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  • InsideTrack
  • July 05, 2017

    New: CLE Credit for Practice Management and Courses on Lawyer Wellness

    Effective July 1, lawyers can obtain CLE credit for programs on practice management or that enhance awareness about substance abuse, mental illness, and stress management.

    July 5, 2017 – Wisconsin-licensed lawyers can now receive CLE credit for attending programs on practice management or that enhance awareness and understanding of wellness and work-life balance issues.

    The Board of Bar Examiners (BBE) petitioned in November for the changes, which were approved by the Wisconsin Supreme Court on March 20, 2017, to take effect July 1.

    Practice Management: Up to Six Credits

    The rules will allow attorneys to obtain up to six hours of CLE credit for courses on law practice management, “which may include topics such as client communications, trust accounting, record keeping, applications of technology, and other subjects essential to the practice of law,” not including marketing or profit enhancement.

    Wellness Program: Up to Six Credits

    Lawyers can obtain another six hours of CLE credit for programs “on subjects designed to enhance a lawyer’s awareness and understanding of substance abuse/dependence disorders, mental illness, stress management, and work/life balance relating to the practice of law.”

    On-demand Programs: Increased from 10 to 15 Hours

    The court’s order, 16-06, also allows attorneys to obtain an increased number of “on-demand” credits per CLE reporting cycle, from 10 hours to 15 hours. On-demand programs can be accessed via the internet at any time, rather than at scheduled times or in-person.

    30 Hours Approved CLE Each Two-Year Period

    Under Wisconsin Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 31.02, lawyers must attend a minimum of 30 hours of approved CLE during each two-year reporting period. Of those 30 hours, at least three hours must be on the subject of legal ethics and professional responsibility.

    Attorneys admitted in an odd-numbered year must report their CLE attended to the BBE by Feb. 1, 2018. Courses must be completed by Jan. 31, 2018.

    To find out what CLE seminars and programs are coming up, visit WisBar’s Marketplace.

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