Director of State Courts J. Denis Moran, the administrative head of the Wisconsin court system since Oct. 1, 1978, has announced that he will retire effective May 31. Moran, 60, was the first person to serve as director of the reorganized court system.
Director of state courts announcements
Director of State Courts J. Denis Moran, the administrative head of
the Wisconsin court system since Oct. 1, 1978, has announced that he
will retire effective May 31. Moran, 60, was the first person to serve
as director of the reorganized court system.
"It has been a privilege to serve the people and the courts of
Wisconsin over the [past] 24 years," says Moran. "Our accomplishments
have been both significant and lasting and have earned Wisconsin's court
system a reputation as among the best in the country."
Chief Justice Shirley S. Abrahamson agreed. "Our judges and court
staff are in demand on the faculty of national and international
conferences because other jurisdictions recognize that Wisconsin is
doing great things. Denis has been an important part of that."
The National Association for Court Management honored Moran in 2002
with its Award of Merit, given for "leadership and excellence in the
advancement of the ideals and principles of modern judicial management
and professional court management." Under Moran's leadership, the
Wisconsin courts' commitment to excellence and innovation has led to
numerous initiatives that jurisdictions around the nation and the world
are replicating. One key project that has become a model for the nation
is a state-of-the-art computer network in the circuit courts. The
automation initiative, now known as the Consolidated Court Automation
Programs (CCAP), has made the courts more efficient and has facilitated
information sharing with various state agencies in a timely and
cost-effective manner.
In addition to leading innovative projects, Moran led efforts to
improve courthouse security and customer service and to provide quality
continuing education for the state's judges.
In retirement, Moran plans to remain active in court management on a
consulting basis.
Wisconsin Lawyer