Vol. 79, No. 11, November
In the News
New Hires, Promotions, Partners
Lawrence Brewster, U.W. 1991 cum laude, has been
appointed regional solicitor of labor for the U.S. Department of Labor's
San Francisco region.
Gail Buenger, Marquette 2002, has been promoted to
vice president of operations for Aurora Health Care's metro region in
Milwaukee. She previously was director of corporate compliance.
Menge |
Roever |
Susan K. Menge, Marquette 2006, and Joshua
J. Roever, Marquette 2006, have joined the Milwaukee office of
Cook & Franke S.C. as associates. Menge focuses on litigation with
an emphasis on insurance coverage litigation. Roever practices business
law, tax law, and estate planning.
Crumley |
T. Joseph Crumley, William Mitchell 1987, has joined
Bradshaw & Bryant PLLC, Waite Park, Minn., as a shareholder and will
continue to focus on wrongful death and personal injury cases. He
previously was with Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben and the Kane Crumley
Law Firm.
Steven C. McGaver, Marquette 2006, and Erin
M. Patterson, Marquette 2006, have joined Gimbel, Reilly,
Guerin & Brown, Milwaukee, as associates. McGaver focuses on civil
litigation and criminal litigation. Patterson focuses on civil
Several attorneys have joined Godfrey & Kahn S.C. as associates.
Joining the Milwaukee office are Robyn E. Arnold, U.W.
2006, corporate; Debra L. Baesemann, U.W. 2006, and
Melissa J. Malecki, Marquette 2006, real estate;
Andrew S. Oettinger, U.W. 2006, litigation;
Michele L. Racadio, U.W. 2006, securities; and
Kasey A. Wroblewski, Notre Dame 2006, corporate.
Joining the Madison office of LaFollette Godfrey & Kahn are
Bryan J. Cahill, U.W. 2005, Rebecca K.
Mason, U.W. 2005, and Patricia L. Wheeler,
U.W. 2005, all focusing on litigation.
Govin |
Rachel L. Govin, U.W. 2002, has joined Sipsma, Hahn
& Brophy LLC, Madison, and focuses on personal injury law and civil
litigation. She previously was an associate with O'Neil, Schimmel, Quirk
& Carroll S.C., Milwaukee.
Lindsay B. Fasula, U.W. 2006, has joined the
corporate practice group in the Green Bay office.
Marilyn Hamilton, Georgia State 1995, has become an
attorney-advisor with the Social Security Administration Office of
Disability Adjudication & Review, Charleston, W. Va.
Gumina |
Joseph E. Gumina, William Mitchell 1990, has joined
the labor and employment practice in the Milwaukee office of Whyte
Hirschboeck Dudek S.C.
Haverty |
April A. Haverty, Marquette 1999, has been named
director of grants and contracts at the Medical College of Wisconsin.
She previously was acting director.
Aaron E. Kornblum, U.W. 1996, has been appointed
senior attorney in the legal and corporate affairs division of Microsoft
Corp., Redmond, Wash., and will continue to lead the company's Internet
safety enforcement strategies against spammers, phishers, and
Jennifer A.B. Kreil, Notre Dame 2003 summa cum
laude, has joined Meissner Tierney Fisher & Nichols S.C., Milwaukee,
as an associate and will practice in civil and business litigation. She
previously was law clerk to the Hon. Lynn Adelman, U.S. District Judge
for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.
Richard M. Lavers, Michigan 1972, has been named
chief executive officer of Coachmen Industries Inc., Elkhart, Ind. He
previously was chief financial officer at the company.
Kerrie L. Liedtke, Iowa 2001, has joined Omholt
& Forsythe S.C., Iola. She previously was with O'Connor & Thomas
P.C., Dubuque, Iowa.
Anne L. De Leo, U.W. 1975, has become a shareholder
in Nelson, Irvings & Waeffler S.C., Wauwatosa. Carol J.
Wessels, U.W. 1988, has joined the firm as of counsel. Both
attorneys will continue to concentrate on issues of concern to elderly
and disabled persons and their families.
Neuser |
Mark A. Neuser, U.W. 1997 Order of the Coif, has
joined Boardman Law Firm LLP, Madison, as an associate and practices in
municipal, energy, and telecommunications law.
Peirce |
Benjamin J. Peirce, U.W. 2006 cum laude, has joined
Boyle Fredrickson Newholm Stein & Gratz S.C., Milwaukee, as an
associate and will focus on intellectual property matters.
Six attorneys have been promoted to partner at the Milwaukee office
of Quarles & Brady LLP. Keith A. Bruett, Marquette
1998, and W. Brian Gaschler, Chicago 1998, focus on
commercial litigation. Jeffrey D. Peelen, Georgetown
1998, focuses on public finance matters. Douglas J.
Tucker, Northwestern 1993, focuses on corporate services.
Steven J. Wietrzny, U.W. 1998, focuses on intellectual
property. Judith A. Williams-Killackey, U.W. 1997,
focuses on labor and employment.
Phelps |
Erik J. Phelps, George Washington 1997, has joined
the Madison office of Michael Best & Friedrich LLP as a partner in
the business practice group and focuses on technology-related
transactional work. He previously was with Lands' End.
Jessica Swietlik, Marquette 2006 cum laude, has
joined Simpson & Deardorff S.C., Milwaukee, as an associate and
focuses on personal injury defense and insurance coverage
Simon |
Sonja K. Simon (Serron), Marquette 1989, has been
promoted to general counsel and director of human resources at Symbiont,
West Allis, and focuses on construction and contract law, environmental
law, and human resource matters.
Ann K. Chandler, Marquette 1987, and Susan
J. Marguet, Indiana 1980, have become partners in the Delafield
office of Weiss Berzowski Brady LLP. Chandler practices in real estate
law. Marguet practices in real estate, litigation, and municipal
Conta |
Mullaney |
Frazier |
DiUlio |
Hernandez |
Five attorneys have joined von Briesen & Roper s.c., Milwaukee.
Jeffrey J.P. Conta, Marquette 1992, and Peter
F. Mullaney, Marquette 1985 magna cum laude, are shareholders
in the litigation and risk management practice group. Michelle
Bergholz Frazier, Minnesota 1998, has rejoined the firm as a
principal associate in the health care practice group. Nicholas
R. DiUlio, U.W. 2006, is an associate in the litigation and
risk management practice group. Dyan Hernandez, Iowa
2006, is an associate in the health care practice group.
Mergers, Relocations, New
Timothy R. Young, Northwestern 1973, Julie
M. Maslowsk, Marquette 1999, and John W.
Schuster, Iowa 2004, have formed Young, Schuster &
Maslowski LLP, 600 S. Main St., Suite 301, Oshkosh. Young has a
general practice with an emphasis in divorce and family law. Maslowski
focuses on estate planning. Schuster concentrates on corporate and real
estate law.
Appointments, Elections
The Calumet County Bar Association has elected the following
officers: president - Pamela A. Captain, Chilton; vice
president - Gordon E. Stillings, Neenah; and
secretary/treasurer - James R. Ungrodt, Kiel.
Jennifer Lee Edmondson, U.W. 1986, has been elected
president of the board for the Fox Valley Youth Ballet Theatre. She is
with Edmondson Law Office, Appleton.
Morton Grodsky, Cincinnati 1970, has been appointed
a Milwaukee County court commissioner by circuit court judge David A.
Hildebrand |
Daniel W. Hildebrand, U.W. 1964, has been appointed
to the ABA Amicus Curiae Briefs Committee. He is a senior member of the
litigation practice group at DeWitt Ross & Stevens, Madison.
Jerome M. Janzer, Marquette 1982, has been appointed
president and CEO of Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c., Milwaukee. He
focuses on business, real estate, and finance law.
Jacob L. Schrinsky, Marquette 1999, has been named
to the board of Community Projects Committee Inc., which provides social
services and outreach to low-income senior citizens in southeastern
Wisconsin. He is with Jacobson & Schrinsky SC, Milwaukee.
Rebecca E. Wickhem, Harvard 1998 magna cum laude,
has been appointed to the State Fair Park Board by Gov. Jim Doyle. She
is a partner with the Milwaukee office of Foley & Lardner LLP and is
a member of the antitrust practice and the securities litigation,
enforcement, and regulation practice.
Authors, Speakers
James J. Casey Jr., Dayton 1988, has authored
Mayor Frank P. Zeidler: Transportation Development in Post-War
Milwaukee (Am. Pub. Works Admin.). He is on the board of the
National Council of University Research Administrators, Washington,
Douglas H. Frazer, Northwestern 1985, has authored
"Absurdist Humor and the Form-Substance Dialectic in Tax Law," Tax
Notes, Aug. 21, 2006. He is a shareholder with the Brookfield
office of DeWitt Ross & Stevens S.C.
Eunice Gibson, U.W. 1973, spoke on "Fundamentals of
Personnel Law for the Public Employer" at the Institute for Municipal
Lawyers, held in Portland, Ore., in September.
Leonard W. Wang, U.W. 1978, has authored "Managing
Legal Risk in the Financial Reporting Process" and "A Strategic Approach
to SEC Investigations" for the BNA Accounting and Policy Practice
State Bar of Wisconsin CLE Books has published Business
Litigation and Intellectual Property Law, two more volumes
in the The Wisconsin Business Advisor Series. Authors of
Business Litigation are Paul D. Bauer,
Marquette 1997, Quarles & Brady LLP, Milwaukee; Reginald A.
Emshoff, U.W. 1976, Capital Valuation Group Inc., Madison;
Nathan A. Fishbach, Villanova 1977, Whyte Hirschboeck
Dudek S.C., Milwaukee; William J. Mulligan, Marquette
1960, Davis & Kuelthau SC, Milwaukee; and Barry R.
White, Michigan 1989, Weiss Berzowski Brady LLP, Milwaukee. The
book's reviewers were Sean Bosack, Marquette 1997,
Godfrey & Kahn SC, Milwaukee; John Emory Jr., U.W.
1997, Emory & Co. LLC, Milwaukee; Michael B. Van
Sicklen, U.W. 1979, Foley & Lardner LLP, Madison; and
Michael A.I. Whitcomb, Marquette 1978, Michael A.I.
Whitcomb SC, Milwaukee.
Authors of Intellectual Property Law are Elisabeth
Townsend Bridge, Nebraska 1981, and Eric E.
Lenzen, Washington Univ. 2005, both with Whyte Hirschboeck
Dudek S.C., Milwaukee; Sarah M.H. Brindley, Illinois
1999, and Carl R. Schwartz, Harvard 1978, both with
Quarles & Brady LLP, Milwaukee; Mathew E. Corr,
U.W. 1997, Michael J. Gratz, U.W. 1994, and
Timothy E. Newholm, George Mason 1992, all with Boyle
Fredrickson Newholm Stein & Gratz S.C., Milwaukee; John H.
D'Antico, Florida 1999, GE Healthcare, Waukesha; Joseph
S. Heino, Marquette 1982, Davis & Kuelthau SC, Milwaukee;
Shailaja Reddy, U.W. 2001, Metavante Corp., Brown Deer;
and Walter E. Zimmerman, U.W. 1990, Johnson Controls
Inc., Milwaukee. The book's reviewers were Zimmerman; Stuart S.
Bray, U.W. 2006, Jordan K. Lamb, U.W. 2002,
and Charles S. Sara, George Mason 1981, all with DeWitt
Ross & Stevens SC, Madison; Adam L. Brookman,
George Washington 1987, Boyle Fredrickson Newholm Stein & Gratz SC,
Milwaukee; Brian G. Gilpin, John Marshall 1996, Godfrey
& Kahn SC, Milwaukee; Stephen M. Lesavich, U.W.
1995, Lesavich High-Tech Law Group PC, Chicago; and Jascha B.
Walter, Marquette 1999, DeWitt Ross & Stevens SC,
Brookfield. Advisors for the series are Ralph Anzivino,
Case Western Reserve 1971, Marquette University Law School, Milwaukee;
Thomas Frenn, Marquette 1976, Petrie & Stocking SC,
Milwaukee; and Hoyt Stastney, Minnesota 1997, Quarles
& Brady LLP, Milwaukee.
Awards, Degrees, Honors
Eighteen attorneys with the Madison office of Foley & Lardner LLP
are included in The Best Lawyers in America 2007. Recognized
attorneys are Allen A. Arntsen, Michael H.
Auen, Christopher S. Berry, Douglas B.
Clark, William M. Conley, Michael S.
Heffernan, Joseph P. Hildebrandt,
Bradley D. Jackson, Daniel A. Kaplan,
Mark A. Kassel, Allan R. Koritzinsky,
Gregory F. Monday, David W. Reinecke,
Blaine Renfert, Anita M. Sorensen,
Naikang Tsao, Michael B. Van Sicklen,
and David G. Walsh.
Sixty attorneys with the Milwaukee office of Foley & Lardner LLP
are included in The Best Lawyers in America 2007. Recognized
attorneys are William J. Abraham Jr., Benjamin
J. Abrohams, Russell J. Barron, Steve
R. Barth, Linda E. Benfield, Michael
M. Biehl, Robert L. Binder, Elizabeth
S. Blutstein, Bernard J. Bobber,
Ralf-Reinhard Boer, Michael A. Bowen,
John F. Callan, Richard H. Casper,
Jon P. Christiansen, Keith A.
Christiansen, James R. Clark, James P.
Connelly, John C. Cooper III, George
D. Cunningham, John R. Dawson, Lloyd
J. Dickinson, George A. Dionisopoulos,
Gregg H. Dooge, Richard S. Florsheim,
Mark F. Foley, Carl D. Fortner,
Timothy C. Frautschi, Richard S.
Gallagher, Benjamin F. Garmer III,
Reed Groethe, Edward J. Hammond,
Michael W. Hatch, Stanley S. Jaspan,
Sarah O. Jelencic, Harvey Kurtz,
Benjamin D. Levin, Wayne R. Lueders,
Lawrence T. Lynch, Brian W. McGrath,
James McKeown, Maurice J. McSweeney,
James G. Morrow, Lisa S. Neubauer,
Jamshed J. Patel, Thomas C. Pence,
Patrick G. Quick, Greg W. Renz,
Leigh C. Riley, Jay O. Rothman,
Nancy J. Sennett, Thomas L. Shriner
Jr., Luke E. Sims, James F.
Stern, Peter J. Stone, Mark A.
Thimke, James T. Tynion, Adam J.
Wiensch, Trevor J. Will, Allen W.
Williams Jr., and Lynette M. Zigman.
Thirty-eight lawyers with Godfrey & Kahn S.C. are included in
The Best Lawyers in America 2007. In the Milwaukee office:
Richard J. Bliss, Stephen L. Chernof,
John A. Dickens, John E. Donahue,
Michael J. Dwyer, Henry E. Fuldner,
Carol A. Gehl, Dudley J. Godfrey Jr.,
J. Gardner Govan, Arthur J.
Harrington, William R. Hotz, Kenneth
C. Hunt, Debra S. Koenig, Andrew R.
Lauritzen, Helge K. Lee, Kristi E.
Leswing, William H. Levit Jr., Diane
M. Marchik, Christopher B. Noyes,
James N. Phillips, Howard A. Pollack,
James A. Sheriff, Peter M.
Sommerhauser, Charles G. Vogel, and
Nicholas P. Wahl.
In the Madison office, LaFollette Godfrey & Kahn: Jon E.
Anderson, Robert E. Chritton, Linda M.
Clifford, Paul J. Dombrowski, Mark A.
Frankel, Thomas A. Hoffner, Kevin J.
O'Connor, Thomas N. Shorter, Michael
A. Skindrud, and Brady C. Williamson.
In the Appleton office: Daniel T. Flaherty and
Jeffrey D. Riester. In the Green Bay office:
Timothy F. Nixon.
Michael F. Hupy, Marquette 1972, was named 2006
Attorney of the Year by Career Youth Development. He is with Hupy &
Abraham S.C., Milwaukee, and focuses on personal injury law.
David Karp, Karp, Karp & Zirgibel S.C.,
Milwaukee, is included in The Best Lawyers in America 2007.
Sunshine Lemieux, U.W. 2005, has received a
scholarship from the ABA to attend an ABA Young Lawyers Division
leadership training program. She is a staff attorney with the Indian Law
Office of Wisconsin Judicare Inc., Wausau.
Colonel Michael McKenna, Minnesota 1985, has
received a Bronze Star Medal for his service in Baghdad with
Multinational Forces headquarters. He is a staff judge advocate for the
Wisconsin National Guard 32nd Infantry Brigade and also is Portage
County Corporation Counsel.
Ten attorneys with the Madison office of Quarles & Brady LLP are
included in The Best Lawyers in America 2007. Recognized
attorneys are Waltraud A. Arts, Valerie L.
Bailey-Rihn, Jeffrey B. Bartell, James
R. Cole, Kevin A. Delorey, Mark T.
Ehrmann, Roy L. Prange Jr., John S.
Robison, Donald K. Schott, and Michael
S. Weiden.
Seven attorneys with Murphy Desmond S.C., Madison, are included in
The Best Lawyers in America 2007. Recognized attorneys are
Lawrence Bechler, Stephen Beilke,
William Mundt, Richard Pitzner,
William Rameker, James Sweet, and
Michael Vaughan.
Seventy-three attorneys with the Milwaukee office of Quarles &
Brady LLP are included in The Best Lawyers in America 2007.
Recognized attorneys are Michael Aldana,
Anthony W. Asmuth III, Wayne E. Babler
Jr., Jean C. Baker, John T.
Bannen, Andrew M. Barnes, David B.
Bartel, Darryl S. Bell, Kathryn M.
Buono, Gerald E. Connolly, M.
Christine Cowles, Frank J. Daily,
James F. Daly, John W. Daniels Jr.,
Bruce C. Davidson, Steven R. Duback,
Robert H. Duffy, Julianna Ebert,
John D. Franzini, James D. Friedman,
Chris K. Gawart, Patrick J. Goebel,
Michael J. Gonring, Conrad G.
Goodkind, Kathleen A. Gray, Michael M.
Grebe, Kenneth V. Hallett, Patricia A.
Hintz, Michael A. Jaskolski, Lawrence
J. Jost, Alyce C. Katayama, David B.
Kern, David L. Kinnamon, Mark A.
Kircher, Brian G. Lanser, Michael H.
Lappin, Fredrick G. Lautz, Ely A.
Leichtling, Michael A. Levey, John H.
Lhost, Francis H. LoCoco, Henry J.
Loos, Larry J. Martin, Quinn W.
Martin, Michael S. McCauley, Thomas P.
McElligott, Sally C. Merrell, Ann M.
Murphy, Mary Pat Ninneman, Elizabeth
G. Nowakowski, Elizabeth A. Orelup,
Michael J. Ostermeyer, W. Stuart
Parsons, Nancy K. Peterson, Thomas J.
Phillips, Joseph E. Puchner, Robert D.
Rothacker, John A. Rothstein, Gary M.
Ruesch, Patrick M. Ryan, Barry E.
Sammons, Rachel A. Schneider, Carl R.
Schwartz, Thomas A. Simonis, Rebecca
A. Speckhard, Roger D. Strode, Paul J.
Tilleman, Eric J. Van Vugt, Arthur A.
Vogel Jr., Ronald L. Wallenfang,
Patrick D. Walsh, David D. Wilmoth,
and Brian D. Winters.
Ten attorneys with Ruder Ware Law Firm are included in The Best
Lawyers in America 2007. Recognized attorneys in the Wausau office
are Mark J. Bradley, Dean R. Dietrich,
Douglas J. Klingberg, Lon E. Robert,
Ronald J. Rutlin, G. Lane Ware, and
Russell W. Wilson. Recognized attorneys in the Eau
Claire office are David G. Anderson, Sebastian
J. Geraci, and Jane Lokken. Dietrich also has
been selected as one of the best employment and labor law attorneys in
the U.S. by the Best of the U.S. LLC.
Robyn Shapiro, Harvard 1977, has been named one of
10 outstanding hospital lawyers by Nightingale's Healthcare News. She is
a partner in the health law department at Gardner Carton & Douglas
LLP, Milwaukee.
Eleven attorneys with Stafford Rosenbaum LLP, Madison, are included
in The Best Lawyers in America 2007. Recognized attorneys are
Brian Butler, Matthew Dregne,
JoAnn Hart, Robert Horowitz,
Edwin Hughes, Bruce Huibregtse,
Barbara Neider, Richard Nordeng,
Daniel Stolper, Daphne Webb, and
Richard Yde.
George K. Steil Sr., with the Janesville office of
Brennan, Steil & Basting S.C., is included in The Best Lawyers
in America 2007.
Rausch, Sturm, Israel & Hornik, with
headquarters in Milwaukee, received a 2006 Family Friendly award from
Metro Parent magazine for the firm's willingness to offer benefits that
help employees achieve a better work/life balance.
Von Briesen & Roper s.c., with offices in
Milwaukee, Madison, Racine, Kenosha, and Mequon, has been named a "Top
Flight Law Firm" by the Wisconsin Law Foundation (WLF) in recognition of
recruiting all of its firm's attorneys as WLF members.
Four attorneys with Weiss Berzowski Brady LLP, Milwaukee, are
included in The Best Lawyers in America 2007. Recognized
attorneys are Dwight H. Ellis, Phillip J.
Miller, Randy S. Nelson, and John A.
Pro Bono, Public Service
Godfrey & Kahn S.C. has established the Godfrey
& Kahn Fellowship in Law at Marquette University Law School. The
fellowship provides a full-tuition, three-year scholarship to one
first-year law student, who also receives mentoring and is employed as a
summer associate at the firm. The first recipient is Joshuah Torres.
Chad A. Kreblin, Denver 2001, fingerprinted more
than 400 children in August at the Milwaukee Health Department's
back-to-school fair. He is with Hupy & Abraham S.C., Milwaukee.
Molly J. Zillig, Creighton 1991, and Noleta
L. Jansen, U.W. 2003 received the Association for Women
Lawyers' Pro Bono Award for facilitating Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek S.C.'s
pro bono work with Children's Hospital of Milwaukee. Zillig and Jansen
created and manage a program to assist families of hospital patients
with limited financial means to obtain guardianships for their
In Memoriam
Gordon Brewster Baldwin, Cornell 1953, September 3,
1929 - October 15 2006.
Drexel D. Journey, U.W. 1952, Washington, D.C., Feb.
23, 1926 - Aug. 22, 2006.
Clifford C. Kasdorf, Marquette 1936, Milwaukee, June
20, 1913 - Aug. 16, 2006.
Charles W. Mentkowski, Marquette 1948, Milwaukee,
Jan. 4, 1922 - Sept. 22, 2006.
Christopher J. Michas, Chicago 1963, Kenilworth,
Ill, Oct. 12, 1939 - March 15, 2006.
Floyd Tefft, U.W. 1947, Madison, Jan. 14, 1920 -
Dec. 31, 2005.