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  • InsideTrack
  • June 18, 2014

    From Briefcase to Pocket, PINNACLE Codebooks Now Even More Portable as eBooks

    Successful attorneys leverage strategy, experience, critical thinking, creativity, and diplomacy to produce the best results for their clients. But savvy and skill won’t save a case that’s premised on an outdated, incomplete, or incorrect understanding of defining statutory law.

    June 18, 2014 – Staying on top of statutory and administrative changes – sweeping and small – is essential; and the best attorneys rely on proven tools and systems to ensure that they are never caught off guard by new legislation. In fact, new and changing legislation opens doors to innovative strategies and tactics for the enterprising lawyer, potentially creating opportunities for new clients and business.

    For many years, Wisconsin attorneys have relied on State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE line of “Codebooks” for their legislative and administrative updates. The Codebooks are practice-area-specific compilations of official Wisconsin Statutes, and in some areas, administrative law and other materials. Each volume contains the comprehensive body of statutes relevant to the practice area, expertly compiled, organized, and indexed for easy location of critical information.

    Codebooks Go Mobile

    Portability has been the hallmark benefit of the Codebooks for many State Bar of Wisconsin members. And now, PINNACLE is pleased to offer the full line of Codebooks in eBook format, further enhancing the benefit of statutes at your fingertips.

    The new downloadable eBook Codebooks are compatible with all of the popular mobile devices, as well as many e-readers for your desktop or laptop. The content for each eBook title is the same as the corresponding print edition; but eBook users will enjoy the added searchability and functionality enabled by their smartphone, tablet, or other supported device. For more information, including lists of devices and e-readers, see the eBook FAQs.

    Owners of 2014 Print Codebook Editions to Receive Free eBook Versions

    As a special thank you to our customers, PINNACLE is providing downloadable eBooks to all purchasers of 2014 print Codebooks through July 31, 2014. If you recently purchased 2014 print Codebooks, or have received your title(s) as a subscriber to the automatic supplementation service, and have paid your invoice, your title(s) are available for download from your “myStateBar” page on If you have not yet paid your invoice, your downloadable eBook(s) will be available to you upon crediting of your payment. For more information on purchasing and licensing terms, see the eBook User Licensing Agreement.

    Two for Less than the Price of One

    After July 31, you’ll have the option to purchase PINNACLE Codebook titles in either print or eBook edition. For each, the member price is $69 per copy or per license (pocket editions are $29). But if you purchase a print Codebook and become an automatic supplementation subscriber, you will receive both the print and eBook version of new editions automatically for the already-discounted auto-supplement price of your print volume. Current print owners who are not subscribers can ask to be added to any Codebook automatic supplementation list now for no charge, and when the 2015 editions are published, you’ll receive your print volumes “hot off the press” and payment of your invoice will unlock your eBook download.

    For more information go to FAQs, individual product pages for specific titles, or call State Bar Customer Service at (800) 728-7788 or (608) 257-3838.

    See complete listing of eBook Codebooks.

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