Vol. 76, No. 8, August
In the News
New Hires, Promotions, Partners
J. Aaron Ball, American University
1997, L.L.M. (tax) DePaul 2002, has joined Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin
& Kahn PLLC, Washington, D.C. He focuses on corporate, securities,
financial, merger, and acquisition transactions.
Peter J. Bausch, Marquette 2003 cum laude, has
joined Boyle, Fredrickson, Newholm, Stein & Gratz S.C., Milwaukee,
practicing primarily in patent law prosecution and litigation.
Randall E. Bennett, U.W. 1988, has become director
of legal services for Plexus Corp., Neenah, a worldwide contract
manufacturer for the electronics industry. He previously was an
associate general counsel for American Medical Security Inc.
David J. Brummond, Iowa 1975 with distinction, has
become legal counsel to the terrorism risk insurance program in the
Office of General Counsel, U.S. Department of the Treasury, Washington,
D.C. He previously was general counsel to the National Fraternal
Congress of America, Naperville, Ill.
Michael P. Cotter, Marquette 1998, has been
appointed director of the Walworth County Land Use and Resource
Management Department, Elkhorn. He previously was a Walworth County
assistant corporation counsel, focusing on land use matters. He
continues to serve as East Troy municipal judge.
Donald A. Daugherty, Northwestern 1990, has joined
the Milwaukee office of Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek S.C., focusing his
litigation practice in corporate/commercial, health care, information
technology, products liability, and creditors' rights. He is a member of
the firm's litigation, health care, and information technology teams. He
previously was a partner with Michael Best & Friedrich LLP.
Kim Fenske, U.W. 1990, has joined American Express,
Madison, as a personal financial advisor. He will help clients identify
their financial goals and how to achieve them. He previously was with
the Ho Chunk Nation.
Oliver J. Kaufman, Marquette 2003, has joined
Gimbel, Reilly, Guerin & Brown, Milwaukee.
Kimberly A. Kolch, Marquette 1993, has joined the
Volunteer Lawyers Project of the Erie County Bar Association, Buffalo,
N.Y. She is in charge of the coordination and delivery of legal rights
presentations and related services to immigrants who are detained and
facing deportation proceedings at the Buffalo Federal Detention
Kathleen M. Healy, Marquette 2003, has joined Urban
Taylor & Stawski Ltd., Milwaukee, as an associate. She will focus on
plaintiffs' personal injury and employee rights litigation.
Daniel J. LaRocque, DePaul 1980, has joined the
Madison office of Davis & Kuelthau S.C. as a shareholder on the
litigation team. His practice includes civil litigation and alternative
dispute resolution in insurance, banking, labor and employment, and
general business and corporate law. He previously was vice president and
deputy general counsel for CUNA Mutual Group, Madison.
Amanda R. Lough, Marquette 2003, has joined Koch
& McCann S.C., Milwaukee, concentrating in social security
disability and worker's compensation.
Lisa Pierobon Mays, Thomas M. Cooley 1995 cum laude,
has joined Mays Law Office LLC, Madison, founded by her husband, Stephen
E. Mays. Pierobon Mays, formerly a director with Lawton & Cates
S.C., Madison, will focus on worker's compensation, personal injury, and
general litigation.
The following attorneys have been elected to partnership at Michael
Best & Friedrich LLP. Madison office: Jordan J.
Hemaidan, U.W. 1996 cum laude, practices in commercial
litigation and regulatory law, with an emphasis on public utilities and
telecommuni-cations. John C. Scheller, John Marshall
1995 magna cum laude, practices primarily in intellectual property
litigation, concentrating on patent cases. Matthew L.
Storms, Case Western Reserve 1996, is in the business practice
group and has experience in negotiating and structuring mergers,
acquisitions, venture capital, and health care transactions.
Milwaukee office: Christopher B. Austin, Marquette
1996, focuses on intellectual property matters, with an emphasis on
patent applications relating to mechanical engineering, materials
sciences, and packaging engineering. Nathaniel Cade
Jr., Michigan 1996, is in the tort liability focus group and
has experience in products and premises liability, personal injury
defense, construction law, insurance defense, and commercial litigation.
Edward R. Lawson Jr., Texas 1996 with honors, practices
in intellectual property law, including preparation of patents relating
to mechanical engineering, material sciences, and food products.
Colleen O'Connor Patzer, Minnesota 1996 cum laude, is
in the health care practice area, with experience including Medicare and
Medicaid certification and reimbursement, facility survey and licensure,
vendor contracting, corporate compliance, resident rights, bioethics,
and professional licensure.
Waukesha office: Joseph E. Tierney IV, U.W. 1995,
focuses on real estate law, corporate law, and tax planning matters,
including tax-free exchanges and entity choice.
Benjamin S. Wagner, U.W. 2003 magna cum laude, has
joined the Racine office of Habush Habush & Rottier S.C. as an
Aaron M. Hurvitz, U.W. 1998, and Elizabeth
C. Stone, Duke 1997 magna cum laude, have joined von Briesen
& Roper S.C. as associates. Hurvitz is with the business and labor
and employment sections in the Milwaukee office. Stone is with the
health care practice group in the Madison office. She formerly was an
in-house attorney with the U.W. Medical School.
Kelly Watzka, Marquette 1994, has joined the U.S.
Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Wisconsin as an assistant
U.S. attorney, practicing in the criminal division. She formerly was an
associate with Leib & Katt S.C., Milwaukee.
Joshua R. Welsh, Marquette 2002 magna cum laude, has
joined Meissner Tierney Fisher & Nichols S.C., Milwaukee, practicing
in corporate and tax law.
Mergers, Relocations, New Associations
Foley & Lardner has opened an office in Tokyo,
Japan, to facilitate the firm's longstanding representation of Japanese
corporations in intellectual property and corporate legal matters in the
Heuer Law Offices S.C., formerly Heuer & Case
S.C., has relocated to 744 N. Fourth St., Suite 460, Milwaukee.
John M. Heuer, University of the Pacific - McGeorge
School of Law 1977, Kirsten Fagerland Pezewski,
Marquette 1996, and Jonathan D. McCollister, Marquette
2001, are with the firm, which practices subrogation and all aspects of
creditors' representation.
Bablitch retires from supreme court
After 20 years as a Wisconsin Supreme Court
justice, William A. Bablitch retires this month.
"I have had an extraordinarily fulfilling and satisfying career,"
said Bablitch. "My public service, encompassing all three branches of
government, spans seven governors. I have enormous respect for all of my
colleagues, who without exception are completely dedicated to the law
and justice. Wisconsin can be proud of its supreme court, and I am proud
to have been a member. I am grateful to the citizens of Wisconsin for
allowing me to serve them, and deeply humbled and honored by their
Bablitch was elected Portage County district attorney in 1968. In
1972, he was elected state senator, relying on a grassroots campaign
comprising mostly student volunteers.
Patti & Brill LLC, Chicago, has expanded its
practice by adding several registered patent attorneys, a registered
patent agent, several patent engineers, and scientific advisors with
backgrounds in electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, computer
engineering, physics, biology, medicine, and the pharmaceutical arts.
The firm's Web site is www.pattibrill.com.
Petit, Parker & Dommershausen S.C., Neenah, has
been formed as a service corporation effective July 1, 2003.
Appointments, Elections
The Dane County Bar Association has elected the following officers:
president - Michael R. Davis; president-elect -
H. Dale Peterson; secretary - Marta T.
Meyers; and treasurer - David R. Friedman, all
of Madison.
The Door County Bar Association has elected these officers: president
- Evan M. Kjellenberg, Sister Bay; president-elect -
Jon R. Pinkert, Sturgeon Bay; secretary - James
A. Downey, Sturgeon Bay; and treasurer - Richard A.
Hauser, Sturgeon Bay.
The Door-Kewaunee County Bar Association has elected the following
officers: president - Jeffrey A. Jazgar, Green Bay;
vice president - D. Todd Ehlers, Sturgeon Bay; and
secretary/treasurer - Mark W. Hunter,
Green Bay.
James E. Duffy Jr., Marquette 1968, was inducted as
an associate justice of the Hawaii Supreme Court on June 27, 2003.
The Eau Claire County Bar Association has elected these officers:
president - Peter E. Grosskopf; president-elect -
Pamela J. Veith; secretary - Christopher R.
Bloom; and treasurer - Jay E. Heit, all of Eau
The Kewaunee County Bar Association has elected the following
officers: president - Elma E. Anderson; vice president
- Troy C. Dalebroux; and secretary/treasurer -
Dennis H. Mleziva, all of Kewaunee.
Anne Knauff, Marquette 1983, was deputized as a
special assistant U.S. attorney to help prosecute criminal violations of
the federal Mine Safety and Health Act. She is with the U.S. Department
of Labor, Nashville, Tenn., primarily litigating issues related to coal
mining in eastern Kentucky.
The La Crosse County Bar Association has elected these officers:
president - Ann I. Brandau; president-elect -
Peder G. Arneson; and secretary/treasurer -
Francis M. Doherty, all of La Crosse.
The League of Wisconsin Municipalities - Municipal Attorneys has
elected the following officers: president - Judith Schmidt
Lehman, De Pere; and secretary - John P. Macy,
William H. Levit Jr., Harvard 1967, has been
appointed by Gov. Jim Doyle to a six-year term as a trustee of the State
of Wisconsin Investment Board. Levit is the senior member of the
litigation practice group at Godfrey & Kahn, Milwaukee.
The Lincoln County Bar Association has elected these officers:
president - Robert R. Russell; president-elect -
Dawn R. Lemke; and secretary/treasurer - Jill
L. Laufenberg; all of Merrill.
The Manitowoc County Bar Association has elected the following
officers: president - Katherine M. Reynolds;
president-elect - Gary L. Bendix; and
secretary/treasurer - Christine M. Dewane, all of
The Marathon County Bar Association has elected these officers:
president - James B. Connell; president-elect -
Elizabeth B. Corbett; secretary - Cari L.
Westerhof; and treasurer - Carolie B. Kuehn,
all of Wausau.
The Marinette County Bar Association has elected the following
officers: president - Brent H. DeBord, Oconto;
president-elect - Al Chaplin, Marinette; and
secretary/treasurer - Kent R. Hoffmann, Peshtigo.
The Milwaukee Bar Association has elected these officers: president -
Daniel D. Blinka; president-elect - Margaret W.
Hickey; vice president - Pamela Pepper; and
secretary/treasurer - Patricia A. Hintz, all of
The Milwaukee Young Lawyers Association has elected the following
officers: president - Mark P. Jungers, Mequon;
president-elect - Serena E. Pollack, Milwaukee;
secretary - Kimberly C. Montgomery, Milwaukee; and
treasurer - Scott B. Franklin, Milwaukee.
The Oneida-Vilas-Forest County Bar Association has elected these
officers: president - Jon M. Cassady, Hazelhurst; vice
president - Ginger L. Murray, Crandon; secretary -
Keith K. Kost, Rhinelander; and treasurer -
Steven M. Michlig, Rhinelander.
The Outagamie County Bar Association has elected the following
officers: president - Deborah L. Agate, Appleton;
president-elect - John E. Thiel, Appleton; secretary -
Robin L. Koch, New London; and treasurer -
Robert T. Kemps, Appleton.
The Racine County Bar Association has elected these officers:
president - Steven T. Botzau, Racine; president-elect -
Timothy D. Boyle, Burlington; secretary -
Giulio Fornary, Racine; and treasurer - Bernard
J. Powers, Racine.
The Rock County Bar Association has elected the following officers:
president - Eugene R. Dumas, Janesville; vice president
- James H. Fowler III, Janesville; secretary -
Jonathan W. Groessl, Janesville; and treasurer -
Matthew T. Roethe, Edgerton.
The Sauk County Bar Association has elected these officers: president
- Gretchen G. Viney, Baraboo; president-elect -
Stephen D. Chiquoine, Reedsburg; vice president -
L. William Kahler Jr., Reedsburg; secretary -
Natalie T. Bussan, Baraboo; and treasurer -
Jeffrey M. Blessinger, Baraboo.
The Waukesha County Bar Association has elected the following
officers: president - Paul G. Bonneson, Wauwatosa;
president-elect - C. Michael Hausman, Delafield; and
secretary/treasurer - Eric A. Love, Milwaukee.
The Waupaca County Bar Association has elected these officers:
president - Vicki L. Taggatz, Waupaca; president-elect
- Thomas W. Johnson, New London; and
secretary/treasurer - Jeffrey J. Siewert, Waupaca.
The Western District Bar Association has elected the following
officers: president - Todd Gregory Smith;
president-elect - James R. Troupis; secretary -
Jennifer Sloan Lattis; and treasurer - Michael
J. Modl, all of Madison.
The Wisconsin Association of African American Lawyers has elected
these officers: president - Valarie A. Hill;
president-elect - Roy L. Williams; secretary -
Angela McKenzie; and treasurer - Elaine E.
Richards, all of Milwaukee.
The Wisconsin Intellectual Property Law Association has elected the
following officers: president - Thomas M. Wozny;
president-elect - Jason E. Pauls; and
secretary/treasurer - Thomas J. Pienkos, all of
Correction: Susan V. Kelley, on June 30, began a
14-year term as a federal bankruptcy judge for the Eastern District of
Wisconsin. Kelley was appointed to the judgeship by the 7th Circuit
Court of Appeals. The editors apologize for their error reported in the
July Wisconsin Lawyer.
Pro Bono, Public Service
The Habush Habush & Rottier Charitable Foundation partnered with
the Greenfield Police, Fire, Health, and Parks and Recreation
departments in June to provide 150 free children's bicycle helmets.
Habush Habush & Rottier, with offices statewide,
formed the foundation, which donates about 6,500 helmets each year to
promote child safety.
Authors, Speakers
Susan M. Love, Pepperdine 1990, will present "The
Foundations of Labor Relations" at a training conference sponsored by
the National Public Employer Relations Association in Chicago in
September. She also presented "The Negotiations Process" and "Preparing
and Presenting an Arbitration Case" at the association's national
conference in April. Love is with the Milwaukee office of Davis &
Kuelthau S.C.
Awards, Degrees, Honors
Boyle Fredrickson Newholm Stein & Gratz S.C.,
Milwaukee, has been awarded a place on the Milwaukee Journal
Sentinel's "2003 Future 50," a list of the 50 fastest growing young
companies in the Milwaukee area. The firm concentrates in intellectual
property matters.
Michael L. Bundy, Marquette 1973, received a
"Prosecutor of the Year" award from the Wisconsin District Attorneys'
Association. He is a Waukesha County deputy district attorney.
The corporate/mergers and acquisitions and real estate practices of
Godfrey & Kahn S.C. have been ranked second
statewide in the 2003-04 edition of Chambers USA: America's Leading
Business Lawyers. The firm's litigation practice ranked third in
Wisconsin. Recognized as leading attorneys in corporate/M & A work
were Peter Sommerhauser, Northwestern 1968, in the
Milwaukee office, and Michael Skindrud, U.W. 1975, in
the Madison office, LaFollette Godfrey & Kahn. Steve
Chernof, U.W. 1968, with the Milwaukee office, was named a
leading real estate attorney.
David E. Jarvis, U.W. 1968, has received a lifetime
achievement award for his pro bono work from the Milwaukee Young Lawyers
Association and Legal Action of Wisconsin. Jarvis, a partner in the
labor and employment practice group in the Milwaukee office of Quarles
& Brady LLP, was recognized for serving for more than 20 years as
pro bono coordinator for Quarles & Brady.
Richard Z. Kabaker, Michigan 1959, received the
Father of the Year for 2003 award from the American Diabetes
Association's Father's Day Council. He is a partner with the Madison
office of Michael Best & Friedrich LLP, focusing on estate planning,
trust and estate administration, marital property law, and nonprofit
organization law.
Dianne Post, U.W. 1979, has received the Individual
Achievement Award from the Greater Phoenix Child Abuse Prevention
Council. She was honored for her work producing the Battered Mothers'
Testimony Project: A Human Rights Approach to Child Custody and Domestic
Violence. She is director of systems advocacy at the Arizona Coalition
Against Domestic Violence, Phoenix.
The Schroeder Group S.C., Attorneys at Law,
Waukesha, has been named the Top Small Business of the Year by the
Waukesha Area Chamber of Commerce. Businesses with headquarters in
southeastern Wisconsin are eligible if they have no more than 250
employees and have been in business for at least three years. Criteria
for the award include growth in the number of employees and/or in sales,
good employee relations, a commitment to good business practices, and
community service.
Bruce Gillman, U.W. 1957, has retired from the
practice of law. He was formerly with the Boardman Law Firm and now
lives in Scottsdale, Ariz.
Roy H. Nelson, U.W. 1988, has retired from Petrie
& Stocking S.C., Milwaukee, to attend Wartburg Theological Seminary,
Dubuque, Iowa, with the goal of being ordained a Lutheran pastor. He
continues his mediation and arbitration practice.
In Memoriam
John T. Carr, Marquette 1948, New Berlin, Dec. 3,
1919 - March 25, 2003.
Steven J. Caulum, U.W. 1967,
Madison, July 8, 1942 - March 23, 2003.
Robert E. Emery, DePaul 1944, Bayfield, April 16,
1911 - Oct. 31, 2002.
Frederick J. Erhardt, U.W. 1970, Madison, June 19,
1945 - June 1, 2003.
John H. Esch, U.W. 1928, Madison, June 4, 1903 -
June 17, 2003.
Keith E. Halverson, U.W. 1966, Prescott, May 16,
1938 - Aug. 30, 2002.
Harry Lensky, U.W. 1956, Milwaukee, Jan. 24, 1928 -
June 12, 2003.
Eugene W. Tiernan, Iowa 1953, Brandon, Fla., Nov. 5,
1920 - Oct. 31, 2002.
John O. Ward, U.W. 1942, Osseo, Sept. 6, 1918 -
April 18, 2003.
Wisconsin Lawyer