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  • InsideTrack
  • April 15, 2009

    ABA TECHSHOW: Practice management advisor dispels perception that Wisconsin's legal profession lacks technology innovation

    April 15, 2009 -- Nerino Petro, State Bar practice management advisor, talks with LexBlog's Rob La Gatta at the recent ABA TECHSHOW about the legal profession’s adaption to technology innovation in Wisconsin. In accompanying videos, Petro interviews legal vendors about new product developments aimed at improving lawyer productivity, including STI’s Tabs3 software, Keyscan Inc.’s KS810 keyboard scanner, and Clio’s web-based practice management software.

    “Properly implemented, technology can make a law office run more effectively and increase productivity without adding staff or increasing hours,” states Petro. “Unfortunately, trying to find one event where you can see a large number of legal software and hardware offerings is difficult, unless you can attend an event such as the Wisconsin Solo & Small Firm Conference, the State Bar Annual Convention, or the ABA TECHSHOW held each spring in Chicago.”  

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