Supreme court addresses interplay of contract breach and bad faith in
case of first impression

By Deborah Spanic, legal
June 16, 2011 – The Wisconsin supreme court, in Brethorst
v. Allstate Property and Casualty Ins. Co. (2011 WI 41, June
14,2011), addressed a case of first impression in the relationship of a
breach of contract claim to a claim of bad faith on the part of an
Wanda Brethorst, an insured of Allstate, was injured in an automobile
accident with an uninsured motorist (UM). Bresthorst made a claim to
Allstate for medical expenses of $9,789. Allstate paid the $5,000 of
medical expenses covered in her policy and offered a settlement of an
additional $1,800. Brethorst rejected the settlement and filed a claim
against Allstate for bad faith.
Allstate filed a motion with the circuit court asking that
Brethorst’s contract claim for UM coverage be bifurcated from her
bad-faith claim. Brethorst responded that she filed only one claim
– bad faith – and therefore no bifurcation or stay of
discovery was appropriate. The circuit court agreed with Brethorst and
concluded that a party may maintain a bad-faith claim without first
proving a breach of contract claim as a condition precedent. Allstate
appealed and the court of appeals certified the matter to the supreme
court, and the court accepted certification. See Brethorst,
¶¶ 2-4.
The court was asked to decide primarily whether a breach of contract
claim is a condition precedent to proceeding with discovery in a
first-party bad-faith claim.
The facts of the case
Wanda Brethorst and her husband William were involved in an automobile
accident caused by an uninsured motorist, Margy L. Raymond, who was
highly intoxicated when she pulled her vehicle onto the highway in front
of the Brethorsts. William was driving, and Wanda sustained injury as a
result of the accident. The Brethorsts were insured by Allstate, and
their policy included coverage for injuries caused by an uninsured
motorist, as well as $5,000 in medical expenses. See
Id., ¶ 7.
Brethorst submitted a UM claim to Allstate for her injuries. Allstate
employee Michael Kahn informed Brethorst’s attorney, Timothy
Knurr, that he had assumed the handling of Brethorst’s claim. Kahn
also informed Knurr that Allstate viewed the occurrence as a
“minor accident” and that Allstate “wouldn’t
expect much of any injury and treatment.” See Id.,
¶¶ 8-10.
Brethorst continued to receive physical therapy for her injuries and
provided Allstate with notice of the ongoing treatment. In total,
Brethorst incurred $9,789 in medical expenses. Kahn initially offered to
settle the claim for $1,500 above the $5,000 in medical expenses already
paid. Brethorst responded to this offer with a letter from her
physician, Dr. Jerome Lerner, who stated that while Brethorst had
suffered from chronic pain stemming from arthritis and fibromyalgia
prior to the date of the accident, the accident had resulted in
“acute cervical and back strain/sprain,” exacerbating her
pre-existing conditions. See Id., ¶¶ 11-13.
Upon receipt of the letter, Kahn increased Allstate’s offer to
$1,800 and again referenced the small amount of damage to the vehicle
and Allstate’s assessment that this was only a minor accident.
Brethorst then filed her claim for bad -faith denial of benefits,
alleging that Allstate had a policy of routinely offering sums
substantially less than medical bills incurred in accidents involving
“minor impact soft tissue” (MIST) injuries. She also alleged
that Allstate failed to conduct a full and fair investigation of the
case, failed to have her claim evaluated by anyone with medical
training, and ignored both the medical opinion of Dr. Lerner and
Wisconsin law governing liability for medical bills and expenses. See
Id., ¶¶ 14-15.
Allstate answered that it did have a MIST policy but denied
Brethorst’s characterization of it. It also contended that the
bad-faith claim should be bifurcated from other claims and the
proceedings on bad faith should be stayed until all other claims were
resolved. Allstate then filed a motion to bifurcate Brethorst’s
contract claim from her bad-faith claim. Brethorst responded that she
had asserted only one claim, for bad faith, and therefore there was
nothing to bifurcate. See Id., ¶ 16.
The analysis and decision
The court was asked to decide whether the insured must prove a breach
of contract prior to litigating a claim of bad faith against an insurer
where there is no accompanying claim for breach of contract.
Wisconsin law is clear that to bring a bad-faith claim, “a
plaintiff must show the absence of a reasonable basis for denying
benefits of the policy and the defendant’s knowledge or reckless
disregard of the lack of a reasonable basis for denying the
claim.” Bad faith is an intentional tort, and as such, the
plaintiff asserting a bad faith claim assumes a higher burden than that
required for breach of contract. See Id., ¶¶ 26,
This case presented a new fact pattern to the court and an issue that
Wisconsin law had yet to address, and, as such, the court noted that it
must look to the principles of the tort of bad faith to determine
whether the claim is proper. The court specifically noted that “a
bad faith claim arises from the contractual relationship between the
parties, but is not a contract action.” See Id., ¶
In assessing Allstate’s request for bifurcation, the appeals
court noted that, “the trial court must consider the potential
prejudice to the parties, the complexity of the issues, the potential
for jury confusion and the issues of convenience, economy and
delay.” See Id., ¶ 39.
The court then turned to treatises on first-party claims. It concluded
that there is a need to establish a wrongful denial of some
contracted-for-benefit before permitting discovery for a bad-faith
claim, noting that “First party bad faith cannot exist without
some wrongful denial of benefit under the insurance contract.” See
Id., ¶ 39.
“An insurer in Wisconsin is required to conduct an appropriate
and careful investigation before assessing a claim,” the court
noted. “Sometimes, the insured has the burden to establish
coverage.” See Id., ¶¶ 61-62.
The court summarized the analysis by stating that, “What damages
may be available to Brethorst in the final analysis – if she
prevails – cannot be determined until she has first been allowed
to proceed with her claim – and to proceed with discovery.”
The court concluded that some breach of contract by an insurer is a
fundamental prerequisite for a first-party bad-faith claim against the
insurer by the insured. See Id., ¶¶ 64-65.
Interestingly, the court noted that it reaches this conclusion
“with some misgivings, because we do not countenance bad behavior
by insurers against their insureds.” See Id., ¶
On the issue of discovery, the court held that “an insured must
plead, in part, that she was entitled to payment under the insurance
contract and allege facts to show that her claim under the contract was
not fairly debatable.” See Id., ¶ 76. The effect on
this case was that Brethorst did plead a breach contract through her
bad-faith claim and that Allstate provided nothing to the circuit court
to undermine Brethorst’s story. See Id., ¶¶
Although the court disagrees with some of the circuit court’s
analysis, it concluded that Judge Marik properly exercised his
discretion in denying Allstate’s motion for a bifurcated trial and
a stay of discovery, and it affirmed the order of the circuit court. See
Id., ¶ 86.