Ralph M. Cagle |

Kevin J. Palmersheim |

Sherry Coley |

Matthew J. Duchemin |

William C. Gleisner III |

Catherine A. La Fleur |

Laura Skilton Verhoff |
Dec. 3, 2013 – Ralph M. Cagle, Hurley, Burish & Stanton S.C., and Kevin J. Palmersheim, Haley Palmersheim S.C., both of Madison, have accepted nominations to run for 2014 State Bar president-elect. The president-elect serves a one-year term before becoming president.
The nominees for secretary are Sherry Coley, Godfrey & Kahn S.C., Green Bay, and Matthew J. Duchemin, Quarles & Brady LLP, Madison. The secretary serves a two-year term.
The candidates for Judicial Council are: William C. Gleisner III, Law Offices of William C. Gleisner III, Hartland; Catherine A. La Fleur, La Fleur Law Office S.C., Milwaukee;and Laura Skilton Verhoff, Stafford Rosenbaum LLP, Madison. The Judicial Council representative serves three years.
The State Bar Nomination Committee was chaired by R. George Burnett, Green Bay. Other members include: Michelle Behnke, Madison; Jennifer Stuber, Rhinelander; Kelli Thompson, Madison; and Ave Bie, Madison.
Members interested in running for one of these offices can file a petition, which must be signed by 100 active Bar members, with the State Bar by Feb. 1. To receive a petition, contact Jan Marks at jmarks@wisbar.org or call (608) 250-6106, or (800) 444-9404, ext. 6106.
Board of Governors
Districts 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, and 16 will elect governors in 2014. District 2 (Milwaukee) elects five; District 6 (Waukesha) elects two; District 9 (Dane) elects four; and all other districts elect one. The Board of Governors is the State Bar's policymaking body. Governors serve two-year terms.
To be considered for a seat on the Board of Governors, members must submit a petition signed by 10 active members in their district at the State Bar by March 3, 2014. To receive a petition, visit the Leadership Opportunities page or contact Marks.
Division Elections
The State Bar divisions are selecting candidates to run in their 2014 elections.
Government Lawyers Division (GLD) members will choose a president-elect for a one-year term and three directors to serve two-year terms. Interested GLD members are asked to send resumes and letters of interest to the GLD Nominating Committee, attn: Sonabai Kanhai, by Jan. 15.
Nonresident Lawyers Division (NRLD) members will choose a president-elect for a one-year term and five directors to serve two-year terms. Please note that only active and emeritus-status NRLD members can run for these positions. Interested NRLD members are asked to send resumes and letters of interest to the NRLD Nominating Committee, attn: Kris Wenzel, by Jan. 15.
Senior Lawyers Division (SLD) members will choose a president-elect for a one-year term and three directors to serve two-year terms. Interested SLD members should send resumes and letters of interest to the SLD Nominating Committee, attn: Sonabai Kanhai, in care of the State Bar by Jan. 15.
Young Lawyers Division (YLD) members interested in running for division president-elect, secretary, treasurer, or director are invited to write to the YLD Nominating Committee, attn: Kris Wenzel, in care of the State Bar by Feb. 1 for officer, and March 1 for directors.
Send letters to the appropriate nominating committee, State Bar of Wisconsin, P.O. Box 7158, Madison, WI 53707-7158.
Timing of Elections
Election ballots will be mailed no later than April 11, 2014, and must be returned by April 25, 2014. Persons elected will take office on July 1, 2014.
Editor's Note: This story originally appeared on Nov. 20, 2013. It has been updated to include additional elections information.