Note: A petition for review of any change in the bylaws will be entertained by the Wisconsin Supreme Court if signed by 25 or more active State Bar members and filed with the clerk of court within 60 days after publication of notice of change.
Certificate of Bylaw Amendment
I, Larry J. Martin, the Executive Director of the State Bar of Wisconsin, do hereby certify that the following bylaw amendment resolutions were duly voted on by the Board of Governors on February 15, 2019, and were approved by a greater than two-thirds vote.
Larry J. Martin
RESOLVED, that State Bar Bylaw Article III, be amended as follows:
Article 3, Section 5:
Section 5. Mailing Distribution of Ballots. On or before the second Friday of April in each year the Executive Director or his designee shall prepare and maildistribute the required ballots to each active member of the State Bar entitled to vote at the annual election. Ballots may be distributed by electronic or regular mail. One form of ballot sent to persons entitled to vote in each State Bar District shall contain the names of the nominees for the several offices of the State Bar to be filled at the annual election, and a separate form of ballot shall contain the names of the nominees for the Office of Governor from such district. If any such person entitled to vote in such election fails to receive his or her ballots, or if it appears that any such ballot has been lost or destroyed, a new ballot shall be furnished to the person. by the Executive Director. TheTwelve noon on the fourth Friday of April in each year shall be the last day and time for voting in such election and no ballots received after that date and time shall be counted.
Article 3, Section 6:
Section 6. Voting of Ballots. No ballot shall be counted unless returned to the
Office of the Executive Director of the Association on or before the last day and time for voting, in an envelope furnished by the Executive Director marked “Ballot.” or in the manner designated by the electronic ballot provider.
Article 3, Section 7:
Section 7. Checking and Custody of Ballots. The Executive Director or his designee shall receive and have custody of the ballots after they are voted until they are canvassed. All such ballots shall be segregated as to State Bar districts from which they are received. The envelope containing the ballots and shall be retained remain unopened until turned over to the certified public accountant for canvass canvassed.
Article 3, Section 8:
Section 8. Canvass of Ballots. The ballots shall be canvassed by a certified public accountant an independent entity selected by the Executive Committee. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes for each office shall be declared elected. In case of a tie vote the Executive Committee shall determine the successful candidate by lot drawn by the Committee. The certified public accountant independent entity shall certify the results to the Executive Director, who shall forthwith notify the candidates and announce the results. Upon completion of the canvass, the certified public accountant independent entity shall retain the ballots subject to be allowed to destroy all completed and blank ballots in the possession of the independent entity on or after August 1 unless notified otherwise by the further order of the Board of Governors.
Quick Reference for Official Notices
Visit the Official Notices page for a quick reference for locating recent official notices of Wisconsin Supreme Court orders adopting, amending, or repealing rules, statutes, or policies related to Supreme Court rules and State Bar of Wisconsin rules and bylaws. SCR 10.12 allows the State Bar to provide these notices to members through print or electronic media, including the Wisconsin Lawyer magazine, WisBar InsideTrack, or
For a comprehensive collection of all official notices, including pending rule petitions, court orders, and other material such as audio of public hearings, visit the Wisconsin Court System’s website or use the quick links on this page. Refer to the Publication Plan for more information on how the State Bar delivers notices to its members.
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