WisBar News
October 09, 2009
Administrative offices of the state court system to be closed Oct. 12
Oct. 9, 2009 - Consistent with many other state offices, the Director of State Courts Office and other Madison-based administrative offices of the state court system will be closed on Monday, Oct. 12, 2009 due to state-employee furloughs.
Administrative offices of the state court system to be closed Oct.
Oct. 9, 2009 - Consistent with many other state offices, the Director
of State Courts Office and other Madison-based administrative offices of
the state court system will be closed on Monday, Oct. 12, 2009 due to
state-employee furloughs. The State Law Library in Madison and Legal
Resource Centers in Madison and Milwaukee also will be closed.
The office of Clerk of Supreme Court and Court of Appeals will remain
open to accept case filings, and Consolidated Court Automation Programs
(CCAP) staff will be available to support circuit court operations.