Vol. 76, No. 7, July
"Google" Your Way to Better Web Searching
Now you can create specialized searches for
customized results using Google, the world's biggest search engine
Mary J.
Koshollek is director of library services at Godfrey & Kahn
S.C., Milwaukee. She is a member of the Law Librarians Association of
Wisconsin, which is sponsoring a series of articles on conducting
efficient, effective research.
by Mary J. Koshollek
Google - www.google.com - is
currently the biggest search engine database in the world1 and has been named the top search engine on the
Web. It is an invaluable tool for Web research and gives quick results,
whether finding a public document or getting background on legal and
nonlegal topics. Busy legal researchers can use it for a number of
specialized searches for customized results.
Google was created in 1998 at Stanford University by two graduate
students and was officially launched in the fall of 1999. Since its
inception, Google's corporate philosophy has been to present a clean,
simple interface, free from the ubiquitous ads that plague other search
sites. It is a straightforward search tool that has some advanced search
syntax but is more noted for its highly relevant results. It returns
pages based on the number of sites linking to them and how often they
are visited, indicating their popularity. When searching for a specific
Web site, try Google's "I'm feeling lucky" button on the main search
page. This feature bypasses the results page and goes to the first Web
page that Google returns. Google also stores a snapshot of each page it
visits under the "Cached" link on a results page. This feature might be
helpful in finding old dot.com Web pages or disbanded company
Google's Differences
Google doesn't read keyword or description meta tags like other
search engines. It assigns its own description to each site by
extracting relevant parts of the page to display in the Google results.
Google employs a "PageRank™ " feature that, at times, can
negatively affect your search, especially when you want to research a
complex topic with a huge Web presence. Google lets you search full text
of most PDF files on the Web as well as MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and
Corel WordPerfect files. This is a big advantage over search engines
like Yahoo! and Findlaw. If you are looking for technical information,
Google also can specially search for files from the Microsoft, Linux,
Mac, and Unix operating systems.
Some "Googlese"
The site's name is a wordplay inspired by "googol," a math/science
term that describes the very large number of 10 to the 100th power (or 1
followed by 100 zeroes), which hints at the large number of Web pages
that the search engine has indexed. The name also has inspired a lexicon
of its own. Google's headquarters, now in Palo Alto, Calif., is known as
the "Googleplex," and its more than 270 employees as "Googlers." More
terms are "Googling" (using Google to search for information related to
an individual) and "Googlewhacking" (a sport in which the user attempts
to elicit a single result from a search).
More on Google's Technology
Google's hardware is a massive "farm" of more than 10,000 servers,
capable of not only indexing more than 3 billion Web documents but also
handling thousands of queries per second with sub-second response times.
Google crawls the Web (also known as spidering) daily in an effort to
increase the currency of its database. Google reported that it was
spidering 3 million pages each day where currency had been determined to
be crucial. Just remember to evaluate what you find in Google. With that
amount of information being indexed, you may harvest as much unreliable
material as you do great finds.
Google Basics
The home screen for Google provides a simple box in which to type a
search. The system defaults to an "AND" (&) operator between words.
Double quotes (" ") are helpful for phrase or title searching, such as
"Jobs and Growth Reconcilation Tax Act of 2003," though Google
automatically looks for terms in close proximity when quotes are not
used. Other search syntax is available, such as the Boolean "OR" (must
be typed as caps), the plus (+) sign (use only to force the engine to
search for a stop word, even in phrases within quotes; not necessary to
use with regular keywords), and the minus (-) sign (when used
immediately before a term or phrase, excludes it from results). The
universal character for "stemming" - the asterisk (*) - is not
supported; the searcher must use the OR operator with each variant or
equivalent term, including plurals.
Google also maintains a classified Yahoo-style directory page. It is
available at the "Directory" tab on the Google home page and is powered
by the "Open Directory Project," which is a vast, global community of
volunteer editors. Note that "law " is classified under the heading
Results Display
When reviewing a results page on the system you will see:
the title or URL of the document, usually with a hyperlink;
text in which one or more of your search terms appear (not the
beginning lines of a document like most other search engines);
the URL of the result if not given earlier;
a number giving the size of the page, usually in kilobytes;
a link that says "Cached." This is what the page looked like when
Google indexed it and may not be the current version; and
a link that says "Similar Pages," meaning Google will retrieve
other pages that are similar to the retrieved page.
Advanced Search Features
Google maintains a separate page for advanced searches at www.google.com/advanced_search
. This page supports:
fill-in-the-box Boolean searching;
limiting results to different fields (text, title, URL) on a
limiting by language, domain, and content (for example, "safe
searching"); and
displaying results from 10-100 per page.
More Resources
New Google tools are being introduced constantly. If you are a
devoted Google fan looking to learn more tips and tricks for your
practice or personal use, consult Google Hacks,2 a new book by Tara Calishain and Rael Dornfest.
This book shows in great depth how the search syntax and the above
features work and offers customizable scripts so you can write your own
1See www.searchengineshowdown.com/stats.
2Tara Calishain & Rael
Dornfest, Google Hacks: 100 Industrial Strength Tips and Tools