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  • January 09, 2019

    Connect with Colleagues in Wisconsin: Run for NRLD Board

    Nonresident Lawyers Division (NRLD) President Kathryn Bullon urges division members to run for officer and board member positions in the division for 2019-20. Positions open are president-elect, secretary, treasurer, and five members of the NRLD board of directors. Sign up by Jan. 31.

    Nonresident lawyers, now is your chance to connect with the State Bar by running for an open board position.

    Nonresident Lawyers Division (NRLD) President Kathryn Bullon urges division members to run for division officer and board member positions for 2019-20.

    Open positions for 2019-20 include:

    • president-elect: the president-elect serves a one-year term, followed by a one-year division president term and a one-year past president term;
    • secretary, serving a two-year term;
    • treasurer, serving a two-year term; and
    • directors -- there are 5 board of directors’ positions available; board members serve a two-year term.

    “We hope you will join us,” Bullon said. “Serving as an officer or board member is a great way to stay in touch with your Wisconsin law roots, to meet and work with other NRLD colleagues across the country, and to help ensure that the State Bar and the NRLD serve your needs.”

    Guide Your Division Forward

    As a board member, you will help develop new initiatives for membership engagement with the State Bar, interact with local chapters, and serve on committees that promote the NRLD.

    The NRLD board holds two in-person meetings per year and a teleconference the Monday before each State Bar Board of Governors' meeting. The president-elect also attends these meetings. The president-elect, president, and past president all serve on the State Bar Board of Governors, which meets four to five times a year in Wisconsin. All travel is reimbursed.

    About the NRLD

    NRLD board members oversee the division and promote the NRLD’s mission of helping nonresident attorneys stay connected to the State Bar of Wisconsin and its diverse benefits.

    The board encourages division members to participate in State Bar governance, stimulates activities of assistance to the more than 8,000-plus NRLD members, and makes recommendations to the State Bar Board of Governors.

    In the last 12 months, NRLD members have facilitated relationships between U.W. and Marquette law school students and current division members, to assist law students with job searches and career opportunities around the country.

    NRLD chapters around the country have also hosted local chapter events for members to connect or reconnect with fellow Wisconsin lawyers.

    Apply to Run: Deadline is Jan. 31

    To run for an NRLD position, email a statement of interest and a photo to Michelle Sherbinow by Jan. 31, 2019.

    Your statement of interest is your introduction to NRLD members to let them know your background and why you are running. Some topics to address include:

    • prior service as part of the NRLD, the State Bar of Wisconsin, or other bar associations;
    • your ties to the Wisconsin legal profession;
    • your current practice and career history; and
    • any ideas you have about helping to advance the NRLD’s mission.

    Please limit statement of interest to 250 words. A nominating committee will recommend a slate of candidates for the election.

    About the Election

    Ballots are sent via email to division members by the second week in April. The election closes at midnight on April 26, 2019. Nominees will be contacted with the results on Monday, April 29, 2019.

    Elected individuals take office July 1, 2019.


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    Nonresident Lawyers Blog is published by the Nonresident Lawyers Division and the State Bar of Wisconsin; blog posts are written by division members. To contribute to this blog, contact Emily Kelchen and review Author Submission Guidelines. Learn more about the Nonresident Lawyers Division or become a member.

    Disclaimer: Views presented in blog posts are those of the blog post authors, not necessarily those of the Section or the State Bar of Wisconsin. Due to the rapidly changing nature of law and our reliance on information provided by outside sources, the State Bar of Wisconsin makes no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or completeness of this content.

    © 2025 State Bar of Wisconsin, P.O. Box 7158, Madison, WI 53707-7158.

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