Awards, Degrees,
Gregg Hagopian, U.W. 1987, received the 2001 Norman N. Gill
Award for Individual Excellence in Government. The award is bestowed
by the Public Policy Forum upon a nonelected government official, who,
through leadership and innovation, demonstrates that "government works"
for its citizens and taxpayers.
Stuart C. Herro, U.W. 1975, DeWitt Ross & Stevens S.C., Madison,
has been awarded the William L. Thompson "Service Above Self" Award
by Madison South Rotary for outstanding community service to the people
of South Madison. The award is in memory of Bill Thompson, a longtime
Madison South Rotarian, who died in 1994 in El Salvador while on a Rotary
goodwill mission.
Much of Herro's volunteer
work has been with Centro Guadalupe, Madison, an outreach agency for
the Office of Hispanic Ministry for the Diocese of Madison, which provides
job and housing assistance, a clothes closet, and a food pantry to immigrants.
Herro serves as a member of Centro Guadalupe's Advisory Board and an
English as a Second Language tutor. Madison South Rotary will donate
$1,000 in Herro's name to Centro Guadalupe.
Herro recently became
president of the Madison West Towne-Middleton Rotary Club.
Stuart R. Schroeder, Oklahoma City University 1977, shareholder
and founder of the Schroeder Group S.C. Attorneys at Law, Waukesha,
was honored recently as the 2001 Outstanding Law Review Alumnus at the
Oklahoma City University Law Review Awards.
Robert (Rock) Theine Pledl, John Marshall 1980, was awarded
the Legislation/Public Policy Award at the Brain Injury Association
of Wisconsin Annual Conference for his work in fair housing litigation
involving group homes for persons with disabilities. He is with Schott,
Bublitz & Engel S.C., Brookfield, practicing disability law.
George P. Stephan, U.W. 1958, received an honorary doctor of
laws degree from Hartwick College, Oneonta, NY. Stephan retired in 1999
as managing director of the Stonington Group, Hartford, Conn. He was
with the Kollmorgen Corp., Hartford, for 21 years and served on the
Hartwick College Board of Trustees for 18 years. He was instrumental
in establishing the Hartwick Humanities in Management Institute and
serves on its board of advisors.
Rodney J. Uphoff, U.W. 1976, has been named the Elwood Thomas
Endowed Professor of Law at the University of Missouri-Columbia, where
he's teaching this fall. He will continue to serve as co-counsel for
Terry Nichols in the Oklahoma City bombing case.
Brian L. Anderson, U.W. 1980, has been appointed to a two-year
term on the Tax Exempt/Government Entities Advisory Committee, an organized
public forum for the IRS and repre-sentatives who work with employee
plans, exempt organizations, tax-exempt bonds, and federal, state, local,
and tribal governments.
Anderson is a CPA and
shareholder in DeWitt Ross & Stevens S.C., Madison.
Johnathan T. Levy, U.W. 1995, has been elected to the board
of directors of Seagull Industries for the Disabled, West Palm Beach,
Fla. Levy, an associate with Rosenthal & Weissman P.A., West Palm Beach,
represents plaintiffs in personal injury cases.
John A. Busch, Duke 1976, has been elected to the State Bar
Board of Governors; Jorge A. Gomez, U.W. 1986, has been elected to the
State Bar Judicial Council; and Teresa J. Welch, U.W. 1987, has been
elected chair of the State Bar's Intellectual Property Law Section.
All are partners with Michael Best & Friedrich LLP, Milwaukee. Busch
is on the management committee; Gomez represents businesses in complex
litigation including construction, systems integration, health care,
and white collar matters; and Welch practices intellectual property,
including all aspects of patent, copyright, and trademark law.
Paul A. Sturgul, U.W. 1973, has been elected president of the
National Elder Law Foundation, Tucson, Ariz. The foundation oversees
the board certification process for elder law attorneys and has been
approved by the American Bar Association's standing committee on specialization.
Paul R. Van Grunsven, Marquette 1986, has been appointed chair
of the Special Preliminary Review Panel for the Office of Lawyer Regulation.
The panel was created by the Wisconsin Supreme Court to address misconduct
and malfeasance allegations against lawyer regulation system participants.
Van Grunsven is a member of Kasdorf, Lewis & Swietlik S.C., Milwaukee,
and chairs the firm's health law section.
Sylvan Sobel, U.W. 1983, has published The U.S. Constitution
and You, the third in his series of children's books. A second edition
of Presidential Elections and Other Cool Facts will be released later
this year. Sobel is director of communications for the Federal Judicial
Center in Washington, D.C.