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  • InsideTrack
  • May 20, 2015

    2014 Wisconsin Legal Innovators Urge Out-of-the Box Thinking, Nominating Risk-takers for a 2015 Award

    May 20, 2015 – Last year’s Wisconsin Legal Innovators have a thing or two to say about the legal community’s need to innovate and the positive impact recognition as a Wisconsin Legal Innovator can have on encourging solutions to society’s access to justice problem.

    Mike Gonring: Imagine the Impact You Could Have in Your Community

    Mike Gonring

    “It was great to be part of a project recognized for helping the disadvantaged. That has had more of a profound effect on me than anything I accomplished for a client who could afford to pay.” – Mike Gonring

    Milwaukee Justice Center’s Mobile Legal Clinic

    “The needs are so great in the area of legal services to the underprivileged. Let’s think out of the box and not be held back by the seemingly impossibility of a project. Consider forming partnerships with other law firms or organizations in your area. With the combined financial and manpower resources, imagine the impact you could have in your communities.

    “And, if you do find an innovation that narrows the justice gap, submit a nomination for a 2015 Wisconsin Legal Innovator. A win leads to great publicity for the project, which in turn draws clients and volunteers. And, your creativity encourages others to attack an existing problem with new solutions.”

    “It was great to be part of a project that was recognized for helping the disadvantaged. That has had more of a profound effect on me than anything I accomplished for a client who could afford to pay."

    Beth Ann Richlen: Reward Those Who Take Risks

    Beth Ann Richlen

    “Change is hard, and innovating is risky. No one wants to fail. So, reward those who take risks.” – Beth Ann Richlen

    Northern Wisconsin Legal Advice Project

    “The 2014 Wisconsin Legal Innovator award put Legal Services providers on the map as legal innovators. Since Wisconsin is one of only three states that receives zero state funding for civil legal aid, Wisconsin Judicare, like others, is looking for ways to serve more people with fewer resources.

    “Necessity is the mother of invention. Take a step back and evaluate your processes and routines. Really look at them, map them out, and think about whether all of the steps are necessary. Look at how you can improve these processes for staff, clients, or yourself. And, voila! You are innovating. Once you take that first step, look around you. Your ideas will start to benefit others, your community, and maybe even your profession.”

    “Change is hard, and innovating is risky. No one wants to fail. So, reward those who take risks. Nominate them for a 2015 Wisconsin Legal Innovator award. For me, winning the award is a conversation starter for talking about how pro bono work can be integrated into your busy life.”

    Kelly Twigger: We Need Forward-thinking Professionals

    Kelly Twigger

    “Technology gives us access to the world in an instant – let's leverage that technology to step outside of the norm and make change.” – Kelly Twigger

    E-discovery app, eDiscovery Assistant

    “Our courtroom doors are closing to those who can't afford to pay to play, and it's contributing substantially to the shift in the balance of power across our society. Innovation -- new ways to deliver the value -- is a must, and it starts with lawyers and legal professionals thinking creatively how they can provide that value.

    “Technology gives us access to the world in an instant -- let's leverage that technology to step outside of the norm and make change. If the profession is to move forward, we need forward-thinking professionals.”

    Anne Smith: Embrace Technology. It’s Not Going Away.

    Law and Entrepreneurship Clinic

    “Don’t fear technology. Embrace it. Learn how it can improve your ability to serve clients and your work-life balance.” – Anne Smith

    Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic

    “Our selection as a 2014 Wisconsin Legal Innovator raised the visibility and credibility of the Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic. As a result, we are getting more and better referrals from lawyers statewide. The award energized me, made me feel like our hard work was appreciated.

    “Access to information, the Internet, and other things have changed the practice of law and the relationship of lawyers to their clients. As lawyers, we need to embrace the changing environment and use it to better improve our practice so we can deliver superior, customer-focused work product today and beyond.

    “Don’t fear technology. Embrace it. It is not going away. Understand it, and learn how it can improve your ability to serve clients and your work-life balance.”

    Karen Christenson: Innovating Provides a Measure of Control

    Milwaukee County’s Family Drug Treatment Court

    “Choosing to innovate proves a measure of control over the inevitable.” – Hon. Karen Christenson

    Milwaukee County Family Drug Treatment Court

    “It seems obvious that the rapidly changing world forces innovation. Nothing in the world stays the same, so choosing to innovate provides a measure of control over the inevitable.”

    That’s a Fine Idea! Nominate a 2015 Wisconsin Legal Innovator by June 30

    2015 Wisconsin Legal InnovatorKnow a Wisconsin Legal Innovator? Are you one? Tell us about the people and ideas that are changing Wisconsin’s legal landscape. Nominate a Wisconsin Legal Innovator who breaks with tradition to do it better. The Wisconsin Lawyer will feature the people behind the best examples of legal innovation in the November 2015 issue.

    Innovation can come in many forms. It could mean:

    • New ways to use technology to improve client service or serve a new market
    • Best practices for promoting workplace diversity
    • New marketing/business development strategies
    • New ways of providing pro bono or reduced-cost services
    • Changes in internal operations that result in greater efficiency

    Learn more or find the nomination form at The deadline for nominations is June 30, 2015.

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