WisBar News
Governor Walker Seeks Applicants for Judicial Vacancy
Gov. Walker will appoint a judge to the Eau Claire County Circuit Court. Applications are due March 14.

March 1, 2013 – Gov. Scott Walker announced yesterday that that he is seeking applicants for appointment to the Eau Claire County Circuit Court.
The new appointee will replace Judge Lisa Stark, whose resignation is effective April 22, 2013. Judge Stark has been appointed to the District III Court of Appeals, starting April 23. The new appointee would be up for election in April 2014.
Those who wish to apply should submit the following materials:
Complete application materials should be submitted via email to: judicialappointments@wisconsin.gov.
All applications for this judicial appointment must be received no later than 5 p.m. on March 14, 2013.
Potential applicants with questions about the process should email their questions to judicialappointments@wisconsin.gov or call Brian Hagedorn at (608) 266-1212.