Aug. 18, 2010 – Two State Bar conferences earned top awards for excellence in programming at the ABA Annual Meeting earlier this month. The State Bar of Wisconsin and the Milwaukee Bar Association received an award for the 2009 Wisconsin Solo and Small Firm Conference. The State Bar Young Lawyers Division received an award for its Leadership Conference and special recognition as an outstanding overall division for its many projects and events.

(From left) Marvin Dang, Awards Committee Chair, ABA General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division; Oscar Rivas, Regional Manager for West, a sponsor of the Awards; Nerino Petro, State Bar of Wisconsin; Britt Wegner, Milwaukee Bar Association; and James Durant, Chair, ABA General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division with the 2010 ABA Solo and Small Firm Project Award.
Wisconsin Solo and Small Firm Conference
State Bar of Wisconsin and the Milwaukee Bar Association received the 2010 ABA Solo and Small Firm Project Award for cosponsoring the 2009 Wisconsin Solo and Small Firm Conference. The award, presented by the ABA General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division, recognizes the dedication of bar leaders and bar associations to the practice of law as general practitioners or solo or small firm lawyers.
The awards committee said the WSSCF takes the award home for managing to not sacrifice quality while being cognizant of the changes in the economy and how hard that was impacting the solo/small practice settings offering sliding scales for financial assistance; motivating sponsors to be generous; garnering high attendee satisfaction and creating a well written presentation.
The 2009 WSSFC arose from a partnership between the State Bar of Wisconsin and the Milwaukee Bar Association. The annual two and one-half day fall conference has several goals: delivering top-quality educational information at tax affordable cost, providing hands-on resources and materials, and doing so in a relaxed resort setting that maximizes the opportunity to benefit from 32 program sessions. The programs track four areas: substantive law, practice management, technology, and ethics.
During the planning process for the 2009 conference, the coordinators recognized the effect the crashing national and state economy was having on the target audience, solo and small firm practitioners, and they successfully juggled the seemingly conflicting principles: quality but low cost. Financial aid was offered with graduated rates, subsidies, and sponsorship contribution. More than 98 percent of attendees want to return in 2010 and/or would recommend the conference to colleagues.

YLD Board with State Bar President Jim Boll. (Left front to top) Jill Kastner, president (holding award); Jennifer Wilson; Richelle Balistreri, U.W. student liaison; Karen Seittmann; Jennifer Dye; Steve McGaver; and Michael Balter, MYLA liaison. (Right front to top) Amanda Ashley; Lydia Chartre; Lindsey King, secretary; Lee Turonie; Deanne Koll, treasurer; Hans Thompson, Marquette student liaison; Nick Vivian, past president; and Jonathan Gruhl, president-elect. Missing from photo: Francine Bailey, Joseph LaDien, and William Spangler.
Young Lawyers Division
The State Bar Young Lawyers Division was awarded first place for its Outstanding Service to the Bar for producing the Young Lawyers Leadership Conference last March. The YLD also received special recognition as Outstanding Overall as a Young Lawyers Division for all of its projects and events.
The one-day Young Lawyers Leadership Conference was free to all YLD members. Participants attended an interactive training session to better develop their leadership skills and their understanding of the ways to use their skills to contribute to the profession and to serve the public. A Networking Reception offered the opportunity for young lawyers to meet current and past leaders of the State Bar, the YLD, and members of the judiciary. Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David T. Prosser Jr. delivered the keynote address.
The conference’s goal was to give young lawyers the knowledge, skills and motivation to become active members in the State Bar, their local bar association, and other groups that promote public service.
YLD received special recognition as Outstanding Overall as a Young Lawyers Division for its annual Law Day celebration and for cosponsoring the Wisconsin Wills for Heroes program. Each year, the YLD picks a theme for educational presentation on Law Day and offers “lawyer volunteers” as guest speakers in classrooms statewide.
The Wisconsin Wills for Heroes program provides eligible first responders with basic estate planning free of charge. This gives the local heroes peace of mind of knowing that their affairs are in order should the unthinkable occur. It also gives young lawyers a great opportunity to give back to their community. Volunteer attorneys are trained in basic estate planning and in using the estate planning forms. Then volunteers go to a Wills for Heroes clinic in their local area to help draft basic Wills, Living Wills, Health Care Powers of Attorney, and Financial Powers of Attorney for eligible first responders and their spouses or domestic partners.
The ABA YLD has asked the State Bar YLD to showcase its successes so that other young lawyer groups can learn from what they accomplished.
Related: Chief Justice Abrahamson honored with 2010 John Marshall Award