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  • InsideTrack
  • July 15, 2015

    Nominate a Solo/Small-firm Lawyer for the John Lederer Service Award – Deadline is Aug. 25

    Nominate an individual, group, or organization who exemplifies the leadership, spirit, and dedication of John Lederer.

    July 15, 2015 – John Lederer saw it as his mission to help solo and small-firm lawyers master skills and technology to build their practices – do you know someone who has the same dedication?

    Now is the time to nominate a person, group, or organization exemplifying the late John Lederer’s leadership, spirit, and dedication.

    The 2015 John Lederer Service Award will be presented at the 2015 Wisconsin Solo & Small-firm Conference, Oct. 22-24, 2015, at the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells.

    Who was John Lederer?

    Lederer was a visionary when it came to implementing technology into the practice of law. He served on and chaired the State Bar’s Technology Resource Committee (TRC). While serving on the TRC, he took on the copyright controversy with Westlaw and facilitated Wisconsin’s universal citation program.

    The universal citation, issued by courts, prevents any company from claiming a copyright on the publication of cases, making them available to attorneys at no cost.

    Lederer was key in creating the Solo and Small Firm Conference and saw it as an opportunity to better the practices and lives of Wisconsin’s attorneys.

    Showing Leadership

    Nominees must show leadership in furthering the mission of the Wisconsin Solo and Small Firm Conference – to educate and support solo and small-firm attorneys as they practice law, manage their businesses, and enjoy their lives.

    Nominees will be evaluated on showing continued, selfless service to projects, efforts, or organizations of benefit to solo and small-firm practitioners across Wisconsin.

    Nominees should be those who have advanced solo and small-firm practitioners in the areas of technology, legal education, practice management, ethics, or quality of life.

    How to Nominate a Leader

    Each nomination should include:

    1. name and contact information for the person making the nomination;
    2. name and contact information of the individual, group or organization being nominated; and
    3. a one-paragraph statement on how the nominee meets the criteria for the award.

    Additionally, up to three letters of recommendation may be submitted from individuals who know of the nominee’s qualifications to receive the award.

    Please send nominations by Aug. 25 to Solo/Small Firm & General Practice Section board member Melissa Mortensen via email, or call (414) 434-9006. Written submissions can be sent to: Mortensen Law Firm, LLC, 11414 W. Park Place, Suite 202, Milwaukee, WI 53224.

    For more information on the 2015 Wisconsin Solo & Small-firm Conference, keep an eye out for an upcoming issue of InsideTrack and on the conference’s website.

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