In the News
Greg Hagopian, U.W. 1987, received the 1998 chairperson of the
year award for exceptional service to the assessing profession. The award
was granted by the Wisconsin Association of Assessing Officers. Hagopian
is a Milwaukee assistant city attorney and chairs the Property Tax Exemption
Committee. He informs Wisconsin assessors about new legislation and case
law regarding property tax exemption matters and development of property
tax exemption policies.
Ross L. Kodner, Marquette 1986, was named 1998 Legal
Technology Consultant of the Year by the Technolawyer Community,
an online discussion group. Kodner was reappointed to a second
term as chair of the ABA Law Practice Management Section's
Computer & Technology Division, and a third term on the Executive
Planning Board for the ABA TECHSHOW 2000 legal technology conference.
He is on the editorial board of the ABA General Practice/Solo
and Small Firm Section's Technology in Practice Guide
magazine, and is coauthor of an online legal technology column
at the Corel Legal web pages called "Law
Talk: Legal Technology for Everyone." Kodner is legal
technology consultant for Milwaukee's MicroLaw Inc.
C. Mahoney, U.W. 1967, has been awarded
the new Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) designation by
the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).
The ABV designation, established in 1996 by the AICPA, is the
premier credential recognizing CPAs with extensive professional
experience in business valuation. |
Jeffrey S. Krause, Marquette 1996, also a MicroLaw
legal technology consultant, now is writing a regular legal technology
column for the Milwaukee Young Lawyer's Association newsletter.
Ely A. Leichtling, Virginia 1979, has been included
in the eighth edition of the Best Lawyers in America (1999-2000).
He practices labor and employment law as a partner in the Milwaukee
office of Quarles & Brady LLP. He has just completed a two-year
term as chair of the Milwaukee Bar Association Labor and Employment
Law Section, and continues to chair the Industry Liaison Group
with the U.S. Department of Labor's office of federal contract
compliance programs.
Quarles & Brady LLP presented Gov. Tommy G. Thompson
with the Quarles & Brady Real Estate Excellence Award on
April 14 at the Pfister Hotel, Milwaukee. The award was presented
at Quarles & Brady's annual seminar for Milwaukee-area
real estate professionals. Accepting the award on behalf of the
governor was Fritz Ruf, executive director of the Wisconsin Housing
and Economic Development Authority. John W. Daniels Jr., Quarles
& Brady partner and president-elect of the American College
of Real Estate Lawyers, presented the award.
David P. Weller, U.W. 1997, with the Fox Valley Client Service Center
(FVCSC) of Clifton Gunderson LLC, Certified Public Accountants
and Consultants, recently passed the CPA examination. The FVCSC
is located in Oshkosh and Green Bay. Weller concentrates in estate
planning, marital property agreements, and taxation of estates,
trusts, and gifts. He joined the FVCSC in 1997. |
Joseph N. Ziebert, U.W. 1991 with honors, and Walter
E. Zimmerman, U.W. 1990 with honors, of Foley & Lardner's
Milwaukee office have received the intellectual property department's
Founder's Award in recognition of their work on behalf of
clients and the firm. The award recognizes Edwin Wiley whose
vision and determination led to the founding of Foley & Lardner's
intellectual property department 16 years ago. Ziebert practices
in the electronics practice group and has an extensive technical
background in electrical and electronic engineering. Zimmerman
practices in the consumer and industrial products practice group
counseling clients on intellectual property issues and participating
in litigation involving intellectual property.
The American Board of Trial Advocates-Wisconsin Chapter has
elected the following officers: president - Charles F.
Stierman, Milwaukee; president-elect - John C. Mitby,
Madison; and secretary/treasurer - J. Michael End,
David L. Borowski, Marquette 1991, has been appointed
to a two-year term on the City of Milwaukee Administrative Review
Appeals Board by City Attorney Grant Langley. Borowski has moved
his office to 731 N. Jackson St., Suite 824, Milwaukee.
Enhance your announcement
with a photo
Submit a professional quality black and white photo
with a personal mention. Photos will be used first come-first
placed, space permitting when prepaid ($25 each to cover production
costs). Group photos are not accepted.
Deadline for July is June 7. Send your announcement
and photo to: Donna Collingwood, Wisconsin Lawyer, P.O.
Box 7158, Madison, WI 53707-7158.
Charles P. Stevens, Marquette 1981, a labor and employment
relations partner in the Milwaukee office of Michael Best &
Friedrich LLP, was named president of the Greater Milwaukee Employee
Benefits Council. He focuses his practice on employment relations
matters. Stevens also serves as a director of the Human Resources
Management Association of Southeastern Wisconsin and is a member
of the Milwaukee and ABA employee benefits committees.
The Douglas County Bar Association has elected the following
officers: president - Boad S. Swanson; vice president
- Kyle H. Torvinen; and secretary/treasurer -
Paul W. Baxter.
Truman Q. McNulty, Marquette 1948, of Whyte Hirschboeck
Dudek S.C., Milwaukee, has been reappointed as a commissioner
to the ABA Commission on the Legal Problems of the Elderly, Washington,
D.C., by ABA President Philip S. Anderson.
Burton F. Natarus, U.W. 1960, was reelected alderman,
42nd Ward, representing downtown Chicago, for his eighth consecutive
four-year term. He is currently serving as the city council chair
of the Committee on Traffic and Safety. In the past Natarus has
served as finance chair and floor leader. He also is a commissioner
of the Chicago Plan Commission.
Terry F. Peppard, U.W. 1973, has been elected a fellow
of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, an association of
international commercial arbitrators headquartered in London.
Fellowship is the highest level of membership granted by the
Institute, which has members in 84 countries. Peppard practices
as an arbitrator and mediator from his office in Madison.
Gregory A. Peterson, U.W. 1973, has been elected to the Wisconsin
Court of Appeals, District 3. He has been a circuit court judge
in Eau Claire county since 1983 and is chief judge of 13 counties
comprising the 10th Judicial Administrative District.
Amy R. Seibel, a partner with Weiss, Berzowski, Brady & Donahue
LLP, Milwaukee, has been elected chair of the board of directors
of the State Bar of Wisconsin's Tax Section. Seibel, who
also is a CPA, practices business and corporate law, income tax
planning, and property tax controversies. |
The Hon. Diane Townsend-Anderson, Hamline 1978, has
been appointed hearing office chief administrative law judge
(ALJ) for the Minnesota Office of Hearings and Appeals. She is
the first woman to hold this office in Minnesota. She previously
was a Federal ALJ in Chicago and a state ALJ in Minnesota. Chief
Judge Townsend-Anderson will be responsible for implementing
the new hearing processes for the Minnesota office of 10 judges.
The Wisconsin Hispanic Lawyers Association Inc. has elected
the following officers: president - Pedro Colon;
president-elect - Margaret Aguayo Asterlin; treasurer
- Nelida Cortes; secretary - Ana Berrios;
board members - Rosa Barillas, Andrew Chevrez,
Ed Fallone, Jorge Gomez, and Israel Ramon.
Mergers, Relocations, New
Associations |
Emile H. Banks Jr., Ohio Northern 1984, formerly a
shareholder of the Milwaukee law firm of Kasdorf, Lewis &
Swietlik S.C., has formed the law firm of Emile Banks & Associates
LLC, concentrating on insurance defense, employment law, products
liability, and personal injury.
Thomas P. Herzog, Marquette 1994, recently launched
Herzog Law Offices, at P.O. Box 1, Elm Grove. He will continue
to practice primarily in real estate law, business law, personal
injury, and commercial litigation.

Frazer & Schapiro S.C. has relocated to the Riverfront Plaza at 1110 N.
Old World Third Street, Suite 218, Milwaukee. The firm continues
to focus its practice on tax, estate planning, and environmental
Clifford & Reuter S.C. has changed its name to Clifford
& Raihala S.C. John W. Raihala, Michigan 1989, has become
a shareholder in the firm, which continues its practice in personal
injury, commercial and general civil litigation, family law,
and general practice.
Dorothy Ann Case, Marquette 1985, has merged her practice
with the Milwaukee law firm of Heuer, Byrne & Rosenbaum,
S.C. The new firm of Heuer, Byrne & Case S.C. is located
at 231 W. Wisconsin Ave., Suite 1010, Milwaukee.
Kimberly A. Hurtado, Marquette 1988, has formed Hurtado
S.C., Brookfield, concentrating in construction and project
development law. She previously was a partner heading Michael
Best & Friedrich, LLP's Construction Focus Group. Hurtado
chairs the Contract Negotiations Division of the ABA Forum on
the Construction Industry and is a member of the Associated General
Contractors of America's Contract Documents Committee.
Christopher M. Lummis, Vermont Law School 1996, has
established the Law Offices of Christopher M. Lummis in
Stevens Point. It is a general practice law office with concentrations
in criminal, family, and environmental law.
Elizabeth J. Nevitt, U. of Oklahoma 1992, has opened
the Law Office of Elizabeth J. Nevitt at 200 E. Washington
St., Appleton. The practice emphasizes family law issues including
divorce, placement, post-divorce, adoption, guardianship, and
elderly planning.
Kathleen C. Panak, Marquette 1998, and Dena L. Hunt,
Marquette 1998, have opened Panak & Hunt Law Offices LLP
at the Pettibone Mansion, 2051 W. Wisconsin Ave., Suite A, Milwaukee.
They will practice in residential real estate, personal injury,
worker's compensation, child support, and other civil litigation
J. Schaefer, U.W. 1977, has relocated
Schaefer Law Office to Butler Plaza, 15 N. Butler St., Suite
404, Madison. Schaefer's practice emphasizes employment
discrimination litigation, personal injury, and contract litigation. |
Allen D. Reuter, U.W. 1983, and Barbara O. Whitish,
U.W. 1984, have established Reuter & Whitish S.C.
at 44 E. Mifflin St., Suite 306, Madison. William S. Cole,
U.W. 1990, joins as an associate. The firm provides a broad range
of legal services with emphasis in civil litigation, family,
municipal, personal injury, and criminal law.
Sweeney & Sweeney S.C. has relocated to 2 Science
Court, Madison.
Ritz & Caflisch S.C., Madison, has relocated to
Butler Plaza, 15 N. Butler St., Suite 400. The firm handles business
matters and real estate transactions for individuals, business
entities, and their owners.
Aaron Edward Alt, Harvard 1997, has joined Kirkland
& Ellis International in London, England. He practices private
equity, securities, and corporate law, with an emphasis on cross-border
mergers and acquisitions.
Jeffrey E. Altshul, Drake 1981, has joined Sachnoff
& Weaver Ltd. as of counsel in the Financial Services Team.
He was previously vice president and senior attorney at Sanwa
Business Credit Corporation.
Trina R. Chernos, William Mitchell 1996, and Daniel
M. Tjornehoj, William Mitchell 1988, have joined Bakke Norman
S.C. as associates in the New Richmond office. Chernos practices
in employment and municipal law. Tjornehoj practices in probate,
estate planning, and transactional matters. He was formerly in
private practice in Hudson.
Andrews, Ph.D., U.W. 1996, has joined
the intellectual property practice group of Boardman, Suhr, Curry
& Field LLP, Madison, as a patent attorney. Andrews was a
research scientist in biotechnology and a patent agent before
entering law school. Andrews previously practiced intellectual
property in the Madison office of Foley & Lardner. |
Thomas G. Travers, U.W. 1965, Irwin L. Kass,
Chicago-Kent 1976, Gary L. Antoniewicz, U.W. 1978, Robert
E. Gregg, West Virginia 1978, Peter M. Garson, Marquette
1988, Christopher J. Dodge, U.W. 1990, and Bruce Gillman,
U.W. 1957, joined Boardman, Suhr, Curry & Field LLP, Madison.
All were previously with Tomlinson, Gillman & Travers S.C.
Travers has joined the firm as a partner and will practice in
business planning, estate planning, and tax planning. Kass will
practice in litigation, fidelity-surety, insurance defense, and
business litigation. Antoniewicz will practice franchise and
dealership law, contracts, and consumer credit. Gregg will practice
employment law. Garson will practice in corporate and business
planning, real estate, probate and estate planning, and taxation.
Dodge will practice in real estate, litigation, dealership, and
worker's compensation. Gillman will practice in fidelity-surety,
construction, and appellate advocacy.
Kendall W. Harrison, U.W. 1995, and Mike B. Wittenwyler,
U.W. 1995, have joined LaFollette Simykin, LLP as associates.
Harrison previously served as a court counsel to the Supreme
Court of the Republic of Palau. His practice focuses on civil
litigation. Wittenwyler formerly served as campaign manager for
Sen. Feingold's 1998 reelection bid. He concentrates his
practice in insurance, bankruptcy, and real estate.
Joseph W. Byrne, U.W. 1997 cum laude, has joined the intellecutal
property practice group of Boardman, Suhr, Curry & Field
LLP, Madison, as a patent attorney. Byrne holds an M.S. in electrical
engineering from the U.W. -Madison. He previously was employed
by General Electric Medical Systems in Waukesha as a design engineer. |
Daniel J. Rasmussen, Gonzaga 1993, has joined Central
Illinois Bancorp Inc., headquartered in Pewaukee, as senior attorney.
Donald J. Straka, Creighton 1987, continues as general counsel
and senior vice president, and Kevin P. Sullivan, Illinois 1981,
continues as assistant general counsel.
Mary Therese Crouse, Indiana 1987, has been appointed
counsel in the Global Medical and Regulatory Affairs Group of
Lilly Research Laboratories Law. She recently returned from a
three-year assignment as assistant general counsel at PCS Health
Systems, a subsidiary of Eli Lilly and Company.
Joseph W. Weigel, Marquette 1960, has been named president
of Eisenberg, Weigel, Carlson, Blau & Clemens S.C., Milwaukeee,
a general practice firm. He served as vice president for nine
years. David M. Blau, Marquette 1984, was named vice president
and secretary and Chris Clemens, U.W. 1978, was named
vice president and treasurer of Eisenberg, Weigel, Carlson, Blau
& Clemens S.C., Milwaukee.
Christine Davies D'Angelo, U.W. 1999 cum laude,
has joined D'Angelo & Jones LLP, a general practice
firm in Waukesha county, practicing personal injury and family
Mark Gelhaus, U.W. 1989, has been appointed tax counsel
with Briggs & Stratton Corp., Wauwatosa.
Jodie Leigh Grabarski, U.W. 1995, has joined Anastasi
& Associates P.A., Stillwater, Minn., as an associate practicing
in commercial banking, real estate, estate planning, and agricultural
law. She formerly was with Gislason, Dosland, Hunter & Malecki,
New Ulm, Minn., and Krekeler & Scheffer S.C., Madison.
Ernest W. Grumbles III, U.W. 1995, has joined the intellectual
property practice group of Oppenheimer Wolff & Donnelly LLP,
Minneapolis. Grumbles previously was with Rider, Bennett, Egan
& Arundel LLP.
Robert E. Hankel, U.W. 1974 with honors, has joined
the firm of Knuteson, Powers & Wheeler S.C., Racine. Hankel
will practice in business and general litigation, business law,
real estate, and administrative proceedings. He previously worked
at O'Connor & Willems S.C., Kenosha.
Elizabeth (Liza) Kessler, U.W. 1997, has joined the
Center for Democracy & Technology in Washington, D.C., as
staff counsel. Her primary focus is First Amendment and related
civil liberties issues on the Internet.
Donald F. Kiesling Jr., Marquette 1997, has joined
Wisconsin Gas Company practicing in corporate and environmental
law. He previously practiced with Godfrey & Kahn, Milwaukee.
Tara K. Kleinhans, U.W. 1998, has joined the Wisconsin
Association of School Boards' Madison office as a staff
counsel, providing legal assistance to Wisconsin's public
school employees in collective bargaining and labor relations.
Captain Aaron E. Kornblum USAF, U.W. 1996, has been
assigned as the area defense counsel at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey.
He will provide independent representation of Air Force members
facing military justice and other adverse actions.
Philip H. Lucht, U.W. 1991, has joined the Bruck Law
Offices S.C. in Milwaukee as an associate concentrating in creditor
rights law.
Jennifer Pflug Murphy, U.W. 1992, has been named a
partner of Gonzalez, Saggio, Birdsall & Harlan LLP, Milwaukee.
Murphy serves as counsel for complex real estate transactions,
construction projects, and environmental matters.
Thomas A. Myers, Creighton 1978 magna cum laude, has
joined Reinhart, Boerner, Van Deuren, Norris & Rieselbach
S.C. as a shareholder in the business organizations department
in Milwaukee. Myers formerly was a shareholder and member of
the board of directors of Godfrey & Kahn S.C. Myers provides
counsel with mergers and acquisitions, investment transactions
with venture capital firms and leverage buy-outs, complex contract
matters, and general corporate representation.
Gerald L. Fellows, Marquette 1992 cum laude, Christopher
B. Austin, Marquette 1996, and Melinda Mann Mitchell,
Marquette 1998 cum laude, have joined Michael Best & Friedrich
LLP's Milwaukee office as associates in the intellectual
property practice area. W. Dennis Drehkoff, Missouri 1972, has
joined the firm in the Chicago office as a partner. Fellows will
concentrate on patent, trademark, and copyright matters, including
licensing and patent applications. Austin will focus in domestic
and foreign patent prosecution in mechanical and electromechanical
technologies. Mitchell will concentrate in trademark matters
and intellectual property litigation.Drekhoff has experience
advising clients and prosecuting and licensing patents in food
technology, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemical processing,
and medical products. He also litigates patent, trademark, copyright,
and trade secret matters.
Katja Kunzke, U.W. 1982, was promoted to vice president-claims
at Wisconsin Lawyers Mutual Insurance Co. Kunzke joined WILMIC
in 1989. The company provides professional liability insurance
and risk management services to Wisconsin lawyers. |
Laurie E. Peterson, Marquette 1998, has joined Borgelt,
Powell, Peterson & Frauen S.C. as an associate. Peterson
will practice insurance defense and labor and employment law.
Jeffrey A. Pitman, Marquette 1990, of Hausmann-McNally
S.C., has been admitted to the Illinois bar and appointed to
the board of directors of the Wisconsin Academy of Trial Lawyers.
He continues to be one of the WATL state delegates to the Association
of Trial Lawyers of America. Pitman practices in plaintiff personal
Brian A. Price, Marquette 1990, has been named a partner
of Gonzalez, Saggio, Birdsall & Harlan LLP, Milwaukee. Price
represents employers in all aspects of equal opportunities and
employment law.
Daniel R. Plane, Marquette 1996 cum laude, has joined
Reinhart, Boerner, Van Deuren, Norris & Rieselbach S.C. as
an associate in the firm's litigation department in the
Madison office. He practices primarily in utilities law and general
civil litigation. Plane formerly served as a trial attorney for
the U.S. Department of Justice's Immigration and Naturalization
Service in San Diego and Chicago. Jason E. Pauls, Marquette 1998 cum laude, has joined
as an associate in the firm's intellectual property department
in the Milwaukee office. He counsels clients in matters regarding
all aspects of intellectual property including patent and trademark
licensing and litigation.
John R. Shull Jr., Marquette 1998, has joined the Wausau
law firm of Terwilliger, Wakeen, Piehler, & Conway S.C. as
an associate in the litigation section concentrating in insurance
defense. Shull previously was employed at Kasdorf, Lewis &
John J. Slein, Hamline 1984, has become a shareholder
of Hale & Wagner S.C. His practice includes automobile and
trucking negligence, insurance agency law, insurance disputes,
real estate agency law, and personal injury law. Sline previously
was with Hinshaw & Culbertson.
Catherine A. Thomas, Marquette 1985, has joined the
law offices of John J. Spindler in Brookfield. Thomas continues
to practice in worker's compensation. She formerly was with
Krukowski & Costello S.C., Milwaukee.
Ralph "J.J." Vosskamp, U.W. 1998, has become
an associate with the Facilitator Capital Fund, a private equity
group in Madison. He will analyze prospective investments, handle
regulatory compliance, and assist small businesses with financing
and related matters.
Sandra J. Wagner, U.W. 1998, has joined the Manitowoc
firm of Skyberg Law Offices as an associate working in all areas
of general practice.
Robert Fletcher, Marquette 1998, has become a Waukesha
County assistant district attorney after acting as a public service
special prosecutor. Fletcher has been acting as a public service
special prosecutor in the Waukesha County district attorney's
office. He served as an intern in the office while attending
law school.
Ralph Ramirez, U.W. 1984, has resigned his position
in the district attorney's office to fill the position of
circuit court judge, Branch 3, Juvenile Division. Ramirez has
been an assistant district attorney for more than 15 years, having
served as team captain, and handled all sexual predator cases
within the office.
Sue E. Weiske, U.W. 1984, has been promoted to shareholder
and director with Fraser Stryker Vaughn Meusey Olson Boyer &
Bloch in the Denver office. Previously Weiske was in-house counsel
for Time Warner Telecommunication. Weiske practices in telecommunication.
Joseph W. Boucher, Neider & Boucher S.C., Madison,
Robert M. Fahrenbach, Ernst & Young LLP, Milwaukee
and Chicago, Leonard S. Sosnowski, Foley & Lardner,
Madison, Steven R. Battenberg, Michael Best & Friedrich
LLP, Milwaukee, Debra Sadow Koenig, Godfrey & Kahn
S.C., Milwaukee; Marcus S. Loden, Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek
S.C., Madison, Bret A. Roge, Michael Best & Friedrich
LLP, Milwaukee, and William R. West, von Briesen, Purtell
& Roper S.C., Milwaukee, are authors of LLCs and LLPs:
A Wisconsin Handbook, recently published by the State Bar
of Wisconsin CLE Books. LLPs and LLCs is a revised edition of
the Wisconsin Limited Liability Company Handbook.
Carlton D. Stansbury, Iowa 1990 with distinction, spoke
at the ABA family law section's spring meeting in Miami
on "Good Fortune Trusts: Boon or Boondoggle?" He is
the cochair of the section's publications development board,
and sits on the section's council. Stansbury is a shareholder
in Burbach & Stansbury S.C., Milwaukee, concentrating in
family law.
Alan Marcuvitz, Marquette 1957, Robert Gordon,
U.W. 1975, and Andrea Roschke, U.W. 1982, all of Weiss,
Berzowski, Brady & Donahue LLP were faculty members for the
U.W. Law School's May 21 seminar "Property Tax Issues
for the New Millennium." Marcuvitz and Roschke co-presented
"Current Issues Involving Fair Market Valuations,"
and Gordon presented "Current Issues Involving Wisconsin
Property Tax Exemptions."
David S. Branch, Yale 1972, Boston, Mass., Nov. 29,
1945 - March 19, 1999.
Arnold J. Gazinski, Marquette 1953, Pewaukee, Jan.
21, 1922 - April 24, 1999.
Roger J. Karius, Marquette 1959, Greenfield, Nov. 1,
1930 - March 27, 1999.
Daniel C. Shea, Marquette 1939, Wauwatosa, Feb. 18,
1916 - March 5, 1999.