State Bar announces candidates for 2006 elections
November 21, 2005
Basting |
Carnell |
Thomas J. Basting Sr. and Kent I.
Carnell, both of Madison, have accepted nominations to run for
2006 State Bar president-elect. Basting with Brennan, Steil &
Basting and Carnell with Lawton & Cates were selected by the State
Bar Nominating Committee, which is chaired by former President George
Burnett of Green Bay.
Nominees for secretary are Micabil Diaz Martinez,
Madison, and Gretchen G. Viney, Baraboo. Nominees for
Judicial Council are Jason J. Hanson, Madison, and
Robert L. McCracken, Manitowoc.
"The State Bar of Wisconsin is recognized as one of the best in the
nation, and I am honored to have this opportunity to campaign to be its
president," says Basting. "I welcome the chance to provide my style of
leadership to this great professional organization and to give something
back to a profession that has given me so much."
"I am honored that I have been nominated to run for President of the
State Bar," says Carnell. "I am hopeful that my experience in the
legal trenches, as well as serving on the Board of Governors for the
last four and one-half years, can be used to lead the organization to
better serve all of its members and to deal with the issues that affect
our ability to practice law."
The president-elect serves a one-year term before becoming president.
The secretary serves two years, and the Judicial Council representative
serves three years. Members interested in running for one of these
offices can run by filing a petition signed by 100 active Bar members.
Petitions must be filed at the State Bar by Feb. 1. To receive a
petition, contact Jan Marks at
(800) 444-9404, ext. 6106, or (608) 250-6106.
Board of Governors petitions due in March. Districts
2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, and 16 will elect governors in 2006. District
2 (Milwaukee) elects five; District 6 (Waukesha) elects two; District 9
(Dane) elects four; and all other districts elect one. The Board of
Governors is the State Bar's policy-making body. Governors serve
two-year terms.
Effective July 1, per SCR 10.05(2), Board of Governor districts were
reapportioned based on changes in the active Bar membership and other
circumstances. Districts 9 and 6 each gained one governor; District 2
lost one governor; and Lincoln County has moved from District 16 to
District 11.
To be considered for a seat on the Board of Governors, members must
submit to the Bar, by March 1, a petition signed by 10 active members in
their district. Receive a petition.
Division officers. The State Bar's Government
Lawyers (GLD), Nonresident Lawyers (NRLD), Senior Lawyers (SLD), and
Young Lawyer (YLD) divisions are selecting candidates to run in their
2006 elections.
GLD members will choose three division directors to serve two-year
terms. Interested GLD members are invited to write to the GLD Nominating
Committee in care of the State Bar by Feb. 1.
NRLD members will choose a president-elect for a one-year term, and
five directors to serve two-year terms. Please note that only active and
emeritus-status NRLD members can run for these positions. Interested
NRLD members are asked to send their resumes and letters of interest to
the NRLD Nominating Committee Chair in care of the State Bar by Jan.
SLD members will choose a president-elect for a one-year term, a
treasurer for a two-year term, and three directors to serve two-year
terms. Interested SLD members should send their resumes and letters of
interest to the SLD Nominating Committee in care of the State Bar by
Jan. 13.
YLD members interested in running for division president-elect are
invited to write to the YLD Nominating Committee Chair in care of the
State Bar by Feb. 1. YLD directors and other officers will be elected
during the annual meeting in May, by nomination from the floor.
Elections. Election ballots will be mailed no later
than April 14 and must be returned by April 28. Those elected will take
office July 1, 2006.