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    Wisconsin Lawyer
    August 01, 2006

    Ethics seminars

    State Bar CLE Seminars meets your need for informed ethics guidance by offering these cost-effective live, video replay, and telephone seminars. Plan now to attend.

    Wisconsin LawyerWisconsin Lawyer
    Vol. 79, No. 8, August 2006

    Get Current on Ethics Issues at Upcoming Seminars

    State Bar CLE Seminars meets your need for informed ethics guidance by offering these cost-effective live, video replay, and telephone seminars. Plan now to attend.

    Legal Ethics 2006

    This half-day seminar focuses on the most recent and significant ethical issues facing Wisconsin practitioners, using a fast-paced, information-packed panel format. Legal Ethics 2006 features several interactive "Stump the Panel" segments, giving attendees the opportunity to test their skills and knowledge against those of the speaker panel. Program chair: Dean R. Dietrich, Ruder Ware, Wausau.

    • Live: Oct. 26, Waukesha (a.m. only)
    • Live Webcast: Oct. 27, Madison (p.m. only)
    • Video Seminars: Dec. 14, statewide locations (a.m. & p.m.)
    • Credits: 4.0 CLE/4.0 EPR credits, half-day program
    • Tuition: $169 members/ $199 nonmembers (live and video seminars), $189 (live Webcast seminar)

    Fall 2006 Ethics Telephone Seminars

    At these one-hour telephone seminars, hear from experienced practitioners about the latest, most significant ethical issues facing attorneys today. Meet your specific credit needs by selecting any of the one-credit programs, or combine programs to earn all three of your required Wisconsin EPR credits - without leaving your home or office. You'll also have the opportunity to ask the presenters questions during the program. Each program is scheduled from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., CST.

    Nov. 9 - Compliance with the Rules of Professional Conduct by Cooperating with the Office of Lawyer Regulation

    Nov. 28 - Compliance with the Revised Trust Account Rule: What Steps Can You Take to Ensure Your Fees are Paid

    Dec. 8 - Solo and Small Firm Attorneys: How to Stay Out of Ethics Trouble

    Dec. 15 - Use of Technology and Pitfalls Under the Ethics Rules

    Dec. 19 - Communicating with Employees of Organizations: Pitfalls and Practical Solutions

    Credits: 1.0 CLE/EPR credit per session

    Tuition: Early-bird registration - $119 member, $139 nonmember (per session); Regular registration - $139 member, $159 nonmember (per session)

    Tuition Deal: Register for any three of the five sessions by Oct. 26 for one price - $325 members, $345 nonmembers

    For more information or to register, contact the State Bar at (800) 728-7788, (608) 257-3838, or visit

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