Meet the 2011 State Bar election candidates

Candidate for Treasurer
Nicholas C. Zales [email]
Zales Law Office, Milwaukee
Your Bar Treasurer should be a budget hawk and a zealous guardian of
the bar’s finances. I believe it is important to have a balanced
budget, to cut spending before raising dues, to keep you informed about
how the bar spends your money, and to keep CLE prices low. As Treasurer,
this is my mission. I will work tirelessly to ensure your money is well
spent and keep you fully informed.
These matters have been my mission starting as a bar governor and in
serving as Finance Committee Chair. I received the 2010
President’s Award for excellence in service in that position. As
Finance Chair, I worked to balance the bar’s budget, provide an
unprecedented level of fiscal information to members, and grow the bar
to serve all members, culminating in the FY2011 balanced budget with no
dues increase.
Under my leadership, the Finance Committee:
Brought the FY2010 budget into balance and crafted the balanced, no
dues increase FY2011 budget;
Resolved a long-standing fiscal dispute between the NRLD and the
Crafted a new form of contracts for hiring outside counsel;
Produced a comprehensive plan of fiscal transparency;
Doubled the size of the Dues Stabilization Fund;
Funded a special program for the YLD;
Had Finance Committee minutes placed on WisBar;
Closely reviewed requests for spending, funding fiscally prudent
projects while denying funding to requests that were not ready to be
As Bar Treasurer, I will work to ensure you receive good value for your
Marquette University Law School, J.D. (1989)
U.W. - Oshkosh, B.S., Political Science (1985)
Owner, Zales Law Office, specializing in civil litigation, intellectual
property, family and appellate law (1994 - present)
Judicial Law Clerk, Milwaukee County Circuit Court (1989 - 94)
Admissions: Wisconsin, May, 1989; United States District Court (E.D.
Wis.) 1989; U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals (1998)
2010 State Bar President’s Award for Excellence in Service as
Chair of the Finance Committee.
Professional activities
Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation (WisTAF) Board of Directors (2010 -
WisTAF Finance Committee (2010 - 11)
Wisconsin Judicial Council, president-elect James M. Brennan’s
designee (2010- 11)
State Bar of Wisconsin professional activities
State Bar of Wisconsin Board of Governors, Dist. II (Milwaukee County)
(1995 - 97, 2002 - 04, 2004 - 05, 2007 - 11)
State Bar Board of Governors Committees:
Committee on Committees (2010 - 11)
Board Chair Nominating Committee (2009)
Board of Governors Liaison to Sections and Committees:
Individual Rights & Responsibilities Section (2008 - 09)
Agricultural/Agribusiness Law Sections (2008 - 09);
Communications Committee (2004 - 05);
Appellate Practice Section (2002 - 04).
State Bar committees
Chair, Finance Committee (2009 - 10)
Strategic Planning Committee (2009 - 10)
Professionalism Committee (2005 - 06)
Election Policies Committee (1996 - 97)
Judicial Independence Committee (1993 - 94)
State Bar sections
Appellate Practice Section (2002 - 11)
IR&R Section (1993 - 98)
State Bar divisions
Government Lawyers Division (1989 - 94)
Young Lawyers Division (1989 - 94)
Wisconsin Lawyer Book Reviews
Google for Lawyers: Essential Search Tips and Productivity Tools
(Feb. 2011)
Lawyers in Your Living Room! Law on Television (June 2010)
Recreational Immunity in Wisconsin (March 2009)
The Lawyer's Guide to Fact Finding on the Internet, 3d ed.
(July 2008)
Discovery Problems and their Solutions (June 2006)
The Lawyer’s Guide to Fact Finding on the Internet (May
Attorney and Law Firm Guide to the Business of Law (Dec.
The Attorneys Guide to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals
(Sept. 1997)
Reasonable Doubts: The O.J. Simpson Case and the Criminal Justice
System (Dec. 1996)
Wisconsin Lawyer letters
The Death of Democracy (March 2010)
Contested Judicial Elections Ensure Independence (May 2005)
Convention was magnificent (June 2003)
Featured in Wisconsin Lawyer article
What Keeps You Awake at Night? What should I consider in
deciding to remain in a mid-sized firm or start my own practice? (June
De Novo - The Newsletter of the State Bar Appellate Practice
To Sanction or Not To Sanction: A Discussion of the Application of
Statutes Section 809.83(2) (February 2011 - with Atty. Roberta
Unpublished Opinions - The Appellate Lawyer's Bad Penny
(July 2006)
In Chambers: Sixteen feature interview articles on Wisconsin
appellate court judges and Supreme Court Justices: Abrahamson, Bradley,
Butler, Crooks, Prosser, Roggensack, Wilcox, and Ziegler; Court of
Appeals judges Anderson, Bridge, Brown, Fine, Higginbotham, Hoover,
Kessler and Neubauer (2003 - 09).