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  • InsideTrack
  • October 13, 2011

    CLE program focuses on safe lawyering and practice management issues for senior lawyers

    Oct. 19, 2011 – Pick up some CLE at lunch with Wisconsin Lawyer Assistance (WisLAP) coordinator, Linda Albert, and Practice Management Advisor, Nerino Petro, on Nov. 3, in Delafield. Albert’s topic is “Safe Lawyering: Protecting Yourself Against Ethical, Emotional and Professional Disasters or Worse,” and Petro’s topic is “Practice Killers.” The 10:45 - 2 p.m. program is hosted by the Senior Lawyers Division (SLD).

    Register online at or call the State Bar at (800) 728-7788.

    State Bar of Wisconsin members who are 60 years old or older are eligible for membership in the SLD. Annual membership is $30. Find out more and join the SLD.

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