Vol. 76, No. 11, November
New Child Support Guidelines Effective Jan. 1, 2004
The revised guidelines are effective for orders
established after Jan. 1, 2004, and affect the shared-time formula and
high- and low-income payers and clarify definitions, among other
by Dan Rossmiller
The long-awaited administrative rule modifying the Department of
Workforce Development's (DWD's) child support guidelines, Wis. Admin.
Code chapter DWD 40, has been allowed to advance by the legislative
committees reviewing the rule. Twice delayed by legislative requests for
modifications, the rule now goes forward with no further delays or
modifications. The revised guidelines are effective for child support
orders established after Jan. 1, 2004.
Dan Rossmiller,
U.W. 1981, is State Bar Public Affairs Director. He has made
presentations at the 1999 and 2003 Family Law Workshops and the 1999
State Bar annual convention regarding family law issues. He is a member
of the State Bar and of the Dane County Bar Association.
The rule, known in legislative parlance as Clearinghouse Rule 03-022
(CR 03-022), includes three major components: revisions to the shared
placement or "shared-time" formula; new provisions for high-income
payers; and new provisions for low-income payers. In addition, the new
rule clarifies the definitions of several important terms and makes
other changes. The State Bar's Family Law Section supported these
changes and pressed for legislative approval of CR 03-022.
The Impetus for Change
Since taking effect in 1987, the child support guidelines have been
standards that are to be followed unless the court decides (or the
parties agree) otherwise. While the existing guidelines have worked
fairly well in many cases, the guidelines have produced problematic
results in cases, such as:
- Low income cases, in which many payers have
insufficient income to pay current ordered amounts and struggle to meet
their obligations. This often results in conflict between the parents
that diminishes the payer's financial and emotional involvement with his
or her children.
- High income cases, in which the lack of a "cap" or
other limitation on income available for child support has created
controversy. Some critics have argued that the lack of a cap or other
limit means that applying the child support guidelines to high-income
payers results in a disguised form of maintenance. This may lead to
litigation because high-income payers are likely to have a greater
ability to afford the costs of contesting these issues.
- Shared-time payer cases. Currently, child support
is reduced if the payer's placement time exceeds 30 percent, and a
further reduction is made - taking into account the payee's income - if
the placement exceeds 40 percent.
Because these reductions occur at two discrete percentage levels,
there are fairly abrupt consequences ("cliff effects") for falling
slightly above or slightly below the percentage level. These reductions
encourage disputes over placement, which actually are child support
battles in disguise. Many litigants feel it is unfair that the current
guidelines fail to explicitly count the primary placement parent's
income in shared time cases in which the parent with the lesser
placement time has placement of less than 40 percent.
Development of Clearinghouse Rule 03-022
Work on CR 03-022 began in March 2001 when the DWD formed an advisory
panel to review the percentage of income standard for child support
orders in Wisconsin. That panel, the Child Support Guidelines Review
Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee), included representatives from
the judiciary, public interest groups, the DWD, and the State Bar Family
Law Section. The well-rounded panel included advocates for fathers',
grandparents', and children's rights; for domestic violence victims; and
for clients with low, middle, and high incomes.
State Bar CLE teleseminar focuses on new child support
State Bar CLE Seminars presents the telephone seminar, The New Child Support Guidelines: It's Arithmetic
not Rocket Science, on Dec. 16, 12 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. CST. Experienced
attorneys will provide a detailed overview of the changes to chapter
Department of Workforce Development (DWD) 40 and its effect on family
law litigation. Find out how the DWD 40 changes will affect your clients
or how litigation may differ as a result of these changes. Presenters
include attorneys Connie M. Chesnik, Wisconsin Department of Workforce
Development; and Daniel R. Cross, Peterson Berk & Cross S.C. Tuition
is $119 through Dec. 2 and $139 after Dec. 2. The program is approved
for 1.0 CLE credits. To register, contact KRM at (800) 659-8955.
To meet federal requirements, states must review their child support
guidelines every four years. The Advisory Committee was charged
generally with providing input and recommendations to the DWD for
consideration as part of the required guidelines review and specifically
with making recommendations for modifications to the child support
guidelines and Wisconsin statutes. The Advisory Committee was asked to
take into consideration the best interests of Wisconsin citizens, and,
in particular, the best interests of children affected by divorce or the
absence of a parent. The panel was directed to complete its work by
spring 2002.
Between April 26, 2001, and Feb. 14, 2002, the Advisory Committee met
11 times for a total of nearly 100 hours to discuss and study child
support issues in Wisconsin. Committee members spent innumerable
personal hours reading the many reports and analyses submitted by the
DWD and other experts. The Advisory Committee issued its final report on
Feb. 22, 2002.
Shared Placement Formula
The CR 03-022 revisions approved by the legislature essentially
adopted the Advisory Committee's recommendations with respect to
shared-placement cases. Consistent with the Advisory Committee's
CR 03-022:
- Applies the shared time formula when both parents have court-ordered
placement periods of 25 percent or more, and each parent is ordered to
assume the child(ren)'s costs, in proportion to the time that the parent
has placement of the child(ren). Variable costs will be ordered in
addition to the basic support amount under the formula.
- Determines the placement periods for each parent by calculating the
number of overnights or equivalent care exercised by the parents in a
year, and dividing that number by 365 days. The combined placement
periods for both parents should equal 100 percent.
- Applies a cross-credit calculation in shared time cases that sets
support based on the costs of shared parenting when both parents
exercise placement periods of 25 percent or more, as follows:
- Calculate the basic child support amount for each parent using the
percentage of income standards.
- Multiply the basic support amounts by 150 percent to account for
child-rearing expenditures made by both parents (for example, for the
child's bedroom).
- Allocate shared placement amounts by multiplying each parent's
obligation by the proportion of the child's time spent with the other
- Offset resulting amounts against each other. The parent with a
greater amount of support pays the difference, not to exceed the amount
that would be paid under the straight percentage standard.
The result represents the base support amount under the shared-time
- In addition to establishing the base support amount under the
formula, the court is to appropriately assess the child's variable
costs. "Variable costs" are the reasonable costs incurred by or on
behalf of the child(ren), including but not limited to the costs of day
care, a child's special needs, tuition, and extracurricular
High-income Payer Provisions
The CR 03-022 revisions approved by the legislature create a
three-tiered approach for "high-income" payers. In the first tier the
current percentage standard is applied to annual gross income below
$84,000. In the second tier the percentages are reduced for annual gross
income above $84,000 and are reduced again for annual gross income above
$150,000 in the third tier.
Under CR 03-022 the basic support obligation will be calculated as
- First tier: Apply the current standard percentages
in chapter DWD 40 to a payer's income up to a threshold "high-income"
level of annual gross income, defined as $84,000 a year (or $7,000 per
month). The current percentages are:
1 child = 17 percent
2 children = 25 percent
3 children = 29 percent
4 children = 31 percent
5 or more children = 34 percent
- Second tier: Apply the following reduced
percentages, which represent roughly 80 percent of the current standard,
to the amount of annual gross income between $84,000 and $150,000:
1 child = 14% (rather than 17%)
2 children = 20% (rather than 25%)
3 children = 23% (rather than 29%)
4 children = 25% (rather than 31%)
5 or more children = 27% (rather than 34%)
- Third tier: Apply the following percentages, which
represent roughly 60 percent of the current standard, to the amount of
annual gross income that exceeds $150,000:
1 child = 10%
2 children = 15%
3 children = 17%
4 children = 19%
5 or more children = 20%
The Advisory Committee had recommended this sort of three-tiered
approach, but had recommended that the reduction to roughly 80 percent
and 60 percent of the full percentage standards apply at the threshold
levels of $150,000 and $200,000, respectively.
Debate centered around what income level would trigger the
"high-income" reductions as the proposed rule underwent review.
Following the initial public hearing and comment period, the thresholds
were reduced to $102,000 and $150,000, respectively, in the version of
the rule first submitted to the legislature. The thresholds were reduced
again in response to requests from the legislative committee reviewing
the rule. As noted above, the version of CR 03-022 approved by the
legislature sets the final threshold levels at $84,000 and $150,000,
respectively. It is worth noting that the high-income payer provisions
do not contain a child support cap on income. (Wisconsin does not adhere
to the theory that child support necessarily "maxes out" at some
Consistent with the Advisory Committee's recommendation CR 03-022
provides that the court has the power to create a trust for the
child(ren) if the amount of support exceeds the amount necessary to
maintain the child's standard of living.
Low-income Payer Changes
What emerged in the final version of CR 03-022, as approved by the
legislature, is a three-tiered approach for "low-income" payers as well.
CR 03-022 provides a schedule with reduced percentage rates to determine
the child support obligation for a payer with an income below
approximately 125 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL) guidelines,
if the court determines that the payer's total economic circumstances
limit his or her ability to pay support at the level determined using
the full percentage rates.
- First tier: If a payer's monthly income is below
approximately 75 percent of the federal poverty guidelines, the court
may set an order at an amount appropriate for the payer's total economic
circumstances. This amount may be lower than the lowest support amount
in the schedule.
- Second tier: For income between approximately 75
percent and 125 percent of the federal poverty guidelines, the
percentage rates in the schedule gradually increase as income
- Third tier: The full percentage rates apply to
payers with income greater than or equal to approximately 125 percent of
the federal poverty guidelines.
As modified, CR 03-022 provides that when income is imputed based on
earning capacity, the court shall consider a parent's history of child
care responsibilities as the parent with primary placement, along with
the other factors of the parent's education, training and recent work
experience, earnings during previous periods, current physical and
mental health, and the availability of work in or near the parent's
Application of the low-income formula is permissive and courts are
permitted to deviate from the presumptive support amount in
consideration of the factors in the statute.
Background on the Public Hearings
CR 03-022 incorporated those Advisory Committee recommendations that
could be implemented by rule. Three hearings (in Madison, Milwaukee, and
Stevens Point) were held on the proposed rules in late March 2003.
Family Law Section representatives testified at all three hearings. The
DWD made several modifications to the proposed rules as a result of
testimony received at those hearings and submitted CR 03-022 to the
legislature for review under procedures outlined in Wis. Stat. chapter
Legislative Review of the Rule
During the legislative review process, which began in late June 2003,
the Senate Committee on Health, Children, Families, Aging, and Long-term
Care requested that the DWD modify CR 03-022 to provide for a realistic
payment amount for low-income payers and review the high-income section
of the proposed rule to determine if the level of support required is
The DWD agreed to modify the low-income provision and resubmitted the
rule. Those modifications resulted in a final rule that provides a
schedule with reduced percentage rates to be used to determine the child
support obligation for payers with an income between 75 percent and 125
percent of the FPL, if the court determines that the payer's total
economic circumstances limit his or her ability to pay support at the
level determined using the full percentage rates.
Shortly after the modified proposed rule was resubmitted to the
legislative committees for their review, the Assembly Committee on
Children and Families requested that the DWD consider, among other
things, lowering the threshold at which a payer may be subject to the
high-income payer formula. The DWD lowered the initial threshold from
$102,000 to $84,000, modified provisions affecting income imputed based
on earning capacity, and resubmitted the rule.
Because the legislative committee review period, which ended on Oct.
7, 2003, lapsed without further modifications being requested, DWD will
be able to promulgate the revised guidelines without delay.
"These rules affect hundreds of thousands of families in Wisconsin
and the department appreciates the contributions of the many
affected parties and policy makers to the rule making process," says
Connie Chesnik, a DWD legal counsel who helped oversee the development
of the rules.
Practice notes. 1) The new rules will apply to
orders (both initial orders and pending motions to modify) established
after Jan. 1, 2004. 2) The new rules explicitly provide that
modification of any provision of chapter DWD 40 shall not be considered
a substantial change in circumstances sufficient to justify a revision
of a judgment or order under Wis. Stat. section 767.32.
Special Note on Shared Placement Changes
While the high-income and low-income payer provisions generated a
great deal of controversy throughout the public hearing and legislative
review process, the proposed shared-placement provisions were
essentially unaltered from the Advisory Committee's recommendation.
The shared-placement provisions are a centerpiece of the revised
guidelines and worthy of special mention. These provisions are based on
the premise that when both parents have significant periods of
placement, the formula should take into account the duplicated costs of
childrearing in both households and both parents' incomes as a more
realistic and equitable basis to set child support. The new provisions,
approved in CR 03-022, not only lower the threshold for the application
of the shared time formula but provide for an offset of each parent's
obligation at that new threshold.
Under the revised rules, the court may apply the proposed formula
when both parents have a court-ordered period of placement of at least
25 percent of overnights or an equivalent period, and each parent is
ordered to assume the child's basic support costs in proportion to the
time that the parent has placement of the child. "Basic support costs"
are defined under the revised rule as food, shelter, clothing,
transportation, personal care, and incidental recreational costs.
Family Law Section Chair John Short welcomes the new, revised shared
time rule. "It provides both objective and subjective fairness:
objective fairness because the results of applying the formula to
specific family situations make sense; subjective fairness because
the parties will be more receptive of a rule that looks directly at the
incomes of both parents."
Margaret Wrenn Hickey, immediate past chair of the State Bar Family
Law Section and a member of the Advisory Committee, noted, "While the
new rule reflects a compromise in some areas, it also genuinely reflects
the hard work and real life experience of the members of the Advisory
Committee, who represented a broad spectrum of groups and individuals
who work with families in the legal system. As such, I hope that the
rule will not only successfully address the needs of families in divorce
or paternity actions, but also be less subject to constant revision
in the future. That would provide needed consistency and predictability
in family court."