June 16, 2014 – Have you registered for the 2014 State Bar Annual Meeting & Conference yet? You can choose from more than 20 programs designed for a variety of office settings, practice areas, and experience levels, earn up to 13 CLE and 5.5 EPR credits, and experience dozens of opportunities to connect with hundreds of Wisconsin lawyers. All this and more in a day and a half on June 26 and 27 at Grand Geneva Resort & Spa in Lake Geneva.
Networking & Social Events
Wednesday, June 25
Come to Lake Geneva the night before the conference, and attend the swearing in of Robert Gagan, Green Bay, as the president of the State Bar of Wisconsin at 4:45 p.m. Attendees are invited to a reception in Gagan’s honor following the swearing-in ceremony.
Immediately following the presidential reception, you are invited to a Kick-off the Conference party from 6 to 9 p.m. Enjoy delicious food and drink. Relax and dance. This event is sponsored by Ruder Ware of Wausau.
Thursday, June 26
Wake up early on Thursday and join your colleagues at 6:30 a.m. for a Fun Run/Walk, and enjoy breakfast in the exhibit hall.
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Connect with Us!
Join your colleagues for one of three networking luncheons.
Nonresident lawyers will enjoy this luncheon – where you can and meet your Nonresident Lawyers Division board members and catch up with out-of-state practitioners.
The Young and Senior Lawyers divisions will host a “mixer” luncheon. To help break the ice and promote conversation, each table will have fun, provocative, and engaging questions to discuss.
Perhaps you are simply interested in a quick lunch and a chance to relax informally with colleagues. If that’s your preference, the general networking luncheon might be the place for you.
Following the first full day of the conference, all attendees are invited to the Member Recognition Celebration, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. This event recognizes individuals who made outstanding pro bono, public service, or law-related education contributions in 2013. Read Stellar Cast of Stars to be Honored.
Next on the social circuit is the Lawyers in Paradise – All Conference Beach Bash, from 7 to 10 p.m. Enjoy good food and cold drinks while listening to the sounds of the Caribbean. Dance to the music of TROPIXPLOSION, a show band that features steel drums, incredible percussion, great vocals, and high energy fun. Join us for what will be the ultimate beach party. This event is sponsored by Axley Brynelson LLP.
Still not ready to call it a night? Join your colleagues for a late-night hospitality “After-Party” hosted by the Young Lawyers Division from 10 p.m. to midnight. All conference attendees welcome.
Friday, June 27
Rise and shine for 6:30 a.m. yoga on the terrace, and enjoy a continental breakfast in the exhibit hall. The yoga class is led by Hon. Timothy Vocke.

Friday’s closing luncheon is followed by plenary session speakers, Karl Rove, former deputy chief of staff and senior advisor to President George W. Bush, and Robert Gibbs, former White House Press Secretary and a longtime advisor to President Barack Obama. Gibbs and Rove will provide insightful commentary as they speak from their White House insider’s perspectives on the political issues of the day.
CLE Programs
Thursday, June 26

Thursday’s opening plenary session features two U.S. Court of Appeals judges for the Seventh Circuit. Diane Sykes was nominated by George W. Bush and confirmed in 2004, and David F. Hamilton was nominated by President Barack Obama and confirmed in 2009.
Draw on the clinical experience of former State Bar presidents at the Presidents' Forum: Practical Advice for Negotiation, Discovery, Mediation and Trial.
Administrative agency proceedings follow different rules than state and federal courts. Learn the basics at Administrative Law Practice & Procedure.
Examine upcoming changes as a result of changes to Wisconsin's New Revised Uniform Partnership Act that are being developed.
In two back-to-back sessions experienced judges and litigators will explore the complex components of trial practice at Trial Advocacy Skills.
Learn about the applicability and impact of the Economic Loss Doctrine on a construction dispute at Hot Topics in Construction Law.
Thinking of opening a law firm? Don’t miss Law Firm Boot Camp: A Practical Guide to Hanging Your Own Shingle.
Environmental lawyers will help you see the legions of unexpected issues that arise when natural disaster strikes, at The (Sometimes Surprising) Environmental Side of Disaster Preparedness.
Learn about practical, ethical, and legal considerations when selecting cloud services at Cloud Computing: The Good, The Bad & The Ethics.
Fitness to Practice: A Complicated Formula for Lawyers addresses lawyer skills necessary to maintain your good clients, your health, and your license.
Get an overview of new cases and new legislation affecting criminal practice at Point/Counterpoint: An Overview of Recent Cases and Legislation for the Criminal Law.
Hear about recent changes and learn about the discovery of electronically stored information at A Judge's Perspective: Tips on Electronic Discovery and Recent Changes to the Privilege and Work Product Statutes.
Learn why it’s important to keep professionalism in mind in your day-to-day practice at Professionalism and its Importance to Wisconsin Lawyers.
Trouble collecting your fees? Don’t miss A Lawyer's Time and Advice Are His Stock in Trade.
Explore the upcoming changes that will affect all business entities and their formation in Wisconsin at Wisconsin's New Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act.
Friday, June 27
Identify important issues and get an overview of relevant methods to address special needs of individuals you represent at Special Needs Individuals, Special Legal Considerations.
Explore the rapidly evolving field of social media law that is trying to catch up with the newest technology at The Intersection of Labor and Employment Law and Social Media.
Learn how to create better relationships with your clients at Building Client Relationships through Better Communication: First Meeting, Difficult Conversations, and More.
Gain a better perspective on the nuances of international practice involved multinational transactions and clients at Adventures in Ethics: International Deals, Politics, and Intrigue.
Focus on legal strategies for dealing with drug and gang houses, chronic nuisances, abandoned/foreclosed properties, controversial uses, and illegal activity at licensed premises at back—back sessions on Proactive Legal Strategies for Problem Properties.
Learn how to help local governments and businesses understand the intricacies of engaging in agreements with an Indian Tribe at So You Want to Do Business with an Indian Tribe?
Investigate whether you can “reprogram” your practice to avoid a no-win situation or to mitigate their consequences at Kobayashi Maru: "Reprogramming" Our Practice.
Hear some practical advice regarding practice management; learn about State Bar resources for practice development, ethical management, and leadership opportunities, and find out how to get involved at Getting the Most from Your State Bar.
Conference Registration
Tuition for the conference is $359 for members, $180 for PINNACLE Silver Ultimate Pass holders, and is included in the cost of the Gold Ultimate Pass. The luncheons cost $25 and are not included as part of the program packages.
For more information or to register.