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  • InsideTrack
  • January 04, 2023

    Practical Tips to Increase Your Home Security

    Threats against the legal community are rising, an unfortunate reality. Here are three tips to help you make your home more secure, according to ADT Custom Home Services. As a new affinity partner with the State Bar of Wisconsin, ADT now offers discounts on home security systems for State Bar members.

    Christopher C. Shattuck

    Jan. 4, 2023 – Threats to the judiciary in the U.S. have steadily increased over previous years, according to the U.S. Marshals Service, with 4,511 threats reported during fiscal year 2021, up from 2,847 threats in fiscal year 2017. Wisconsin judges and lawyers are not immune, as we have seen.

    The significant increase in threats to the judiciary and targeted attacks against lawyers, including Wisconsin lawyers, mean that members of the bar should consider implementing safeguards to protect their homes, in addition to office space. Here are a few tips to help you make your home more secure.

    Tip #1: Protect Your Digital Footprint

    “The best approach for securing a home is through a multi-layered approach, starting with the digital footprint people leave on social media,” says Tim McKinney, ADT Custom Home Services vice president.

    Christopher C. Shattuck Christopher C. Shattuck, Univ. of La Verne College of Law 2009, M.B.A. U.W.-Oshkosh 2015, is manager of Practice411, the State Bar’s law practice assistance program. If you have questions about the business aspects of your practice, call (800) 957-4670.

    Social media posts may help people feel connected with each other through the sharing of life experiences with friends, family members, and those closest to them. However, sharing too much information online – such as upcoming work or vacation travels – provides an opportunity for criminals to burglarize homes.

    “Be aware of who can read your social posts and what they may be saying about your plans to be away from home,” said McKinney.

    Tip #2: Make It Look Like You’re Home, Even When You Aren’t

    “Another next step in securing your home involves the more traditional approach to home security while you’re gone – making it appear your home is still occupied,” said McKinney.

    Don’t let mail, packages, or newspapers accumulate. Have neighbors keep an eye on your home. Set up your lights to be active at night, to help with the appearance that your house is being occupied when you are on vacation. And set up video surveillance to safeguard your home, McKinney suggests.

    Tip #3: Look into Security Devices and Services

    For additional levels of safety, consider traditional security protection services, like those against intrusion and fire. Consider pairing them with smart home automation features that allow you to control the climate, lighting, and door access, McKinney said.

    Look into video services, such as motion detection, live video streams, and the ability to review past recordings. “These types of technologies give people the ability to quickly determine whether an intrusion has occurred and contact emergency services,” McKinney said.

    New Discount Partner: ADT Custom Home Services

    In a new discount program in partnership with the State Bar, ADT Custom Home Services now provides discounts for State Bar members.

    ADT is a current provider for the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Marshals Service, and hundreds of federal judges, the FBI’s Protective Operations Team, and attorneys with the U.S. Department of Justice.

    “We understand the need for privacy, confidentiality, and safety given the imminent threat level that faces those in our different branches of government,” McKinney said.

    The ADT Custom Home Services team:

    • provides a comprehensive and no obligation site review, including an evaluation of vulnerabilities;

    • offers customized home security tips, including the ability to remotely shut down water supplies to avoid extensive water damage;

    • ensures that the system’s equipment appropriately communicates with each other to avoid blind spots and to illuminate and capture threats.

    “To provide the maximum level of service and value for the homeowner, we use a comprehensive approach and cutting-edge technology,” McKinney explained.

    ADT Discounts Offered to State Bar Members

    ADT Custom Home Services offers State Bar members:

    • access to VIP service, a concierge level gold service experience, which provides services such same day or next day service on a timeframe that works for members;

    • live answers through a universal agent;

    • a 15% discount on the initial installation fee and labor costs; and

    • a 10% discount on monthly VIP services and gold monitoring for new ADT accounts.

    Plus, members who are existing ADT active customers can also request to be part of the ADT VIP Program for no additional monthly fee.

    How to Find Out More

    For more information, contact ADT Custom Home Services at (833) 238-5749 or email

    Remember: You Have Additional Member Benefits that Help Save You Money

    State Bar membership also helps you with your practice – and in your life outside the office. Visit to find out more about State Bar member benefits and State Bar of Wisconsin member benefit programs.

    If you need help determining the type of software or services you need to power your firm, the Law Office Management Assistance Program (Practice411) provides confidential and complementary consultations.

    In addition, State Bar membership allows qualifying firms to join the State Bar’s group health plan for law firms – for some, at a substantial savings from their previous plans. There’s more for you and your firm: check out discounts on insurance plans covering life, long-term care and long-term disability, professional liability, property and casualty insurance for your firm, and more.

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