Madison attorneys Jim Boll and Jim Troupis face off
for 2009 State Bar president-elect post

James C. Boll Jr.

James R. Troupis
Two Madison attorneys have accepted nominations to run for 2009 State
Bar president-elect. James C. Boll Jr. is a corporate attorney
for Madison Gas & Electric Co. and James R. Troupis is a
partner with Michael Best & Friedrich, practicing in the areas of
general civil trial and appellate litigation. Both candidates were
selected by the State Bar Nominating Committee, chaired by Tom Basting,
of Madison.
Nominees for treasurer are Margaret Wrenn Hickey and Kevin
J. Lyons, both of Milwaukee, Nominees for Judicial Council are
Mary E. Burke, Madison, and Tom Bertz, Stevens Point.
”I am pleased to be nominated by the Board of Governors to run
for State Bar President-elect,” says Boll. “As a member of
the Board of Governors and chair of the Member Benefits Advisory
Committee, I have developed ideas regarding restructuring our
organization to better connect with our members and to convey the
benefits of bar membership. I look forward to discussing these ideas
with bar members over the next several months.”
“This is a time of extraordinary change and ever more difficult
challenges,” says Troupis. “There is, as a result, an ever
growing need for the skills and courage lawyers bring to protecting and
advancing the cause of liberty and freedom. I am honored to accept this
nomination and to have the opportunity to run for President-elect of the
State Bar of Wisconsin.”
The president-elect serves a one-year term before becoming president.
The treasurer serves two years, and the Judicial Council representative
serves three years. Members interested in running for one of these
offices can file a petition, which must be signed by 100 active Bar
members, with the State Bar by Feb. 1. To receive a petition, contact
Jan Marks at or
call (608) 250-6106, or (800)
444-9404, ext. 6106.
Election ballots will be mailed in April. Those elected will take
office July 1, 2009.