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  • Rotunda Report
    April 25, 2022

    Legislative Council Establishes 2022 Study Committees

    The Wisconsin Legislature has announced the special study committees for 2022. These committees will eventually propose legislation for the upcoming legislative session in 2023. State Bar members with expertise in the topic areas under study are encouraged to apply as a valuable service to the people of Wisconsin.
    Capitol Rotunda Interior

    April 25, 2022 – The Wisconsin Joint Legislative Council has recently established their special study committees for 2022. These study committees provide a unique opportunity for legislators and members of the public to collaborate on complex issues, with intentions of providing guidance and solutions to the Legislature.

    We encourage members of the legal community with expertise in these topic areas to consider volunteering to serve on a study committee. The contribution of your knowledge and service would be extremely valuable to the legislature and to the people of the state of Wisconsin.

    The study committee topics and scopes for 2022 are:

    Increasing Offender Employment Opportunities – this committee is directed to review existing impediments to employment and job training for individuals who are incarcerated or recently released and to recommend legislation following its review. The committee shall explore ways to expand connections between private employers and potential employees who are incarcerated in state institutions or on extended supervision, explore vocational earned release programs for possible implementation, consider release location flexibility based on employment opportunities, and evaluate other methods for improving job prospects for the offender population.

    Occupational Licenses – this committee is directed to review the current occupational licensing system administered by the Department of Safety and Professional Services. The committee shall review prior recommendations made by the department regarding any current laws requiring occupational credentials that may be eliminated without clearly harming or endangering the health, safety, or welfare of the public. The committee shall also review whether it is necessary to implement systems of review both to determine the necessity of legislative proposals for new occupational credentials, and to periodically review the appropriateness of maintaining current occupational credential requirements. Lastly, the committee shall review options to expand access to individuals from other states to receive a reciprocal credential to practice in Wisconsin. Following these reviews, the committee shall recommend legislation on current credentials that may be eliminated, on systems for review of new and existing occupational credentials, and on the issuance of reciprocal credentials.

    Shared School District Services – this committee is directed to review current barriers to shared administrative or other services between school districts, and explore statutory changes or creation of incentives to encourage efficiencies. The committee shall consider methods for sharing or consolidating services such as district-level administration and personnel, purchasing, technology and data processing, transportation, food service, and building maintenance and make recommendations for legislation. As part of its work, the committee shall study school district structures employed in other states, particularly county-wide school district models.

    Commercial Building Permitting Process – this committee is directed to review the current commercial building permitting process. This review shall focus on the commercial plan review process within the Department of Safety and Professional Services and municipalities, timelines for environmental permitting, and the role of the Commercial Building Code Council. As part of its review, the study committee shall also evaluate approaches in other states and identify innovative and exemplary policies that could serve as a model for Wisconsin. Following this review, the committee shall recommend legislation to improve the commercial building permitting process.

    Uniform Death Reporting Standards – this committee is directed to review the current protocols for investigating causes of death and reporting death, and the uniformity of those protocols. The review shall focus on options to implement more comprehensive uniform death reporting standards across Wisconsin, including the advantages and barriers to implementation of such standards. Following review, the committee shall develop legislation to provide minimum requirements for death investigations and reporting, particularly deaths involving homicide, suicide, child or infant death, domestic violence, maternal mortality, and substance use.

    Wisconsin National Guard Sexual Misconduct Procedures – this committee is directed to study the Wisconsin National Guard’s procedures for investigating and addressing sexual misconduct. The committee shall review the findings and recommendations contained in previously completed investigations into the Wisconsin National Guard’s procedures, with a particular focus on the National Guard Bureau Office of Complex Investigation’s assessment of the Wisconsin National Guard’s sexual assault and harassment reporting procedures, investigation protocols, and accountability measures. The committee is directed to recommend legislation that enhances oversight of the Wisconsin National Guard as it relates to sexual misconduct, ensures state law complies with relevant federal requirements, and amends the Wisconsin Code of Military Justice where necessary.

    Special Committee on State-Tribal Relations – is directed to study issues relating to American Indians and the American Indian tribes and bands in this state and develop specific recommendations and legislative proposals relating to these issues. [s. 13.83 (3), Stats.]

    The study committees typically meet in Madison at or near the State Capitol. Once the committee chairs and members have had the opportunity to discuss the charge of the study committee, a more detailed meeting schedule will be established. As a general rule, beginning in late spring/early summer, the committees generally try to meet at least once a month in daylong meetings with the goal of concluding their work by the fall.

    For more information on the various committees, visit the state Legislature's website.

    If you wish to submit your name for consideration for membership on one of these committees, please fill out the online application. Committee membership will be finalized in the next few weeks, so please apply soon.

    If you have questions about the study committees, contact the State Bar’s Government Relations team – Cale Battles, or Lynne Davis,

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