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    Wisconsin Lawyer
    June 01, 2013

    President's Message: A Progression

    Kevin Klein’s year as president has been both long and short. Long, because a lot of time was spent on State Bar work and many things were accomplished, and short because there is still much to do.

    Kevin G. Klein

    We are approaching the end of the State Bar fiscal year, and my year as president. I am often asked if the year has been long or short. The answer is both. The amount of time spent on State Bar work has been incredible, though not unexpected. What is variable is how much time is spent addressing a particular item. I have made it a point to spend as much time as possible, so there have been numerous exchanges by email and phone. This is the only way I could be sure to have the pulse of the members. Offering opinions without the groundwork or appropriate process is not beneficial. And of course, the normal work schedule had to be addressed. So, the year was long.

    Kevin G. KleinKevin G. Klein, U.W. 1981, maintains a solo practice in Phillips.

    “Many initiatives already in place will continue to bear fruit and support change in the coming year.”

    It has also been too short. Part of this is simply the sequence of regular meetings. What could get done in September might not get done until December, and what might have gotten done in April may yet to be done. And despite our urgings, the pace may be lacking. Separately, we are always facing the pushback of habit. It is much easier not to change, or to not take a hard look. Much work is still to be done. Much improvement is still to be had. So, the year was too short.

    Fortunately, we will have a strong and able leader in President Pat Fiedler. I have no doubt he will address matters thoroughly, promptly, and professionally. I have pledged my support to Pat, and would ask that you do the same. Many initiatives already in place will continue to bear fruit and support change in the coming year.

    Progress has been made with CLE. We will continue to offer suggestions and convey member ideas and thoughts. Whenever possible, obtain your CLE from the State Bar. Your participation promotes greater quality and refinement. The “convention” concept will be brought back for June 2014 at Lake Geneva. Program and activity scheduling is being reworked to maximize your benefit. Mark your calendars and enjoy this event with family and others from your area.

    We will continue to promote local bar focus. Remember, if you have local bar ideas or concerns, please contact me. As the profession moves forward, bar associations must work together to forge alliances and foster win-win relationships. The Bar Leaders Conference will be held this fall, so again, have your local bar leaders mark their calendars and be sure to participate.

    And we are working behind the scenes to strengthen the position of members as practicing attorneys, and as volunteer members within the Bar. I cannot even begin to explain in a short article what we have on our plate. The effort will continue.

    It has been an honor to be your State Bar president. I truly appreciate the many compliments and strong support I continue to receive. It has been my pleasure to work with everyone at the State Bar. Thanks, and enjoy your summer!

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