Vol. 78, No. 8, August
In the News
New Hires, Promotions, Partners
Ryan J. Bird, Marquette 2001, has joined Herzog
& O'Connor P.C., Scottsdale, Ariz., as an associate, focusing on
insurance defense and plaintiffs' personal injury work. He previously
was an associate at Padway & Padway Ltd., Milwaukee.
Robert B. Blazewick, Marquette 1987, has been
promoted to captain in the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General's (JAG)
Corps and has become deputy division director in the JAG Corps general
litigation division.
Richards |
Daniel A. Gruhn, U.W. 2004, and Drew A.
Richards, U.W. 2005, have joined Corneille Law Group LLC,
Timothy H. Lindau, Marquette 2005, has joined Nowlan
& Mouat LLP, Janesville, as an associate, practicing primarily in
Justin Martell, Valparaiso 2001, has joined the
Milwaukee office of Wessels & Pautsch P.C., a management-side labor
and employment law firm. He previously was a U.S. Marine Corps judge
advocate and an associate professor of business law at Embry Riddle
Aeronautical University.
Several attorneys have joined Godfrey & Kahn S.C. Kevin
C. Boyle, Michigan 2004, has joined the environmental and
energy practice group in the Milwaukee office. Colin L.
Fairman, U.W. 2001, and Douglas M. Poland,
Loyola-Chicago 1994 summa cum laude, have joined the Madison office,
LaFollette Godfrey & Kahn. Fairman focuses on intellectual property
matters, with an emphasis in biotechnology and nanotechnology. Poland, a
shareholder, focuses on the defense of class action and commercial
matters, with an emphasis in product liability, toxic tort, and consumer
fraud litigation. He previously was with the Chicago office of Kirkland
& Ellis LLP.
J. Ryan Miller, Marquette 2001 cum laude, has joined
the New York office of Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy as an associate
in the litigation group. He previously was with Clifford Chance US
Three attorneys have joined Murphy Desmond S.C, Madison.
Jeffrey J. Bartzen, U.W. 1991, focuses on business and
real estate law. Erin R. Ogden, Chicago-Kent 2003,
focuses on intellectual property matters. Tom Olson,
U.W. 1969, focuses on business law.
Two attorneys have joined Meissner Tierney Fisher & Nichols S.C.,
Milwaukee, as associates. Stephanie M. Erickson,
Marquette 2005 cum laude, and Erin H. Martin, Marquette
2005 cum laude, focus on environmental and insurance litigation.
Daniel O'Callaghan, U.W. 2005, and Neil B.
Stekloff, Connecticut 1998 with high honors, have joined
Michael Best & Friedrich LLP. O'Callaghan is an associate in the
land and resources practice group in the Waukesha office, focusing on
real estate, land use, and environmental law. Stekloff is an associate
in the employment relations practice group in the Milwaukee office,
representing employers in all aspects of employment law.
Jarrod J. Papendorf, Valparaiso 1993, has joined
Menn Law Firm Ltd., Appleton, practicing in personal injury, insurance
defense, worker's compensation, and family law. He previously was with
McCanna, Dudas, Kewley & Papendorf S.C., Appleton.
Matthew L. Storms, Case Western Reserve 1996, has
been called to active duty as a captain with the Wisconsin Army National
Guard 2nd Battalion, 127th Infantry for overseas deployment. He is with
Michael Best & Friedrich LLP, Madison.
Elizabeth R. Sundquist, Marquette 2003, has joined
McCoy & Hofbauer S.C., Waukesha, as an associate, focusing on
complex litigation, municipal law, and commercial and residential real
estate litigation.
Abbott |
Claudia J. Egan, U.W. 1996, has become a shareholder
with the Milwaukee office of von Briesen & Roper s.c., focusing on
complex commercial transactions and computer and technology law issues,
particularly electronic medical records, system security, and hardware
and software acquisition. Melissa A. Abbott, U.W. 2002,
has joined the firm's Madison office as an associate, focusing on estate
planning, estate and trust administration, estate and gift tax planning,
and related tax work.
Rodney J. Uphoff, U.W. 1976, has become director of
the University of Missouri South African Educational Program. He
previously was associate dean for academic affairs at the University of
Missouri-Columbia Law School.
Mergers, Relocations, New Associations
The lawyers of Quale Hartmann, Baraboo/Sauk City, have joined
Boardman Law Firm, Madison, and will practice under the name
Boardman Quale Hartmann.
Walter F. Kelly, Boston College 1968, has relocated
his practice, Walter F. Kelly S.C., to 700 W. Michigan
St., Suite 400, Milwaukee, and also has become of counsel to Hawks,
Quindel, Ehlke & Perry.
Maxwell & Baldwin LLP has relocated to 6737 W.
Washington St., Suite 3235, Milwaukee. The firm continues to focus on
bankruptcy, criminal defense, and family law.
Thomas G. Ryan, UCLA 1975, has relocated from
Phoenix to the Las Vegas office of Lewis and Roca LLP. Ryan has had
multiple listings in editions of The Best Lawyers in America in
the business litigation category.
Glenn M. Stoddard, U.W. 1994, has opened a solo
practice at 130 S. Barstow St., Suite 2C, Eau Claire, focusing on
environmental, land use, employment, civil rights, local government, and
administrative law. He previously was a partner with Garvey &
Stoddard S.C., Madison. He also has been named 2005 Environmental
Advocate of the Year by the Clean Water Action Council of Northeastern
Authors, Speakers
Daniel J. La Fave, Northwestern 1992 with honors,
has authored "Remedying the Confusion Between Statutes of Limitations
and Statutes of Repose in Wisconsin - A Conceptual Guide," Marquette
Law Review (Summer 2005). He is a partner with the Milwaukee office
of Quarles & Brady LLP, focusing on product liability counseling and
Daryll J. Neuser, U.W. 1999, has authored "How to
Conduct Effective Internal Investigations of Workplace Matters,"
Employee Relations Law Journal (Spring 2005). He is with the
Madison office of Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c.
Appointments, Elections
The Ashland-Bayfield County Bar Association has elected the following
officers: president - H. Craig Haukaas, Washburn; vice
president - John R. Carlson, Washburn; and
secretary/treasurer - Joseph C. Crawford, La
Randall E. Bennett, U.W. 1988, has become chair of
the State Bar Intellectual Property Section. He is director of legal
services for Plexus Corp., headquartered in Neenah.
Mark J. Bradley, U.W. 1977, has been elected vice
president of the U.W. System Board of Regents. He is a shareholder with
Ruder Ware, Wausau, and is chair of the firm's trusts and estates
practice group.
The Brown County Women's Bar Association has elected the following
officers: president - Jodi L. Murphy, Green Bay; vice
president of membership - Jennifer T. Olson, Green Bay;
vice president of meetings - Christina L. Peterson, De
Pere; and treasurer - Paula J. Lynch, Green Bay.
Gina Carter, Georgetown 1986, has been named head of
the newly created credit union practice group at Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek
S.C. She is with the firm's Madison office.
The Dane County Bar Association has elected the following officers:
president - Marsha M. Mansfield; president-elect -
John R. Sweeney; secretary - Marta T.
Meyers; and treasurer - David R. Friedman, all
of Madison.
The Door County Bar Association has elected the following officers:
president - Victor D. Brooks; president-elect -
Jon R. Pinkert; secretary - Rodney
Duquaine; and treasurer - Richard A. Hauser,
all of Sturgeon Bay.
The Door-Kewaunee County Bar Association has elected the following
officers: president - Mark W. Hunter, Green Bay;
president-elect - Andrew P. Naze, Kewaunee; and
secretary/treasurer - Jeffrey R. Wisnicky, Algoma.
The Eau Claire County Bar Association has elected the following
officers: president - Daniel R. Freund; president-elect
- Christopher M. Seelen; secretary - AmyAnn W.
Mursu; and treasurer - Stephen C. Nick, all of
Eau Claire.
Kelly M. Fortier, Loyola-Chicago 2003 magna cum
laude, has been elected secretary of the Wisconsin chapter of the
American Immigration Lawyers Association. She is an associate with the
Milwaukee office of Michael Best & Friedrich LLP, focusing on
immigration and employee benefits law.
Ross L. Kodner, Marquette 1986, has been appointed
chair of the knowledge management committee of the Open Legal Standards
Panel, which focuses on creating the industry standard in corporate law
department practice. Kodner recently was appointed to the advisory board
for ABA Techshow and to the board for Legal Electronic Documents
Kodner, CEO and senior legal technologist of MicroLaw, Glendale, also
authored "Law Practice Business 101: The ROLTI Factor - Teaching Lawyers
to Think Like Businesspeople," Legal Management (March/April
2005) and spoke on this topic at the Association of Legal
Administrators' annual conference in San Francisco in April.
The League of Wisconsin Municipalities - Municipal Attorneys has
elected the following officers: president - Michael J.
Morse, Menomonee Falls; and secretary - Linda U.
Burke, Milwaukee.
The Lincoln County Bar Association has elected the following
officers: president - Jill L. Laufenberg, Merrill;
president-elect - John M. Schellpfeffer, Wausau; and
secretary/treasurer - Gerald J. Hersil, Merrill.
The Manitowoc County Bar Association has elected the following
officers: president - Steven R. Alpert; president-elect
- Lee H. Kummer; and secretary/treasurer -
Robert P. Dewane, all of Manitowoc.
The Marathon County Bar Association has elected the following
officers: president - Russell W. Wilson;
president-elect - Gregory J. Strasser; secretary -
Cari L. Westerhof; and treasurer - Virginia L.
Erdman, all of Wausau.
David W. Marquez, U.W. 1973, has been appointed
Alaska Attorney General by Gov. Frank Murkowski.
The Marinette County Bar Association has elected the following
officers: president - Stephen F. Matty; president-elect
- DeShea D. Morrow; and secretary/treasurer -
Joseph J. Klumb, all of Marinette.
The Milwaukee Bar Association has elected the following officers:
president - Pamela Pepper; president-elect -
Michael J. Skwierawski; vice president - David
A. Westrup; and secretary/treasurer - Patricia A.
Hintz, all of Milwaukee.
The Milwaukee Young Lawyers Association has elected the following
officers: president - Benjamin S. Wagner;
president-elect - Jeaneen J. Dehring; secretary -
Gary D. Lippow; and treasurer - Scott B.
Franklin, all of Milwaukee.
The Oconto County Bar Association has elected the following officers:
president - Edward D. Burke Jr.; and
secretary/treasurer - Brent H. DeBord, both of
The Oneida-Vilas-Forest County Bar Association has elected the
following officers: president - Steven M. Michlig; vice
president - Patrick H. Finlan; secretary - Todd
R. McEldowney; and treasurer - Gary S.
Cirilli, all of Rhinelander.
The Outagamie County Bar Association has elected the following
officers: president - Robin Lee Koch, New London;
president-elect - Valerie J. Goodrich, Appleton;
secretary - Christopher G. Sitzmann, Appleton; and
treasurer - Robert T. Kemps, Appleton.
The Racine County Bar Association has elected the following officers:
president - Timothy S. Knurr; president-elect -
Wynne P. Laufenberg; secretary - Carrie R.
Michelson; and treasurer - Bernard J. Powers,
all of Racine.
The Rock County Bar Association has elected the following officers:
president - Duffy Dillon, Janesville; vice president -
Jonathan W. Groessl, Janesville; secretary -
Amy M. Larkey, Janesville; and treasurer -
Matthew T. Roethe, Edgerton.
Rebecca L. Salawdeh, U.W. 1996, has been appointed
to the board of the National Employment Lawyers Association, an
organization of employment attorneys who represent plaintiffs in all
areas of employment litigation. She is with Urban & Taylor s.c.,
Milwaukee, where she concentrates on employee rights litigation.
Thomas R. Schrimpf, Marquette 1977, has been elected
to the executive committee at Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP. He is a
partner in the Milwaukee office and focuses on commercial litigation and
appellate practice, with an emphasis in insurance coverage, employment
law, and environmental law.
The St. Croix Valley Bar Association (Dunn, Pierce, Polk and St.
Croix counties) has elected the following officers: president -
Jason M. Fey, Hudson; president-elect -
Michelle W. Heckmann, River Falls; secretary -
Robert A. Parsons, River Falls; and treasurer -
Anne E. Schmiege, New Richmond.
The Waukesha County Bar Association has elected the following
officers: president - Eric A. Love, Milwaukee;
president-elect - Hon. J. Mac Davis, Waukesha; and
secretary/treasurer - Marjorie A. Wendt,
The Waupaca County Bar Association has elected the following
officers: president - Jeffrey J. Siewert, Waupaca;
president-elect - Kaye E. Anderson, Waupaca; and
secretary/treasurer - Robin L. Koch, New London.
The Hon. Mel Flanagan, U.W. 1984, and the Hon.
Jeffrey Kremers, U.W. 1975, have been appointed deputy
chief judges for the First Judicial Administrative District (which
encompasses the Milwaukee County Circuit Court's 47 branches) by the
incoming chief judge, the Hon. Kitty K. Brennan, U.W.
1977. The judges' administrative duties include budgeting, managing
personnel, and communicating with the county board.
Herrmann |
Lisa M. Gingerich, California Western 1994 (Dean's
scholar), and Leslye A. Herrmann, Chicago 1992 with
honors, have been appointed leaders of the health care practice group at
Milwaukee-based von Briesen & Roper s.c. Gingerich focuses on
antitrust, business affiliations, mergers and acquisitions, fraud and
abuse, tax exemption, and corporate compliance. Herrmann focuses on
assisting clients with complex regulatory requirements with an emphasis
on Medicare and Medicaid compliance.
David G. Walsh, Harvard 1970, has been elected
president of the U.W. System Board of Regents. He is a partner in the
Madison office of Foley & Lardner LLP, focusing on business
transactions, estate planning, and telecommunications law.
The Western District of Wisconsin Bar Association has elected the
following officers: president - Michael J. Modl;
president-elect - Jennifer Sloan Lattis; secretary -
Robert E. Shumaker; and treasurer - Gregory T.
Everts, all of Madison.
The Wisconsin Association of African American Lawyers has elected the
following officers: president - Coral D. Pleas;
president-elect - Alexis R. Liggins; secretary -
Antonique C. Williams; and treasurer - Rodney
A. DeWalt, all of Milwaukee.
The Wisconsin Intellectual Property Law Association has elected the
following officers: president - Thomas J. Pienkos;
president-elect - Richard T. Roche; and
secretary/treasurer - John H. D'Antico, all of
The Wood County Bar Association has elected the following officers:
president - Amy Boettcher; and secretary/treasurer -
Gary J. Kryshak, both of Wisconsin Rapids.
Awards, Degrees, Honors
John D. Emory Jr., U.W. 1997, received the
Governor's Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award from Gov. Jim Doyle and
the Wisconsin chapter of the Entrepreneur's Organization. He is managing
director of Emory Business Advisors LLC, Milwaukee.
The Hon. Michael P. Sullivan, Michigan 1968,
received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Milwaukee Bar Association
at the association's annual meeting. Sullivan is chief judge of the
Milwaukee County Circuit Court.
Nathan Fishbach, Villanova 1977, and William
J. Mulligan, Marquette 1960, received Lawyer of the Year
awards. Fishbach is with Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek S.C., Milwaukee, and
Mulligan is with Davis & Kuelthau S.C., Milwaukee.
Frank Pasternak, John Marshall 1995, was voted "Best
Attorney" in CNI Newspapers' "Best of the Burbs" survey, published in
June 2005. He practices plaintiffs' personal injury and wrongful death
litigation at Frank Pasternak & Associates S.C., Wauwatosa.
Karen M. Schapiro, Northwestern 1985, received a
Great Lakes Stewardship Award from the Alliance for the Great Lakes in
recognition of her pro bono work on a Clean Water Act lawsuit. She is
with the Brookfield office of DeWitt Ross & Stevens S.C. and
practices environmental law.
Eric W. Schulze, Marquette 1997, received an LL.M.
in employee benefits law, with honors, from John Marshall Law School. He
is in-house counsel for Allstate Insurance Co., Northbrook, Ill.
The corporate/mergers and acquisitions (M&A), real estate, and
general commercial litigation practices at Godfrey & Kahn
S.C. have been recognized as among the top groups statewide in
a listing of "America's Leading Business Lawyers 2005," compiled by
Chambers & Partners. Individual attorneys recognized for
corporate/M&A work are John A. Dickens, U.W. 1981,
Peter M. Sommerhauser, Northwestern 1968, and
Nicholas P. Wahl, U.W. 1990, all of the Milwaukee
office, and Michael E. Skindrud, U.W. 1975, of the
Madison office, LaFollette Godfrey & Kahn.
Individual attorneys recognized for real estate are Steve L.
Chernof, U.W. 1968, and Michael J. Dwyer,
Michigan 1978.
In Memoriam
Robert L. Kamholz Jr., Michigan 1978, Milwaukee,
July 5, 1953 - May 28, 2005.
William C. Koenig, U.W. 1950, Pewaukee, Nov. 28,
1926 - April 5, 2005.
Donald R. McCallum, U.W. 1960, Stoughton, July 21,
1930 - June 4, 2005.
Gaylord Nelson, U.W. 1942, Kensington, Md., June 4,
1916 - July 3, 2005.
Roger D. Parish, University of Bridgeport 1988,
Reeseville, July 31, 1939 - May 28, 2005.
Wisconsin Lawyer