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  • InsideTrack
  • May 02, 2012

    Breakfast & Business Series Tackles Ethics and Technology

    May 2, 2012 – The next State Bar Practice411 Breakfast & Business: Eggs, Ethics and Answers half-day program comes to Hayward at the Flat Creek Inn & Suites on June 13.

    The first session, Ethics and Technology, is presented by State Bar Practice Management Advisor Nerino Petro.

    Several rules of professional conduct require lawyers to exercise great care in protecting electronic information. Because of these additional professional obligations, lawyers cannot rely on the standard of care applicable to other business persons. Lawyers must take special efforts to make sure their use of technology preserves confidentiality in order to avoid malpractice suits. Learn about hidden data, encryption, and many other pitfalls of technology.

    The second session speaker is to be announced

    About the Breakfast & Business: Eggs, Ethics, and Answers series

    The half-day seminars assist lawyers in improving their efficiency in the delivery of legal services and in implementing systems and controls to reduce risk and improve client relations. Topics are related to technology and ethics, and all seminars are submitted for CLE and EPR credits. Breakfast & Business seminars are submitted for CLE and EPR credits. All seminars, presented in two sessions, begin with a hot breakfast at 8:15 a.m. and conclude at 12 p.m.

    If you have a specific practice management issue you would like advice on, Petro is available immediately following the program. Consult with him on timekeeping and billing software, hardware and office equipment purchases, business and financial planning, personnel, operations, or other practice management issues. Call Administrative Coordinator – Professional Services Emily Johnson at (608) 250-6098, or (800) 444-9404, ext. 6098, to schedule your private consultation.

    Tuition is $75 for members, $90 for nonmembers, and $30 for Ultimate Pass holders. The program will be submitted for up to 3.5 CLE credits and up to 3.5 EPR credits.

    Register online for the June 13 seminar or call the State Bar at (800) 728-7788.

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