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    • What's Hot, What's Not: National and Global Practice Trends 2013
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    • This report on what's going on in the legal profession looks at national and global market forces that affect the legal services market. The author predicts the total legal market will grow but will become even more segmented, with some less-innovative firms falling by the wayside.
    • What's Hot, What's Not: Wisconsin Practice Trends 2013
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    • Borrowing a page from Robert Denney's national and global look at trends in the legal profession, Wisconsin and regional attorneys and practice management experts weigh in on practice and marketing trends in the Dairy State.
    • Wisconsin's Wetland Reform Act
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    • Recent changes to Wisconsin law, effective on July 1, 2012, streamline the process of coordinating land development with protection of wetlands.




    • Retirement Adrift: Financial Elder Abuse
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    • Investor abuse is at an all-time high and elderly investors and retirees are especially vulnerable. For investors who lose money due to stockbroker misconduct, there are options for recovery through the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority or state and federal courts.
    • P.O.D.s May Thwart Testators’ Intent: It’s What Mom Wanted
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    • Some features of Wisconsin law may undermine a decedent’s true wishes, rather than advance them. Estate-planning attorneys should advise clients about the potential pitfalls of using payable-on-death designations to make changes to their estate plans.
    • As I See It: A Passion for Pro Bono: What’s Stopping You?
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    • We’re all busy, but providing pro bono legal services doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. Here, lawyers experienced with the practical, and sometimes political, challenges posed by pro bono work offer tips to get involved in pro bono work.


    • How to Prevent Financial Elder Abuse
    • March 6, 2013 – Investor abuse is at an all-time high, and the elderly are most at risk. In this video, attorney Jeff Salas discusses how financial abuse occurs, reveals the tell-tale signs of investment harm, and explains how investors can bring claims for harm caused by inappropriate investment sales.





    • How to Collect a Debt
    • Successful debt collection requires knowledge of the relevant rules and regulations. It also requires gathering and assessing all relevant information about the debt, a process that presents opportunities for collecting the amount owed without having to resort to litigation. In this video, Kurt Carlson and Jim McNeilly explain the legal process for collecting a debt.


    • Home Safe Home: Wisconsin’s Castle Doctrine and Trespasser Liability Laws
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    • Soon after passing concealed-carry legislation, the Wisconsin Legislature enacted two other laws to clarify state residents’ right to use weapons in self-defense and land possessors’ responsibility to trespassers. Although the castle doctrine law and the castle doctrine law and the trespasser liability act became effective Dec. 21, 2011, questions remain as to their provisions.
    • PDF Tools for Lawyers: An Apple-to-Apples Comparison
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    • The State Bar’s Law Office Management advisor reviews four PDF products with law-firm-appropriate features and describes their highlights and drawbacks. Don’t miss the helpful chart ranking the products in different categories.


    • 14 PDF Tools All Law Firms Should Have to Maintain Client Confidentiality
    • June 5, 2013 – Lawyers face unique document production challenges, from the filing requirement of courts and other governmental agencies to the need to maintain confidentiality of client information and prevent unauthorized changes to documents. In this video, Nerino Petro, State Bar practice management advisor, talks about the basic PDF features all lawyers should have in their offices.


    • Internet Keyword Advertising: Not a Violation of Right to Publicity
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    • Wisconsin privacy law and intellectual property law protect against the use of an individual’s name for trade or advertising purposes. However, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals in Habush v. Cannon found that such protections did not prevent a law firm from using two competing attorneys’ names to generate advertising on Internet search engines.
    • Revised UCC Article 9: Compliance Tips for Creditors and Debtors
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    • Amendments to Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code, which deals with security interests in most types of personal property and fixtures, took effect on July 1, 2013. The authors describe the types of property and transactions to which Article 9 applies, explain key terms, and provide tips to help you counsel your creditor and debtor clients.
    • Patrick Fiedler: Seizing the Moment
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    • Patrick Fiedler has practiced law in a score of settings. During his year as State Bar president, he’ll draw on those experiences as he works with the Board of Governors to arrive at decisions that are in the best interests of the Bar’s members and the legal profession as a whole.


    • Limited Liability Entities: A Smart Way to Protect Your Law Practice
    • July 17, 2013 – A lawyer or group of lawyers may limit legal liability and minimize income tax and payroll tax costs by forming a business as a limited liability entity. In this video, Madison attorney Joe Boucher discusses why this is one aspect of running a business lawyers should not overlook.
    • Fiedler Ready For Next Challenge as 58th State Bar President
    • June 13, 2013 – Patrick J. Fiedler has come a long way since his first jury trial 33 years ago, and he has no intention of stopping now. Last night, the litigator and former judge took the oath to serve as the 58th president of the State Bar of Wisconsin.




    • Tweets From Beyond: Planning for Digital Property After Death
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    • In this bizarre online world, even people who have no desire to enter the digital frontier are being forced there, with little understanding of the digital property they own and even less understanding of what may happen to those assets if they die or become incapacitated. Planning is crucial. You can even schedule Facebook, LinkedIn, and tweets to post after you die. Think about it.
    • Deathbed Planning: What You Can Do This Side of Paradise
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    • Attorneys can benefit terminally ill and elderly clients by recognizing and assisting with crucial and time-sensitive estate planning issues while the clients are still alive. The authors provide tips to help estate planning attorneys respond quickly and efficiently to elderly and terminally ill clients.
    • An Ounce of Prevention: Minimizing Affordable Care Act Retaliation Claims
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    • Many provisions of the Affordable Care Act will become effective on Jan. 1, 2014, including relatively little-known retaliation or whistleblower provisions. Attorneys and their business clients must know the broad definition of “protected activity” and how they can prevent retaliation claims from employees.


    • A Changing Landscape: The Economics of Practicing Law
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    • Data reported in the State Bar’s 2013 Economics of Practice Survey can guide you in making independent decisions about the business side of your law practice. Here’s a look at some of the key findings reported for calendar year 2012 and what they might mean to your practice.
    • No Harm, No Foul: Proving Damages in Lost Profit Cases
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    • Business litigators must tap their quantitative skills when bringing or defending suits involving lost-profits damages, to ensure clients recover or pay a legally and financially appropriate amount. The authors explain some of the issues to consider when seeking recovery of these damages.


    • 2013 Economics of Law Practice in Wisconsin Survey
    • In this video, State Bar Practice Management Advisor Nerino Petro discusses the 2013 Economics of Law Practice in Wisconsin Survey, recently released by the State Bar of Wisconsin. Petro highlights information regarding typical attorney flat rate charges, private practice billing rates, hours per week, billing methods, and more.



    • Mock Trial. Real Leaders.
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    • Critical thinking. Problem solving. Public speaking. Teamwork. Since 1983, mock trial has helped more than 30,000 Wisconsin students instill leadership skills and lifelong memories. Here are some of their stories.


    • 2013 Wisconsin Supreme Court Review
    • In this video, appellate lawyer Beth Ermatinger Hanan explains why she believes two cases in particular deserve inclusion in her December 2013 article “Top 9 Recent Wisconsin Supreme Court Decisions.” One case deals with surrogacy agreements and the nexus between family law issues and contract principles, the other deals with the standard by which a mental health patient may refuse involuntary medication.

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