will receive future updates at a discount off the regular update price. Annual subscriptions to Books UnBound start at $149 per title (single-user pricing; call for library and firm pricing). Current full-library subscribers to Books UnBound automatically receive this update. To order, or for more information, call the State Bar at (800) 728-7788 or (608) 257-3838.

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