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  • InsideTrack
  • September 18, 2024

    West's Jury Verdicts, Bench Decisions, Settlements, and Arbitration Awards

    A selection of recent Wisconsin case verdicts are shared below.

    Sept. 18, 2024 – A selection of recent Wisconsin case verdicts are shared below. The information is provided as a service to State Bar of Wisconsin members in cooperation with Westlaw's® West's Jury Verdicts – Wisconsin Reports, a Thomson Reuters business.

    Featured Cases

    In re A.S.V. (Wis. Cir. Ct. - Racine)

    Vehicle Negligence - Settlement: $100,000
    Parties Reach $100K Settlement for Minor's Injuries Following MVA

    Buchholz v. Schmidt (Wis. Cir. Ct. - Dodge)

    Real Property - Jury: $11,250
    Jury Awards Plaintiff $11.3K in Suit for Private Nuisance, Trespass Regarding Property in Chester

    L.H. v. Ledesma (Wis. Cir. Ct. - Milwaukee)

    Animals - Settlement: $120,000
    Parties Reach Settlement Following Pit Bull's Attack on Minor at Residence in Milwaukee

    State Bar members can:

    • Request a full case summary, free of charge
    • Submit their own case results for online publication in Westlaw’s® West's Jury Verdicts – Wisconsin Reports, free of charge
    • Order a paid online subscription to Westlaw’s® West's Jury Verdicts – Wisconsin Reports
    • Contact West: or (800) 689-9378

    For State Bar members submitting their own results for publication, West will:

    • Send each submitter a pdf of his/her published case as it appears online in Westlaw’s® West's Jury Verdicts – Wisconsin Reports, free of charge
    • Consider featuring the case in the State Bar’s WisBar InsideTrack publication

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