April 2004
The State Bar recently updated Balancing Work and Personal Life: Developing Flexible Work Options for Lawyers, a handbook that guides lawyers and employers exploring flexible work arrangements. The handbook, which will debut at the State Bar Annual Convention in Madison, will be distributed to attendees via the convention written materials and available on WisBar.
On Thursday, May 7, the Flexible Work Options and Gender Equity committees will present a full afternoon on achieving work and personal balance. Ellen Ostrow, Ph.D., founder of LawyersLifeCoach™ and frequent author of career-related columns in Wisconsin Lawyer, will discuss strategic career planning and flexible work options for lawyers in her presentation, "Strategic Career Planning & Flexible Work Options."
"The Flexible Work Options Committee, which revised a 1990 edition of the handbook, aimed at the issues that come up for discussion if you are looking at a leave, an alternative work schedule, or a telecommuting arrangement," says Milwaukee attorney Gwendolyn Connolly, committee chair. "The guidelines presented can be useful in diverse legal settings.
The handbook is available for download. To learn more, see the article "Balancing Work and Personal Life: Flexible Work Options" in the April 2004 Wisconsin Lawyer.
Career satisfaction. Ostrow returns on Friday, May 7, 8:30 - 12:20 p.m., for "Lawyer's Toolbox for Career and Life Satisfaction." The program, sponsored by the Young Lawyers Division, focuses on achieving balance between work and life that is necessary for life satisfaction and good health. The workshop offers the reasons for high rates of depression and dissatisfaction in the profession and provides attorneys with skills necessary for resilience, success, and happiness.
To register or for more information about the Annual Convention to be held May 5-7, at the Monona Terrace Convention Center in Madison, call (800) 728-7788.
Inside the Bar