State Bar announces candidates for 2007 elections, seeks district
governor and division officer candidates

Diane S. Diel and William J.
Domina are State Bar president-elect candidates for 2007.
December 8, 2006 - Diane S. Diel
and William J. Domina, both of Milwaukee, have accepted
nominations to run for 2007 State Bar president-elect. Diel, a solo
practitioner, and Domina, Milwaukee County Corporation Counsel, were
selected by the State Bar Nominating Committee. Barbara Burbach,
Milwaukee, chaired the committee.
Nominees for treasurer are Grant E. Birtch, Neenah,
Gwendolyn G. Connolly, Milwaukee. Nominees for Judicial
are Catherine A. La Fleur and Beth Ermatinger
Hanan, both of Milwaukee.
"I am honored and proud to be nominated to serve the State Bar of
Wisconsin as its president," says Diel. "I have served the State Bar in
many capacities and appreciate firsthand the time and energy that so
many Wisconsin lawyers have given to create the national respect our
organization enjoys. The Bar is there to help all of us be proud to be
lawyers by ensuring the highest levels of competence and professionalism
among its members. I look forward to the opportunity to help advance the
State Bar traditions of professional and public service into the
"During my years of practice as a government attorney, I have heard
questions regarding the relevancy the State Bar of Wisconsin has for
government and private practitioners," says Domina. "My candidacy is
dedicated to bringing leadership on the issue of relevance for all
members. I am honored to have this opportunity."
The president-elect serves a one-year term before becoming president.
The treasurer serves two years, and the Judicial Council Representative
serves three years. Members interested in running for one of these
offices can file a petition, which must be signed by 100 active Bar
members, with the State Bar by Feb. 1. To receive a petition, contact
Jan Marks at or call
(608) 250-6106, or (800) 444-9404, ext. 6106.
Board of Governors. Districts 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9,
11, 13, and 15 will elect governors. District 2 (Milwaukee County) will
elect seven governors; District 9 (Dane County), three; and all other
districts, one. The Board of Governors is the State Bar's policymaking
body. Governors serve two-year terms.
To be considered for a seat on the Board of Governors, members must
submit a petition signed by 10 active members in their district by March
To receive a petition, contact Marks.
Division officers. The State Bar's Government
Lawyers (GLD), Nonresident Lawyers (NRLD), Senior Lawyers (SLD), and
Young Lawyers (YLD) divisions are selecting candidates for their
GLD members will choose a president-elect, secretary, treasurer, and
three division directors to serve two-year terms. Interested GLD members
are invited to write to the GLD Nominating Committee in care of the
State Bar by Feb. 1.
NRLD members will choose a president-elect for a one-year term and a
secretary, treasurer, and five directors to serve two-year terms. Only
active and emeritus-status NRLD members can run for these positions.
Interested NRLD members should send their resumes and letters of
interest to the NRLD Nominating Committee Chair in care of the State Bar
by Jan. 15.
SLD members will choose a president-elect for a one-year term, and a
secretary and three directors to serve two-year terms. Interested SLD
members should write to the SLD Nominating Committee in care of the
State Bar by Jan. 15.
YLD members will choose a division president-elect. Interested YLD
members are invited to write to the YLD Nominating Committee Chair in
care of the State Bar by Feb. 1.
YLD directors and other officers will be elected during the annual
meeting in May, by nomination from the floor.
Send letters to the appropriate nominating committee in care of the
State Bar, P.O. Box 7158, Madison, WI 53707-7158.
Election ballots will be mailed in April. Those elected will take
office July 1, 2007.