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  • InsideTrack
  • April 04, 2012

    Out of your area of expertise? Hundreds of lawyers are a phone call away

    We can’t practice every area of the law – or in every part of the state. Our clients come up with a variety of legal issues, sometimes involving matters outside our community. Having a list of lawyers from across the state handling specific matters is helpful for both for information and referrals. – Grant Birtch, Neenah

    When you aren’t familiar with a particular area of practice, the procedural rules can seem daunting. Lawyer-to-Lawyer is a time saver. When I need to make a referral for a non-litigation matter, I usually consult the Lawyer-to-Lawyer Directory first. – Beth Ermatinger Hanan, Milwaukee

    April 4, 2012 – You are a real estate practitioner and your client asks you about estate planning. You are an estate planner and your client asks you about a bankruptcy issue. You are a business law practitioner and your client asks about a family issue. Whether you have just hung your shingle or you have been practicing for years, there will be times your clients ask you questions that are out of your area of expertise. What do you do? Turn to the State Bar of Wisconsin’s Lawyer-to-Lawyer Directory.

    Free telephone consultations

    The Lawyer-to-Lawyer Directory, published annually in the Wisconsin Lawyer Directory, is a handy resource for newer attorneys and seasoned practitioners venturing into unfamiliar areas of practice. Lawyers in this network agree to conduct a brief 10-minute telephone consultation, free of charge, with other attorneys having less experience in that area of practice.

    Lawyers who need a colleague’s advice can readily identify other lawyers who are willing to share their knowledge and expertise. The directory includes an alphabetical listing, and a topical listing that is broken into nearly 50 topics – from administrative/government law to worker’s compensation. The easy-to-use out-of-state listing facilitates finding Wisconsin-licensed lawyers who practice in other states.

    Access the directory

    The Lawyer-to-Lawyer directory begins on page 617 of the 2012 Wisconsin Lawyer Directory and is available online.

    To access the directory online, visit WisBar and click on the Legal Community tab on the upper right side of the screen (just below the Google search window). Members must log in to access the online version. If you have not logged in before or have forgotten your password, click myStateBar to the left of the Google search window. Don’t forget to save the directory to your favorites.

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