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    Wisconsin Lawyer
    November 01, 1999

    Wisconsin Lawyer November 1999: Technology - State Bar Email Lists Help Attorneys Communicate Quickly and Easily



    Vol. 72, No. 11, November 1999


    State Bar Email Lists Help Attorneys
    Communicate Quickly and Easily

    <Previous Page

    The State Bar supports more than 25 electronic mail lists for various sections, committees, and programs. Memberships range from 10 to more than 1,500 subscribers. While most State Bar lists are restricted to members of a very specific group, many are open to all members of a particular section. These open lists are an excellent way to communicate with other lawyers and share concerns, ask questions, or offer advice.

    Subscriptions to the following section email lists are open to section members:

    • crimlaw - sponsored by the Criminal Law Section;

    • famlaw - sponsored by the Family Law Section; and

    • lawpractice - sponsored by the Law Practice Section.

    The following email list is open to any State Bar member:

  • ssp - sponsored by the Solo and Small Firm Practice Section.
  • While not technically an email list, Caselaw Express (caselaw) delivers synopses of recent Wisconsin Court of Appeals and Supreme Court cases right to your email inbox every Monday.

    To subscribe to an email list, send an email to Do not put anything in the subject line of your message. In the body of the message, type the word "subscribe" (without the quotation marks), the name of the list you want to subscribe to, and your email address - for example, "subscribe ssp"

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