According to multiple online sources, the term “blog” was coined in the late 1990s, combining terminology from its online medium – the “web” – and its provider which, at the time, primarily involved individuals “logging” activities and information for select viewers.
Over time, a cottage industry of “blogs” developed, adding new words – blogging and bloggers – to the lexicon, and morphing into public and private ventures asking the same question: can a largely informal informational platform source and engage the end user, all while enhancing value to the platform?
Now, some 20 years later, in an attempt to answer that same question, we have a new entrant into the blogospere.
The State Bar of Wisconsin Appellate Practice Section announces Sua Sponte, the section’s blog.
Of course, for section members, the section’s other information tool, the newsletter De Novo, has been a long-standing content provider. De Novo is issued multiple times each year and is packed with articles, updates, and content-specific information. It is available only to section members, providing an add-on tool different from a blog.
De Novo remains, with Sua Sponte yet another informational tool with an appellate practice twist.
Indeed, like other State Bar sections, Sue Sponte provides a different tier of content for the appellate practitioner, the appellate bar, and appellate practice as a whole.
And it is with great pleasure that I announce Sua Sponte as live content, for everyone, and yet another opportunity to enhance value to members across the Bar and the general public.
You can find our blog articles in three ways:
If initial interest means anything, Sua Sponte is off to a sprinting start. With a format that will feature guest bloggers each month, many have expressed interest as volunteer bloggers, including new entrants to the practice. Appellate practice deserves a voice. Many voices can now be heard.
To kick things off, a longtime section and board member Shelley Fite has taken the first baton, as it were, Shelley Fite’s blog article blogging about her firsthand experience with the U.S. Supreme Court. (Well, it is more secondhand, as she is in Washington, D.C., for her husband’s oral argument.) It is an engaging, enlightening, and wonderful way to start off this new venture.
So it begins, a sua sponte decision from the Appellate Practice Section, bringing you Sua Sponte, an online blog of content with an appellate practice twist – a venture years in the making that begins … now.
To get started, read Shelley Fite’s blog article. There's more to come, so watch your email inbox and check back regularly.