Message from the
Improving Service to Members
State Bar leadership streamlined
its functions during FY01 to better serve the growing needs of the
association. The Board of Governors and Executive Committee clarified
their roles to ensure that they were working as efficiently and
effectively as possible, consistent with the strategic planning
recommendations begun in 1997. The board became a more deliberative
body, serving more in the legislative or policy-making mode, while the
Executive Committee assumed greater responsibility for implementing
board policies. Beginning in FY02, the committee will be comprised of 13
members, including one public member. The Executive Committee now is
more fairly representative of the board.
Internally, we worked on improving the delivery of our products and
services by selecting a new association management software package
(iMIS) and a new financial and accounting system. iMIS will help the Bar
collect, organize, and deliver information more efficiently and
effectively to the membership, as well as streamline internal
operations. Dynamics will assist in better management and reporting of
State Bar financial resources and operations. Implementation of the new
software is scheduled for fall 2001.
This technology will provide the foundation for Web access and
delivery of future Bar products and services, including the future
ability to enable members to customize the delivery of content on
WisBar, including personal CLE attendance records. The State Bar is
committed to delivering relevant products and services to serve its
members while maintaining control of costs.
George C. Brown
State Bar executive director
to Annual Report