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    Wisconsin Lawyer
    August 10, 2010

    In the News

    Wisconsin LawyerWisconsin Lawyer
    Vol. 83, No. 8, August 2010

    New Hires, Promotions, Partners

    Heather B. Poster, Marquette 2002, has become a full partner at Becker & Hickey S.C., Milwaukee, which focuses on divorce, Title 19, estate planning, and guardianship matters. Megann M. Senfleben, Marquette 2010, has joined the firm as an associate.

    Jesse B. Blocher Jesse B. Blocher, Marquette 2006, has joined Habush Habush & Rottier S.C. as an associate in the Waukesha office.

    Matthew C. Abad, Marquette 1998, and Marie Flannery, Akron 2002, have joined Blommer
    Peterman S.C., which provides mortgage-loan-default management services. Abad heads the firm’s Indiana office and also practices in Wisconsin and Illinois. Flannery is with the Brookfield office.

    Joshua L. Cannon, Marquette 2010 magna cum laude, has joined Meissner Tierney Fisher & Nichols S.C., Milwaukee, and focuses on corporate and tax law. Joshua L. Cannon

    Arlington W. Davis III, U.W. 2008, has been promoted to compliance attorney with Wisconsin Physicians Service Insurance Corp., Madison.

    Ronald E. English III, Marquette 2010, has joined Hippenmeyer, Reilly, Moodie & Blum S.C., Waukesha, and focuses on business law and municipal prosecution.

    Andrew Frost, Marquette 2010, has joined Simandl & Prentice S.C., Waukesha, and focuses on employee benefits, labor relations, affirmative action plans, and employment counseling.

    ReAnna C. Grabow ReAnna C. Grabow, Marquette 2005, has joined D’Angelo & Jones LLP, Waukesha, and focuses on family law and Social Security matters.

    Harvey Held, U.W. 1974, has joined Machulak, Robertson & Sodos S.C., Milwaukee, and continues to focus on family law, civil litigation, and personal injury matters. He previously was with the Brookfield office of DeWitt Ross & Stevens S.C.

    Sara Berman Jensen, U.W. 1993, has joined the Milwaukee office of Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman in of-counsel capacity and focuses on taxation. Sara Berman   Jensen

    Six attorneys have been elected to partnership at Michael Best & Friedrich LLP. In the Madison office: Angela Black, U.W. 2002, is with the land and resources practice group. Michelle L. Dama, U.W. 2002 magna cum laude, is with the litigation practice group. Farrah N.W. Rifelj, U.W. 2003 cum laude, is with the labor and employment practice group. In the Milwaukee office: Kelly M. Fortier, Loyola-Chicago 2003 magna cum laude, is with the labor and employment practice group. Joseph Louis Olson, U.W. 2003 cum laude, is with the litigation practice group. Michael P. O’Neil, U.W. 2002 cum laude, is with the business practice group. Susan C. Minahan, Marquette 1995, has joined the firm’s Milwaukee office as a partner in the wealth planning services group.

    Chad E. Novak, Marquette 2006, has been appointed president of Minntico Inc., New York City, a wholly owned subsidiary of Old Republic National Title Insurance Co., Minneapolis, where he continues as assistant vice president, underwriting and reinsurance counsel.

    Garett T.   Pankratz Garett T. Pankratz, U.W. 2010, has joined Aplin & Ringsmuth LLC as an associate in the Wausau office and focuses on worker’s compensation and insurance defense litigation. The Wausau office has moved to One Corporate Drive, Suite 402.

    Chad J. Richter, Marquette 2002, has been elected a shareholder at O’Neil, Cannon, Hollman, DeJong & Laing S.C., Milwaukee, and continues to focus on corporate and business law matters. Chad J. Richter

    Charles D.   Schmidt Charles D. Schmidt, Marquette 2000, has joined the Schroeder Group S.C., Attorneys at Law, Waukesha, and continues to focus on trial- and appellate-level litigation.

    Several attorneys have joined the Wisconsin Department of Justice as assistant attorneys general. Robert Bresette, U.W. 2010, and Brian Hagedorn, Northwestern 2006, are with the civil litigation unit. Hagedorn previously clerked for Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman. Sarah L. Burgundy, Oregon 2007, and Thomas E. Dietrich, California-Hastings 2007, are with the criminal appeals unit. Burgundy previously clerked for the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Dietrich previously was with Crowell & Moring, Irvine, Calif. Clayton P. Kawski, Northern Illinois 2007, is with the state programs, administration, and revenue unit. He previously was with the Madison office of Michael Best & Friedrich LLP.

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    Mergers, Relocations, New Offices

    Cari Campbell, Thomas M. Cooley 2009, has opened Campbell Legal, P.O. Box 127, Kieler, and focuses on bankruptcy law, tax law, sports/entertainment law, and nonprofit entities. Cari Campbell

    Jackson Lewis LLP, which concentrates on workplace-law matters, has opened an office in Milwaukee. Lisa A. Baiocchi, Marquette 2006, Brian G. Nuedling, Marquette 2003, and Charles W. Pautsch, Illinois 1977 magna cum laude, have joined the firm in the Milwaukee office, Pautsch as managing partner. The three attorneys previously were with Constangy, Brooks & Smith LLP.

    Lauren O. Otto, William Mitchell 2009, has opened Otto Law Office, 2522 Golf Rd., Suite 3, Eau Claire, and focuses on family, juvenile, guardian ad litem, and criminal defense matters.

    Schober Schober & Mitchell S.C. has relocated its New Berlin office to 2835 S. Moorland Rd.

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    Appointments, Elections

    Valerie   Bailey-Rihn Valerie Bailey-Rihn, U.W. 1991, has been chosen as president-elect of the Dane County Bar Association. She is a partner in the commercial litigation group of Quarles & Brady LLP, Madison.

    Mark J. Bradley, U.W. 1977, has been elected president of Ruder Ware LLSC, Wausau. He concentrates in business succession planning and tax and estate planning and administration. Mark J. Bradley

    John M. Curtin, U.W. 1987 cum laude, has been elected president of the Arizona Association for Justice, an association of plaintiffs’ trial attorneys. He focuses on medical malpractice and catastrophic injury cases with Robbins & Curtin pllc, Phoenix.

    John W. Daniels Jr. John W. Daniels Jr., Harvard 1974, has been named chair of the Greater Milwaukee Foundation board. He is chair of Quarles & Brady LLP, Milwaukee, and focuses on real estate law.

    Lindsey D. Draper, Marquette 1975, has been appointed to the ABA Standing Committee on Client Protection. He is with the Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance, Madison, and vice chair of the State Bar’s Wisconsin Fund for Lawyers’ Protection Committee.

    Charles P. Fischbach, U.W. 1967, has been reappointed to the Chicago Commission on Human Relations. He also has been approved for membership in the National Academy of Arbitrators.

    Glorily A. Lopez, U.W. 2000, has been reelected chair of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, Wisconsin Chapter. She is principal attorney at Lopez Law Group LLC, Madison, focusing on immigration and nationality law.

    The Milwaukee Bar Association has elected the following attorneys to leadership positions: vice-president – Charles H. Barr, Harvard 1977, Croen & Barr; directors – Marcia E. Facey, U.W. 1998, Northwestern Mutual; Susan E. Lovern, Iowa 1995, von Briesen & Roper; and David G. Peterson, U.W. 1991, Godfrey & Kahn; judicial selection committee members – Anthony S. Baish, Michigan 1997, Godfrey & Kahn; Raymond M. Dall’Osto, Marquette 1977, Gimbel, Reilly, Buerini & Brown; and Anne Berleman Kearney, Harvard 1990, Appellate Consulting Group; and ABA delegate – the Hon. Charles N. Clevert Jr., Georgetown 1992, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.

    Lynn M. Stathas, U.W. 1988, has been named president-elect of the Western District Bar Association. She is managing shareholder of the Madison office of Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c. and chairs the Madison litigation practice. Lynn M. Stathas

    Several attorneys have been appointed to the Wisconsin Access to Justice Commission, which has a goal of developing and encouraging means of expanding access to the civil justice system for unrepresented and low-income Wisconsin residents. Marsha M. Mansfield, U.W. 1984, U.W. Law School, is secretary, and Hannah C. Dugan, U.W. 1987, Law Offices of Hannah C. Dugan LLC, Milwaukee, is treasurer. Members include Howard J. Bichler, Marquette 1976, Stockbridge-Munsee Law Office, Bowler; Rebecca K. Blemberg, New York Univ. 2000, Marquette Law School; John F. Ebbott, U.W. 1970, Legal Action of Wisconsin Inc., Milwaukee; Michael J. Gonring, Marquette 1982, Quarles & Brady LLP, Milwaukee; Maurice G. Rice Jr., U.W. 1966, Anderson, O’Brien, Bertz, Skrenes & Golla, Stevens Point; James O. Sullivan Jr., Marquette 2001, Wisconsin State Senate, Madison; the Hon. Margaret J. Vergeront, U.W. 1975, Wisconsin Court of Appeals, Madison; and the Hon. Glenn H. Yamahiro, U.W. 1991, Milwaukee County Children’s Court, Wauwatosa.

    The Wisconsin Supreme Court has reappointed several judges to administrative posts. The Hon. Richard S. Brown, U.W. 1971, District II Court of Appeals, has been reappointed chief judge of the Wisconsin Court of Appeals. Judges reappointed as chief judges of their respective judicial administrative districts are the Hon. J. Mac Davis, Michigan 1976, Waukesha County Circuit Court, Third District; the Hon. Gregory E. Grau, U.W. 1984, Marathon County Circuit Court, Ninth District; the Hon. John R. Storck, Harvard 1979, Dodge County Circuit Court, Sixth District; the Hon. Mary K. Wagner, U.W. 1982, Kenosha County Circuit Court, Second District; and the Hon. Donald R. Zuidmulder, U.W. 1968, Brown County Circuit Court, Eighth District.

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    Authors, Speakers

    Mark D. Munson Mark D. Munson, South Dakota 1999, presented a talk on tax planning for noncitizens at the 2010 annual meeting of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys in Orlando, Fla. He is a senior associate with Ruder Ware LLSC, Wausau, and concentrates in elder law.

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    Awards, Degrees, Honors

    Alan C. Olson & Associates S.C., New Berlin, received the Outstanding Pro Bono Law Firm Participation award from Legal Action of Wisconsin in May.

    The University of Wisconsin-Superior has named a newly constructed facility the Marcovich Health and Wellness Center after Toby E. Marcovich, U.W. 1954, in honor of his service on the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents and his contributions to UW-Superior. He is with Marcovich, Cochrane, Milliken, Swanson & Kropid LLP, Superior.

    Patrick Kenney, Marquette 1977, was named Deputy District Attorney of the Year by the Wisconsin District Attorneys Association in May. The association named Paul Tiffin, Marquette 1986, as Assistant District Attorney of the Year. Kenney and Tiffin are with the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office. The office’s Community Prosecution Unit received the Community Partnership Award from Mutual of America.

    Marianne Goldstein Robbins, Northeastern 1977, has been selected as a fellow in the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers. She is a shareholder at Previant, Goldberg, Uelmen, Gratz, Miller & Brueggeman s.c., Milwaukee.

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    Pro Bono, Public Service

    The employees of Hupy and Abraham S.C., Milwaukee, raised funds for the American Cancer Society’s 2010 Relay for Life. Chad A. Kreblin, Denver 2001, is on the board for the event.

    Several Waukesha County-based attorneys volunteered on June 26 during the Legal Community Day of Caring at Fiesta Waukesha. Participants included attorneys from Blommer Peterman S.C., Buelow Vetter Buikema Olson & Vliet LLC, Buting & Williams S.C., Gatzke Ruppelt & Bucher S.C., Godfrey & Kahn S.C., McCoy & Hofbauer S.C., Michael Best & Friedrich LLP, Schott Bublitz & Engel S.C.,The Schroeder Group S.C., Attorneys at Law, and the Waukesha County District Attorney’s Office.

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    In Memoriam

    Jacob P. Blazkovec, U.W. 1962, Algoma, Dec. 30, 1930 – June 21, 2010.

    Jules F. Brown, U.W. 1953, Chicago, Sept. 6, 1922 – June 17, 2010.

    LeRoy L. Dalton, U.W. 1953, Madison, Feb. 28, 1924 – June 16, 2010.

    Emil A. Fleischauer Jr., U.W. 1951, Stevens Point, April 4, 1927 – June 22, 2010.

    John Gumina, Michigan 1940, Milwaukee, July 18, 1912 – March 3, 2010 (not March 7, as previously reported).

    John M. Koeppl, Marquette 1967, West Bend, Aug. 15, 1941 – June 11, 2010.

    John T. McCann, U.W. 1965, Germantown, May 23, 1938 – May 25, 2010.

    Paul F. Meissner, U.W. 1953, Milwaukee, Jan. 3, 1929 – May 9, 2010.

    Kenneth J. Murray, Loyola-Chicago 1956, Milwaukee, Feb. 7, 1925 – April 30, 2010.

    John E. Schneider, U.W. 1976, Balsam Lake, July 28, 1950 – July 4, 2010.

    Elmer L. Winter, U.W. 1935, Milwaukee, March 6, 1912 – Oct. 22, 2009.

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