My term as State Bar president ends on July 1. There is not enough room to recognize everyone by name, recount all their helpful acts, and crow all our achievements over my year as president. But, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, and so in this photo montage, I give special thanks.
The best decision I made during my year was nominating Susan Collins as board chair, to manage and conduct the board meetings. I speak for the entire board in thanking Sue for her hard work, dedication, poise, and sense of humor.
During the last two years, my wife Rory has taken care of our family so that I could serve as president. I hope that, like me, our sons Jim and Chris have appreciated all her sacrifices. (And I promise to walk Nixon and Checkers more often!)
The Board of Governors manages and directs the State Bar’s affairs and activities. This year, the board formed subcommittees to update the bylaws, guide public policy matters, articulate the challenges facing the profession, review the Bar committee structure, and improve the board’s governing structure. I thank each member for their commitment to serving the profession. Special thanks to chairs Nate Cade, Kim Haines, Fritz Kaftan, Frank Remington, and Patti Struck.
Thank you to George Brown and all the State Bar staff for their assistance. The staff is efficient, responsive, and dedicated to providing value to your State Bar membership.
I’ve enjoyed working with past president Doug Kammer (right). Doug has spoken for members who felt they did not have a voice and encouraged their involvement. He has always treated me fairly, and I appreciate his friendship. I also look forward to working with incoming president Jim Brennan (left). Jim has my full support, and he will be a great president.
Young lawyers add new energy and ideas and are the Bar’s future leaders. The YLD and 2010 officers (from left) Jessica King, Jill Kastner, Deanne Koll, Nick Vivian, and Sherry Coley have worked hard to involve newer lawyers in the Bar. The Young Lawyers Leadership Conference has attracted 200-plus attendees for the past two years, and young lawyers groups are forming statewide.
The Insurance and Member Benefits Committee, with cochairs Kevin Klein (pictured) and Todd Martin, has begun the important process of member-to-member communication of State Bar benefits, focusing on practice benefits. Kevin also will make a great Bar president.
John Birdsall (pictured), Hank Schultz, Bar staff, and I worked this year to help the Wisconsin Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers raise funds so WACDL can commission a study to demonstrate that the $40 rate paid to private attorneys who do public defender work must be raised.
To the members of the State Bar, thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you as president and to bring some humor to the Bar as we work on serious issues. It has truly been an honor. And now I exit with a splash.